Dual screen and EC

Hello everyone! I am a returning player and currently running into a issue on dual screen comp I am trying to keep the window stretched across both monitors so I can have a split view with more real estate across the bottom for hot bars without shrinking ui scale (getting old bad eye site) every time I get it setup I try to logout so it’ll save but when I restart I have to do it all over again ? Is there another way or do I need to change a script?


  • The short answer to your question is "Yes" the EC can stretch the window over multiple monitors and save the multiple monitor stretch on logout. I just tested this and as I'm typing I have a single EC window stretched out over multiple monitors. Window size was saved and reloaded without problem.

    So, to help you figure out how to do what you want, some questions:
    1. Can you stretch other windows across both monitors with your current OS setup?
    2. In UO:EC, User Settings > Graphics > Fullscreen = is not checked?
    3. This is default EC not a Custom UI?
  • Thanks for your response.
    1 yes I have a couple other programs I do the same thing to I am able stretch the over both monitors
    2 I have the EC in window mode full screen is not checked
    3 I am not using a custom UI like pincos etc just standard download 

    so when I get everything stretched out and hot bars set then I logout when I log back in it is stretched but it is stretched right and all located in my right screen I feel like it is an so issue (win10) maybe if I set my left screen as dominate it will fix the issue?

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    edited September 2021
    Thanks for your response.
    1 yes I have a couple other programs I do the same thing to I am able stretch the over both monitors
    2 I have the EC in window mode full screen is not checked
    3 I am not using a custom UI like pincos etc just standard download 

    so when I get everything stretched out and hot bars set then I logout when I log back in it is stretched but it is stretched right and all located in my right screen I feel like it is an so issue (win10) maybe if I set my left screen as dominate it will fix the issue?

    Some where there is a setting for use both screens maybe on your video card control panel?

    Or display settings gosh i forget now 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Well for now I got to work by dragging display settings window in os to left screen and clicking make primary and it opens up stretched!  Thank you for your help now if I can just locate a good macro to cut all the fish in my pack into steaks I’ll be rolling!

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    I think a Butcher knife then target by resource
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  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited September 2021
    Yeah, the monitor position in the OS display settings can cause the windows not to extend the desktop as desired, especially if the physical position of the monitors is different then the way you want the OS to handle them. Glad you got it working!

    Target by Resource just gives "wood" and "red mushrooms" for knives. Unless @McDougle has some other trick with it. He does a lot more fishing then I do.

    As far as I know, the most straightforward macro would use a dagger and then target a fish type, then delay 1, then use a dagger and target another fish type, and so on. The macro would chop an entire stack of fish at once, or multiple stacks of the same type of fish. It would only work on fish in your backpack though.

    The macro would be something like:
    Wait for Target Cursor
    Target by Type (Set to fish type you want)
    Delay (1.0s)
    Wait for Target Cursor
    Target by Type (Set to fish type 2 you want)
    Delay (1.0s)

    You can just keep adding Dagger,WaitForTarget,TargetFish,Delay to the macro as you fish.

    Run the macro and any fish it doesn't chop, add to the macro.

    Might have to mess with the delay, depending on your latency.
  • So with target resource will that target the different types of fish with high seas or should I set up the macro to target each different type?

  • Awesome I’ll give it a try thanks !
  • TimTim Posts: 840
    Another option is

    Have all the fish in one bag or container. Maybe an Agent to move them then there.

    Use action "Store Default Object 1" to target the bag this will stay set until you change it

    The macro would run as 

    Target Default Object 1
    wait for target 
    Target First item

    set for repeat 10

    The macro will use dagger on first item in bag regardless of item type so saves entering all the types of fish. I use it when harvesting bone. 

    Warning it will try and cut up everything in targeted bag so use with cation. 

    Thinking about it you could use the ships hold or the new Huntsman reward as the target container.
  • Sweet that’ll work I already use an agent to move fish to a bag ! That’ll cut down on some idle time while fishing up MIB. Thanks a bunch is there any other fishing macros I need to be directed toward ?forum?youtube?
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    I fish a lot but never cut them up are you not doing the fishmongers quest? Save everything you catch you can deed them in your ship hold
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  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited September 2021
    Target By Resource is used to harvest "resources" from the "world".

    Example: Instead of having to click a pickaxe then click the ground, each and every time you want to mine something, you can setup a Target By Resource macro.

    Put Target By Resource as the first instruction in the macro, then drop a pickaxe in the Target By Resource box and choose the type of resource you want to harvest. Save the macro and assign a hotkey. Now you can press a key to automagically target and harvest from all of the resource nodes in range. (It does miss nodes at times.) Eliminates the click/target fest of normal resource gathering.

    However, since this is a macro, you can put in a delay (say 10 seconds to finish that mining attempt) and then another Target By Resource, then another delay, then another Target By Resource, etc. Then you can set the macro to repeat.

    Now if you push the hotkey the macro will mine 20 or 30 times in a row (however you have it set up) and mine all the nodes in range. You've just reduced a massive click fest into 1 keystroke.

    Works for mining, lumberjacking, fishing, and probably some things I'm forgetting. So, for fishing with Target By Resource, just do as above, but put a fishing pole in the Target By Resource box when building the macro. It will fish out all the water resource nodes in range, no need to set up for individual fish.

    Here is a resource for Target By Resource:
    Enhanced Client Action – Target by Resource – Ultima Online (uo.com)

    You might want to save your fish instead of cutting them into steaks if you're interested in the Fisher quests:
    Crafter Quests – Fishing – Ultima Online (uo.com)
  • No to fishmonger quest maybe I need to look into it I did not know you can deed fish in your hold.

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    No to fishmonger quest maybe I need to look into it I did not know you can deed fish in your hold.

    If you want a 120 fishing power scroll get free from quest 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • KingoftheroeKingoftheroe Posts: 18
    edited September 2021
    Sweet! I thought you could only get it from scallis or something 
    Thank You all for the info!
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    If you're on Atlantic  just holler in general chat the fishing community will help you!!
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
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