Keep contest 2022 and customizing


Keep contest:

Does anyone know when the keep contest will begin for 2022? 
When does Test Center 1 (TC-1) get wiped so people can place plots and start experimenting or building designs?
How difficult is it to find and place a keep-sized plot on TC-1?


I read somewhere that customization will never be available for sizes over 18x18 on paying account shards.  I do not understand the difference between an 18x18 and going up in increments to castle size.  Is there some explanation that truly explains why this cannot or will not be done?  

I am looking for knowledge-based answers, not bashing of developers/programming coders, please.  

Thank you.


  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,791
    finding keep spots is lot easier on TC
    you can place them on Tram, fel or Malas

    they will wipe it just before the contest starts.

    they have not set a date for publish 113
    nor have they confirmed they will have one then
    (but it is expected, because of the castle contest)

    Usually we have a publish in May or June
    (based on past publish cycles)
    so I am expecting it to be sometime around then.


    And about bigger plots than an 18X18
    people have been asking for this for quite some time
    at meet & greets
    (I don't have the exact meet & greet dates & times
    so I can't reference them)

    I believe they said something about not messing with the 
    house customization at this time.
    people were also asking about adding the missing pieces to 
    each wall/roof/floor tiles too

    in my opinion, that should be addressed before making larger size plots
  • TraleahTraleah Posts: 10
    Thank you, Cinderella.

    I have been away for several years, so I am not up on all of the personnel changes and game decisions.

    Is there a link to the newsletter somewhere so I can sign up?  That way, I will be more informed on the game and when the keep contest begins, if they have one this year.

    Regarding the plots, I agree, it would be nice if those were updated.  I do think inserting the missing elements could be done in sync with increasing customizable plot sizes with the test shard used to ensure everything works as well as it can before moving to live.  I know issues occur between the test and live environments, but if people (this includes me) truly want incrementally larger, customizable plots, they would have to be willing to work with the development team programmers to report and fix glitches, rather than the complaining and bashing I read so much of in forums.  Being an older game, there is probably some "unique" coding to work through.

    Again, thank you for your well-thought-out response.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,791
    on the main Uo .com page
    there is a spot where you can sign up

    here is the link that will take you to

    Broadsword Online Games (
  • TraleahTraleah Posts: 10
    Thanks!  I was looking for something labeled as "newsletter" and didn't pay attention to "Herald."
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