Where is everybody?!

DamadarDamadar Posts: 10
i know there are players here, but where do they hide out, ive been subscribed again for 2 months after a long break, and so far ive spoken to nobody, not one person xD dont get me wrong im enjoying the single player experience, but theres only so much i can do alone <span>:expressionless:</span>


  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    I'm not from Europa, but they are probably in Fire Dungeon.
    When you kill stuff there, you can get drops into your backpack.
    Turn them in to the NPC outside the entrance.
    If you die, that NPC can resurrect you.

    When you posted this, it was late evening for the shard.
    You can try calling out in General Chat a greeting.
  • We are a small bunch of European players that gather at WBB at 7 to 8 CET every day. Its vetrerans mainly , tamers, crafters, fighters ..and people that just come to have a chat. Main purpose is to meet and greet new and returning players and give a hand or answering questions about UO. Some of us are regulars and others come and go as they can. Come and see us ;)
  • DamadarDamadar Posts: 10
    Ahh okay, thanks for the heads up :D i knew people must be hiding somewhere because some of the bigger shops are still there. ill head on over when i get chance
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