Looking to form a Group, Returning from SOTA
in Atlantic
Returning from SOTA, which did not feed my Uo taste. Looking to form a small team, group, or a guild to make peerless runs. you dont have to take guild tag if one doesn't want too. I get that people dont want others stealing from them. and with the ability to stone skills, it could happen at any time. Is why I am reluctant to join large guilds. U.S Eastern/ Central Time Zone or players would be Ideal for me but it isnt a deal breaker, just a good principle to follow.
Maybe you are new or a new account and want to hang out to get up to speed, that is fine also you can find me on discord.
[ discord: Richard Alpert#7640 ]
I have an Icq # but I rarely use Icq, discord is much better > https://discordapp.com/

Maybe you are new or a new account and want to hang out to get up to speed, that is fine also you can find me on discord.
[ discord: Richard Alpert#7640 ]
I have an Icq # but I rarely use Icq, discord is much better > https://discordapp.com/
