Question @ t-hunts

OrdoviciaOrdovicia Posts: 36
Hello folks,
I am back playing after a bit off and was doing a level 3 treasure hunt and noticed that my provocation (actually mine and the other person I was with) basically doesn't work on the mobs that came out. It says "succeeded" but yet they do not fight each other. I have GM music, prov, peace and I'm not sure what the deal is. Actually, peacemaking worked but not prov. I can provoke other mobs of the type that came out when not on a t-hunt so I was wondering if something about t-hunts makes mobs immune to prov now? Thanks for any help!


  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    If I remember correctly, it seems that the ogre lords, and maybe something else won't provo. When you hit the higher chests everything that spawns will/should be able to be provo'ed.
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • SyncrosSyncros Posts: 116
    Did you peace the (targeted em) mobs first then tried to provoke?  Maybe that was the case.  I know when I had provoke I didnt have any issues like that, its either failed or succeeded or target cant be provoked.  Not on L3 maps though, everything there should easily be provoked onto each other.
  • OrdoviciaOrdovicia Posts: 36
    Okay thanks for the responses. I'll give it another try and see what happens.
  • FoxhsuFoxhsu Posts: 1
    It happened to me, too. I did lv 4 & 5, most are Orge Lord, Glaze/LL sometime. Message show provoke successed, but keep come to me and attack. 
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    That's because Ogre Lords & Daemons (out of the mobs that spawn from T-maps) were Faction Mobs. They ignore provoke since factions were removed from the game in September 25, 2014.

    bug reported... 6/7/2015...  Maybe that'll make it into the next bug fix publish...

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,399Moderator
    CovenantX said:
    That's because Ogre Lords & Daemons (out of the mobs that spawn from T-maps) were Faction Mobs. They ignore provoke since factions were removed from the game in September 25, 2014.

    bug reported... 6/7/2015...  Maybe that'll make it into the next bug fix publish...

    Thank you for that clarification  With that in mind I will move this thread to the bug forum
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