Clarification on Treasures of Wildire Trammel/Felucca Data Collection
During the Live Stream today, it was said you guys are evaluating whether to keep Treasures events active in both Tram and Fel based on how many items are turned in from each facet.
The statement was a little ambiguous and I was hoping you could clarify. Are you able to track whether a drop was acquired in Fel or Tram based on the drop itself, or are you only tracking whether the drop was turned in to the Tram or Fel Artifact Trader?
If you are tracking which vendor the artifact was turned in to, I fear that is not going to give you accurate results as I know many people that turn all their artifacts in to the Tram vendor, regardless of where they were acquired.
For reference, 4:37 timestamp on the live stream video:
During the Live Stream today, it was said you guys are evaluating whether to keep Treasures events active in both Tram and Fel based on how many items are turned in from each facet.
The statement was a little ambiguous and I was hoping you could clarify. Are you able to track whether a drop was acquired in Fel or Tram based on the drop itself, or are you only tracking whether the drop was turned in to the Tram or Fel Artifact Trader?
If you are tracking which vendor the artifact was turned in to, I fear that is not going to give you accurate results as I know many people that turn all their artifacts in to the Tram vendor, regardless of where they were acquired.
For reference, 4:37 timestamp on the live stream video:
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Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information.
The spawn rate should be turned up in tram. Even more true if you were to remove this in fel. Show us what you've got
Also, you could consider having some days where it's FEL only.
On Europa, we are going for it non-stop in Felucca, (well not me personally in terms of farming - I have been pvping in there non stop), my guild is currently losing the war badly, but the rest of the shard have teams in there non stop day and night.
This has really made it for us, having a spawn in there as well, it's really giving us all something to play for.
I would be astonished if Trammel managed to farm more than us.
But yes, a lot of the time, we hand in Trammel, it is safer, we have a warzone going in Felucca.
I'd almost love to see a couple of those stats, I know that is probably not the sort of thing you'd do, but I'd love to know.
arties I got from mining afk: 120
arties i for from killing sampires: 10
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ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
No reason to ban the sampire. That guild I refer to has a Sampire and they farm the spawn with it but that Sampire isn't great at PVP. They protect that Sampire with their other chars. And to be perfectly clear. I think this is great. That guild should control this spawn until another group can compete with them.
Only thing to track is how many times semidar is being spawned or killed from prior to this event to now. I bet its gone up 300% at least.
For many of us on LS it is useless in fel because they guard the area and kill players before they get drops. It is just griefing.
<edit> To clarify: I have no problems killing the paragons. It is the number of paragons that need to be killed.
Some groups of reds are actually not very good at all. Again, all it takes is for the masses to gank the crap out of them. I would much rather die fighting then cowering on the docks. It's not like the pvp is constant. Take care of business then farm away. It certainly breaks up the grind and actually makes the event fun. I felt the same way about the Deceit event. This has been on ATL by the way