Your Governors Sonoma 6-16-21

DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
Here is the list of current Governors and those cities lacking one

If you wish to be a governor of one of those cities that has none, be at the Governor's Meeting with the King and petition to made so, the meeting is this Friday (The 18th) 5pm PDT (7pm CDT)
You must be a citizen of that city with a ADORE loyal rating
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  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    edited June 2021

  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    edited June 2021
    Clym says to please pass along this message to the EM.  "Thanks for replacing me without a chance to explain why I missed the election date and the Governor's meeting.  It will be the last you'll ever see of me at any meeting or at any function"
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    Parnoc said:
    Clym says to please pass along this message to the EM.  "Thanks for replacing me without a chance to explain why I missed the election date and the Governor's meeting.  It will be the last you'll ever see of me at any meeting or at any function"
    So, I sent a PM to, what passes for an EM on Sonoma (Xanthus) asking about this. I didn't get a reply. So a couple of days later, I send a follow up. With STILL no reply. The Sonoma EM is HORRIBLE, and has no clue what he/she is doing. He/she is VERY quick to point out he "deserves" to be an EM, because he WANTS to be one. He is also very quick to point out the reason he has to reschedue/postphone/cancel events is because of his health. While I understand health issues, if someone can't do the job, then they shouldn't HAVE THE JOB! 

    Sonoma deserves better than this. Xanthus, you should just do the shard a favor, and resign from the EM program!
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Parnoc said:
    Clym says to please pass along this message to the EM.  "Thanks for replacing me without a chance to explain why I missed the election date and the Governor's meeting.  It will be the last you'll ever see of me at any meeting or at any function"
    I was saddened to learn about why Clym wasn't able to make the meeting.
    And I am sorry about there being a new governor of Skara Brae.
    my thoughts and prayers are with you.
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    The Sonoma EM is a person with some serious medical problems that require him to receive some very harsh treatment, its no secret, he has cancer, maybe this is why he missed your PMs.  I did post above that if you were to attend the next meeting and petition the King for a vacant seat and could meet the require ADORE loyal rating of that city you could be the Governor of that city.
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    Drakelord said:
    The Sonoma EM is a person with some serious medical problems that require him to receive some very harsh treatment, its no secret, he has cancer, maybe this is why he missed your PMs.  I did post above that if you were to attend the next meeting and petition the King for a vacant seat and could meet the require ADORE loyal rating of that city you could be the Governor of that city.
    I never said I wanted to be a governor. I quit shortly after the current EM "came aboard". It is of course, very sad that he is sick, but honestly, it is probably even more of a reason for him to step down perhaps. 
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    After the last event, he said that the doctors think it might be coming back.
    He said that if it does, that he would be stepping down, until after treatments are over.
    That it wouldn't be fair for any of us.

    I hope that it hasn't come back, but if it has... Then him stepping down while going through treatment, is the best thing. He doesn't need stress during those difficult times.


    I know some people thought I was being insensitive before, when I would ask about his treatments. I went through similar circumstances, so I know how difficult it is to talk about. 
    And hearing the words from the doctor about it possibly returning, makes horrrible thoughts go through your head. Those thoughts went through my head recently (even though mine wasn't the re-occuring type) and I was so relieved that the doctor was wrong. I can't even begin to imagine having to go through that, while hearing people complain about what the drop was at the latest event. FYI, I absolutely loved the purple club from the last event. Now I am kinda wishing for a caveman type shirt and shorts to go with it haha. (not purple though hehe)


    I do understand why Clym was very upset about another person being appointed to the city of Skara Brae. (I wasn't at that governors meeting, so I don't know how that happened). I also know that he said before that he wasn't going to run for governor, because we were told that if we miss a governors meeting, that we would be out. I wasn't going to run myself, because of that, but decided at the last minute to go ahead and do it. I didn't expect to miss the first meeting (didn't realize the day was different). I sent him an email telling him why I missed the meeting. I don't plan on missing any more of them, but might have to end up stepping down, sooner than I would like to.
  • It's pretty ridiculous that meetings are required to be governor. If you want to roleplay, feel free to do so. If you just want to make sure that the shard has a town buff available, what's the problem?
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    He has yet to post his schedule, but we normally have our meeting the 2nd Sunday of the month at 5pm PDT, that will be the 8th of Aug at 7pm CDT.  Any Governors that cannot make it email him asap.
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    Treasure Hunters
  • AngelAngel Posts: 11
    Are there governor meetings. I went to one with only 2 governors showing up. I did not see the September mtg. And why is Cym upset with placing a governor for skara?
  • AngelAngel Posts: 11
    I have heard that our EM is quite ill, and gets ill during the meetings at times. We must bear with him and have patience and prayers.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Angel said:
    I have heard that our EM is quite ill, and gets ill during the meetings at times. We must bear with him and have patience and prayers.
    EM Xanthus stepped down when his cancer came back.
    The EM roster shows that we have EM Azure Sky,
    who must be training on another shard.


    And about Clym...
    He has been a long time Governor of Skara Brae.
    He left office for a short time but was Governor at the time of the last election.
    He missed the sign up period and was upset that someone was appointed the position
    before he could be request to be appointed again.

    This happening, while he was dealing with real life issues,
    was very heart breaking for him. (I will leave it up to him,
    whether he wants anyone to know the exact circumstances)

    I missed the meeting (health reasons)
    so I don't know how this person was appointed.
    (usually it is by vote of the current governors)


    And there was no September governors meeting
    due to there being no EM.
    (I say that King Blackthorn was away tending other Kingly business.)
  • Jhelom is waiting! ;)
  • AngelAngel Posts: 11
    No meeting this month either "October" and I didn't see a message to inform us. So sad. Glad to hear there will be a new Gm, I hope and pray that Xanthus is fine.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    I read on Stratics that our new EM trained last night on Chesapeake.
    so maybe they will start over here soon.
  • AngelAngel Posts: 11
    Thank you Cinderella, I tried talking to you within game chat, but you must have been off today. That would be nice, but I've seen some that have not made the cut unfortunately.
  • AngelAngel Posts: 11
    I see that we have other city's on Sonoma that do not have a Governor.
  • AngelAngel Posts: 11
    Cinderella one thing Xantus didn't finish fixing me is. A single click on Skara guild stone still says Skara is vacant. but dbl click and it shows me. :(
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Angel said:
    Cinderella one thing Xantus didn't finish fixing me is. A single click on Skara guild stone still says Skara is vacant. but dbl click and it shows me. :(
    Maybe Azure can fix that asap
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • AngelAngel Posts: 11
    That would be nice Drakelord. Thank you for caring.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Angel said:
    Thank you Cinderella, I tried talking to you within game chat, but you must have been off today. That would be nice, but I've seen some that have not made the cut unfortunately.
    sorry, I must have missed you talking in General Chat.
    I was working on Large BODs for the Artisan Festival on that day.

    Also I haven't been playing as much as I would like too.
    I fell twice last fall and ever since, if I sit too long I start to hurt.
    I was in Hythloth too many hours the first couple of days
    and now can't sit for long periods.

    That and everything I do, starts to remind me of Joyce
    then I have to take a break for awhile
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