Bring Back Static Resources



  • SethSeth Posts: 2,942
    edited November 2021
    Merus said:

    Make resources static, make resource checks character specific and increase the replenish timer.

    Each character will be able to harvest from a special tree or vein, but will have to wait longer (perhaps once per day) to reuse the spot.  How much an individual can harvest would be tied to how many locations they are willing to look for.

    I think this is a better solution to solve the early bird question.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,011
    McDougle said:
    The loot from pirating easier...
    Add granite to the loot found on ships and call it a day. 
  • Kyronix said:
    There is an item in our backlog to revisit this - I can say that while we don't have the bandwidth to make this change in the coming publish it is a change worth having a conversation about.

    Right now there is a random chance to get a resource type in any given harvesting attempt based on your skill.  That chance is augmented by a few items, 
    • Using an item, like a gargoyle pickaxe to "bump the level"
    • Using a resource map to guarantee the resource quality
    Beyond that - it's random.

    Now consider what it was like prior to this change (which goes back to 2007).  Resources of any given quality could be found in static locations.  This resulted in a situation where "the early bird would catch the worm" as the highest end resources were dominated by those who could devote the most time to harvesting them at that location.  This would effectively exhaust the supply without anyone else being able to get those locations.  Given the ease at which a player can move around to each of these locations the likelihood of a store being exhausted is only increased.

    Now consider - is this a situation that would make it easier or harder to acquire the higher level resources you are targeting? 

    I'll be interested to see what perspectives are shared here!

    Kyronix, to "the early bird would catch the worm" part I would like to counteroffer that in today's day and age there are simply way too many mountains and trees to mine and lumber and not enough people online on all shards to ever mine it all, every day, 24 hours a day.

    Since 2007 we've had Malas added, and Tokuno, and Ter Mur. Back then we just had Trammel and Felucca, and I believe Ilshenar had just been released. Competition was a way bigger deal back then, especially since lots of people bought runebooks filled with high end ore spots from vendors, instead of looking out on their own for high end spots...

    Also, you'll have to look at the use of special metals nowadays. In 2007 the high end ores started to lose their functionality. Age of Shadows was released, items became resists based. Sure, you needed certain metals for enhancing, but the days of full valorite plate mail were gone, except maybe to dress up at ingame weddings...

    These days the other ores are mainly needed for BODs. Sure some are still useful for weapon crafting to get elemental damage type weapons, and perhaps some enhancing still, but that's about it. So you should also perhaps view high end ore usefulness in 2021 against dynamic vs. static spawn...
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,435
    @Kyronix with UOs current population there is no reason what so ever to continue this.  Please revert all resources to static locations and please reconsider smelting failure as it is the only resource that has this.  If I have the knowledge to mine it then I should have the knowledge on how to smelt it, even if you require 120 Smith with 105 Mining that alone should be 100%
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,011
    @ Kyronix with UOs current population there is no reason what so ever to continue this.  Please revert all resources to static locations and please reconsider smelting failure as it is the only resource that has this.  If I have the knowledge to mine it then I should have the knowledge on how to smelt it, even if you require 120 Smith with 105 Mining that alone should be 100%
    Yep and please put granite on merchant ships. We can loot leather, ingots, ore, logs, boards, cotton, wool among others things. Why not granite?

    I’ve never been a complainer about harvesting my own resources but granite is a totally no fun resource to search for and harvest. It’s a huge investment of time with little success at finding the colors I’m looking for or the the quantities I need. I seldom find it for sale. And when I do it’s at prices I can’t afford. 

    Let us make our mining runebooks again so we can find what we need. And if we find scripters we can stick a crate on their recall spot and call a GM. 
  • I well remember the "hey day" of resource scripting in UO. I remember the copycat scripting houses with the secure boxes on the front steps with hundreds of thousands of resource weight. I still was able to compete and get 75% of the resources I wanted. That includes cycling through my book of Felucca frostwood trees. I got a complete set of blackthorne kryss's with frostwood. That was a heck of a lot of frostwood.

    I used to resource farm for fun because it was something that felt productive. Now? I have not bothered to gather a single resources (except saltpeter) such as wood or ingots the "old fashioned way" since the change. I get them the other methods that are available in-game. I also do not fill bods on a regular basis. If the revert happened, it would give me an incentive to resource hunt the old fashioned way again.

  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,686
    Tyrath said:
    Now consider what it was like prior to this change (which goes back to 2007).  Resources of any given quality could be found in static locations.  This resulted in a situation where "the early bird would catch the worm" as the highest end resources were dominated by those who could devote the most time to harvesting them at that location.

