Cu Sidhe skins?



  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Protector said:
    Do not load new luggage only on Cu. So why not sell an item like a "saddle" at the UO store so that all pets can carry a small amount of luggage?
    Great graphics make Tamer even happier!
    I was suggesting that the St Bernard be used ONLY for pack animals.
    pack llama, pack horse, giant beetle. & the liqour barrel to be the backpack.
    Its more realistic to have that kind of mount than to ride a giant beetle where 
    you pull stuff out of its hinny.
  • ProtectorProtector Posts: 14
    Protector said:
    Do not load new luggage only on Cu. So why not sell an item like a "saddle" at the UO store so that all pets can carry a small amount of luggage?
    Great graphics make Tamer even happier!
    I was suggesting that the St Bernard be used ONLY for pack animals.
    pack llama, pack horse, giant beetle. & the liqour barrel to be the backpack.
    Its more realistic to have that kind of mount than to ride a giant beetle where 
    you pull stuff out of its hinny.
    Is St. Bernard an idea only for pack animals ... that's interesting.
    St. Bernard is a search and rescue dog, but what about his healing skills? Bandage owners like Cu and Triton. Pack animals are interesting because they have never healed.
    What's more, how about making a St. Bernard container the same as an emergency belt, giving you a 10% recovery bonus and a 50% weight loss? :)
  • hm.... i like to have ridable packies and a cowboy hat ;)

    A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier

    (Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)

  • ActionEllyActionElly Posts: 176
    edited July 2021
    Pawain said:
    McDougle said:
    Did they comment about if it's just the plain cu or all cu ? @ Mesanna

    She said it was just the plain so go ahead and start looking for a good one.
    I have at least 20 built Cus. None are plain and I have no scrolls for a new one.

    It would be a very poor decision to limit these to plain color Cus. The revamp has been out 3 + years.

    I asked this the day after the video. Would be nice to get a reply for @ Kyronix

    When I heard them say that it was only plain cu's I got the feeling that there might be an issue getting the skin on the colored ones, could be wrong.
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