@Kyronix - Transmogrification Potion - Head Slot
I am trying to use the Transmogrification Potion Head slot into the Khal Ankur Mask and is not allowing me.

I am trying to use the Transmogrification Potion Head slot into the Khal Ankur Mask and is not allowing me.

At the beginning on TC it could be used. I turned it into a Santa hat.
Last week I took a head piece to Test Center and I was able to use the transmog potion, now I am trying to use the same piece and is not letting me do.
Now is saying that you cant use this on EM Items.
this is just some of the examples:
If you say that we cant use on EM Items, how come work for some items and not others.
Ok, is an EM Item with a nice Hue color and was working on Test Center with no Problem!
now is no longer working on Prodo Shard. BUT
Same EM Category, Same Hue
Tested on TC before i purchase the Potion and guess? worked on Prodo.
so is there any specific rules for this? there is more examples of rare colors items been used and work for some and not others.
Looks like a shield dyed green now.
Looks too close to Dryad Green for the majority to notice. And it lost the name.
i think it’s because of complications with the lower mana cost bonus on head pieces”
@Kyronix also didnt even answer anything. so I guess we all have to go to the M&G today and ask again and again, because at least we will have a record of the things we ask and they dont answer.
so I went back to TC and got the item that I used the potion, the Veil from the wedding package and I have the picture to prove and the item still at TC. so now I guess we can ask them to fix the potion and make work on prodo shard, bc does work on TC.
The description says it only works on armor. They expect you to understand that items with no resist properties are not armor. It was nice to use top hats veils etc on TC. They lost a lot of money when they removed those as targets.