    Prior to the change myself and a whole lot of other people actually spent a considerable amount of time mining and lumber jacking.  It did not take long after the change for most of us to just say to heck with this ain't worth the headache.  We by the way had  zero problem under the old system. If you were around back during the change then you know most legit miners and LJs were strongly against the change.  What we were asking for was that the scripters be dealt with not our primary job in the game to be wrecked. 

      As far as the early bird getting the worm, that is as it should be.  It is how it is in almost every other aspect of the game.Those who spend more time working at achieving something tend to be much better and consistent at obtaining the things they are after.

       I think we are all aware of Garg Picks and Prospector tools and how to use them.  They like the mining and LJ skill are about useless in the current system. 

      The Stated reason for changing mining and LJ back in the day was to deter scripting of resources.  That was an epic fail that actually catered to resource scripters and effectively gave them a monopoly on wood and ore.  Again static locations were not the problem, the tolerance and lack of consequences for cheating was the problem.

      After so many years of having free run of the market the RMTs have more resources stock piled than they will sell in two lifetimes.   You actually see very VERY few resource bots anymore.  Why?  Because there is little to no market for what they already have mountains of. 

      A good number of people quit UO over the change, Considering the dev flavor of the day broke both of my main things in game back then Resource Gathering and Bags of Sending.  The only reason I didn't walk away back then was they returned bags of sending back to functioning as they had due to the massive outrage of how the new BOS worked.   Mining and LJ should have been reverted back at that time.  There just were not enough of us that used LJ and Mining as our primary playstyle to make as much noise as there were people angry about the BOS Farce. 

      You don't need to over think this one or make it more complex than it has to be!  No one wants to use those ignorant maps or waste their game time obtaining the ignorant maps.  Sure they are novel for the occasional miner but overall not worth the time or effort to use them.  Wha tthose of us who actually want to be miners and Lumber Jacks want is what we had before the entire system was wrecked into a scripter only activity.  It really is that simple. 

      NO ONE had trouble obtaining resources under the old static system.  I don't think I ever heard anyone complain in that regard.  Again the biggest complaint was the devs and gms allowed the blatant script bots to run 23/7 without consequence.  You know the same complaints players have now in other more lucrative areas of the game that are bot dominated.

    this plus 10
    well said my friend 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,120
    LilyGrace said:
    @ Kyronix with UOs current population there is no reason what so ever to continue this.  Please revert all resources to static locations and please reconsider smelting failure as it is the only resource that has this.  If I have the knowledge to mine it then I should have the knowledge on how to smelt it, even if you require 120 Smith with 105 Mining that alone should be 100%
    Yep and please put granite on merchant ships. We can loot leather, ingots, ore, logs, boards, cotton, wool among others things. Why not granite?

    I’ve never been a complainer about harvesting my own resources but granite is a totally no fun resource to search for and harvest. It’s a huge investment of time with little success at finding the colors I’m looking for or the the quantities I need. I seldom find it for sale. And when I do it’s at prices I can’t afford. 

    Let us make our mining runebooks again so we can find what we need. And if we find scripters we can stick a crate on their recall spot and call a GM. 
    And, @Kyronix , if you are going to add Granite on Merchant Ships, please, also add "small blackrock" which is needed and used for crafting a number of items....
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,489
    popps said:
    LilyGrace said:
    @ Kyronix with UOs current population there is no reason what so ever to continue this.  Please revert all resources to static locations and please reconsider smelting failure as it is the only resource that has this.  If I have the knowledge to mine it then I should have the knowledge on how to smelt it, even if you require 120 Smith with 105 Mining that alone should be 100%
    Yep and please put granite on merchant ships. We can loot leather, ingots, ore, logs, boards, cotton, wool among others things. Why not granite?

    I’ve never been a complainer about harvesting my own resources but granite is a totally no fun resource to search for and harvest. It’s a huge investment of time with little success at finding the colors I’m looking for or the the quantities I need. I seldom find it for sale. And when I do it’s at prices I can’t afford. 

    Let us make our mining runebooks again so we can find what we need. And if we find scripters we can stick a crate on their recall spot and call a GM. 
    And, @ Kyronix , if you are going to add Granite on Merchant Ships, please, also add "small blackrock" which is needed and used for crafting a number of items....
    small blackrock - take a wander around a few mining spots and pick it up off the ground, most miners, especially the less honest ones, leave it lying on the ground

    I received 142 gold granite yesterday from a trade quest.  I expect to get quite a bit more running trades for Krampus. I also got a significant quantity of bloodwood and heartwood boards.
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