Video: How to fix PvP and the Inflation of Gold problem (Why are Reagents now useless?)



  • SyncrosSyncros Posts: 116
    Just lose reagents from casting spells all together since it is too easy to make a 100% 70 resists lrc suit anyways of which everyone pretty well has anyways.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @crunchnasty if UO has been so neutered so bad as you say and you do not like others play style unless you think it benits UO your way then what is it that draws you to UO.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,493
    This game has been neutered by all these modifications. Why even have regs in the game then? another useless item to be added to the list of useless things in the game such as all the skills that have fallen by the wayside over time. 
    Please stop assuming everyone likes to play the way you do
    Please stop ignoring answers you don't like - I told you who uses reagents, alchemists and scribes. You don't use the potions the alchemist makes?
    I don't play to pvp, I don't want to pvp, I don't have a competitive nature, nor do I have an aggressive nature. Am I not allowed to play the way I enjoy? Must I play the way you dictate?
    As for 'useless skills', well there are new skills in the game now, room in templates had to be found for them somehow.

    I have played, without a break, since late 2000. I enjoyed the game then, I enjoy the game as it is now too. I don't feel the need to put the clock back. Why do you?
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Now you did it, you went and pissed off the @Petra_Fyde.  You in trouble now boy.
  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    This game has been neutered by all these modifications. Why even have regs in the game then? another useless item to be added to the list of useless things in the game such as all the skills that have fallen by the wayside over time. 
    nothing stopping you from using regs if you want to. 
  • crunchnastycrunchnasty Posts: 241
    Damn, straight Trammies run this forum too lol. Its like I just put a simple opinion, and I get stopmed on by carebears who think I'm trying to ruin the game for their delicate style of play.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    LMAO  and yes you are trying to dictate how UO should be played but please just keep stomping those feet and name calling.
  • FatFat Posts: 97
    edited April 2018
    Damn, straight Trammies run this forum too lol. Its like I just put a simple opinion, and I get stopmed on by carebears who think I'm trying to ruin the game for their delicate style of play.
    Again,. AoS happened 15 years ago. Get over it.

    I bet you are a script pot chugger that always gets dropped first in any fight.

  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    Damn, straight Trammies run this forum too lol. Its like I just put a simple opinion, and I get stopmed on by carebears who think I'm trying to ruin the game for their delicate style of play.
    lololololol i do everything i can do in fel in fel. live there, mine/chop there, hunt what i can there. i just dont want to be bothered with regs. if you do, cool, leave the LRC off your suit and have at it.

    loltastic that mr. tough fellucan is all upset over getting stomped on by 'carebears'
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,402Moderator
    Getting a bit too personal here. Disagree without personal attacks please.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited April 2018
    Warriors have to restock with bandages, Archers have to restock with arrows. Now mages don't have to restock with anything.

    I think it's fair capping Lower reagent cost even if it's at 95% or even 99% and I only play mages and blacksmiths.

    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    Mervyn said:
    Warriors have to restock with bandages, Archers have to restock with arrows. Now mages don't have to restock with anything.

    I think it's fair capping Lower reagent cost even if it's at 95% or even 99% and I only play mages and blacksmiths.

    meh, i'll pass. i'd be fine with lower bandage cost and lower ammo cost attributes on armor though.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    I am not asking for 100% lower ammo cost and 100% lower bandage cost, that would make the game 200% worse. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    edited April 2018
    you're welcome to feel that way - I'm just not willing to give up 100% LRC. reagents are a hassle I'm just not interested in at this point.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited April 2018
    People used to play with 0% LRC, and now dropping 100 to say 95 or 99 would just be outrageous? 

    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    sure, back when everyone was evenly matched and items didnt have properties. grab 50 of each or a tribal spear and a handful of bandies and go out and compete on the same level as everyone else, at least as far as character capabilities went. i loved that UO. regs made sense then. then AoS happened and the game changed drastically. I like the way it is now too, but its far different from the game we used to play. Forcing regs back into the game just doesnt make sense to me now, and it's not something i'm interested in dealing with. I dont see it being anything more than a needless hassle at this point in the lifecycle of the game.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    you do realise that, if your LRC was capped at 99%, so would everyone else's?
    How is that not even?
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    of course i do. im saying all we had to worry about back then was a few consumables, it was no big deal to grab regs on the way out the door because they were literally all you needed. now we have 14+ wearables, weapons for every eventuality, petals, apples, ad nauseum. the last thing i want to do is deal with scooping up 8-17 more piles of stuff when im running out to do something, or having to stop what im doing to go load up on 8-17 more piles of stuff when i run dry. I dont see how that's anything more than a chore. I get that in pvp it would be nice to see your opponent off the field for a few after they die, you can reduce their effectiveness easily enough by taking their petals, pots, bandies, etc - knocking them to 99% LRC isnt going to reduce their effectiveness that much more.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited April 2018
    All your items are insured and it’s one button to get dressed insta on EC (or double click your corpse)

    The only new consumables you have that are a must to carry (since they introduced Lower reagent cost) are I think maybe conflags, supernova, and apples. 

    If you’re playing a mystic you don’t even need heal potions now.

    I’m not saying that we should get rid of LRC, I just think it should be capped. If LRC was capped at 95, you’d be carrying 95% less items than we used to carry.

    Now we have to loot everything to try and disable people, before you could just take their garlic or ginseng. 

    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Is the Arena System still around
  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    no point in arguing this anymore, we aren't going to reach a point where we see eye to eye on it. maybe on your fel-only shard, you'll get a LRC cap too.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
  • HonkwompHonkwomp Posts: 44
    edited April 2018
    This is a topic that's been discussed so many times, but I wanted to post this video to show an opinion I share: 

    Why are we allowing the game to have 100% no reagents suits?  This was a huge gold sink, which benefitted the economy in a major way. Now reagents are useless for the most part. Inflation would be reduced greatly if reagents were actually being used as they were designed.

    Also, this video discusses the power scroll issue, and how making them shard bound will allow for the original intent and purpose of power scrolls to be honored... fight over them to increase pvp, and if u don't want to do that, then buy them. Please watch the video before commenting on my post.

    @ Kyronix @ Mesanna @ Mervyn @ everybodyonthisforum 
    I really hate videos so let me just comment on the economy in general.  It has never been a 0 sum game.   I am not sure how many views you got, but there is no way I am investing a half hour! LOL When I started in 99, one of the very first Forum posts I read was how the economy was broken.  I don't think UO has ever had many tools to track this and I don't think the devs are worried too much about it. And I don't think what stuff costs is the thing that hurts the game, it is the lack of players that hurt all aspects of the game the most.    There are always some of us that are broke all the time.  But in my previous UO life, I played with folks who made millions in a month just on a vendor mall.  Wealth is about trickles, limiting wealth is the same.  Reagents are one trickle draining money, but they were never THE one thing that kept inflation in check And once recall became possible without magic (Chivalry) then the reagent gold sink became irrelavant.   The game has always been rigged to let you keep more of your gold than you spend.    Once TD hit, the game was radically changed.  And it was not UO to me, but something like it. I quit for a long time, but I am back the last few months, and in many ways, it is still the game I knew 

  • Acid_RainAcid_Rain Posts: 282
    edited May 2018

    Commenting on LRC, its an eventuality of power creep. As the game evolved so did gold sinks. We now have gold sinks worth (in one purchase) what the average gamer would spend in a few years on regs. Look at all the high level turn-in items purchasable w/ gold (Brit Lib, Vesper Museum, the Zoo).

    There are to many gold sinks for me to list. The regs gold sink "hole" has been greatly filled with more expensive & more numerous options. Armor becoming more complicated w/ various mods/stats, the loss of having to purchase pebbles, flowers, herbs, & dirt to cast a spell was welcomed by the masses. It's cost was inconsequential & removal allowed players to focus on more important things.

    *** Regs are still needed to craft most all potions, for all inscribed spells (filling spellbooks), to craft rune/atlas books, & some specialized crafted items (Exodus summoning rite - daemon bones). Just naming the few of the top of my head.*** (Edit)

    As for the gold in Despise, it is almost always cleaned up by stealthers or the players after finishing the spawn. Sometimes it's left if the player gets a good scroll/primer & wants to get out of there fast. Sometimes it's left if players are trying to run as many spawns as possible before being raided. Sometimes they died & lost their bag of sending (just as you had) or simply forgot to bring one with them.

    I think your general statement that players are leaving the gold b/c its worthless is a gross misinterpretation.

    another useless item to be added to the list of useless things in the game such as all the skills that have fallen by the wayside over time. 

    All the skills that have fallen by the wayside? Arms lore was useless since its implementation yet bring along higher level crafting (power creep) and its a must. Cartography was of extremely limited use for years, now we have 7 levels of maps & numerous other items that require it. Begging was totally useless then Halloween Holiday items were introduced & now u can find dozens of folks working it up every year the few weeks before the patch drops.

    Off hand, I can't think of a single skill that has "fallen by the wayside" which wasn't already there (forensic eval). Please enlighten me. :)

  • HonkwompHonkwomp Posts: 44
    I messed this up but Bilbo said the below:
    Do you know how hard it is to run up all the Mages in UO to give max Regs, maybe you should try it.
    I actually did this, it takes hours.  And I did not do this on every mage.   You can get 10 or 12000 of each in a few hours, but you need around 5 hours or so to max every one you are hitting.  If someone knows a quicker way, message me on the side so we do not hijack this thread
  • HonkwompHonkwomp Posts: 44
    Fat said:
    Damn, straight Trammies run this forum too lol. Its like I just put a simple opinion, and I get stopmed on by carebears who think I'm trying to ruin the game for their delicate style of play.
    Again,. AoS happened 15 years ago. Get over it.

    I bet you are a script pot chugger that always gets dropped first in any fight.

    Trammel was around before AOS, AOS was Malas I believe.  Trammel actually happened 17+ years ago.  But I ditto what you said LOL

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