Sunday night hunting party

RinerRiner Posts: 370
Hi I'm new to UO and was hoping I could get a little information. I heard there is a hunt which happens on Sunday night with around 20 - 30 people in it. Could anyone give me more information about this, ie: time, time zone, meeting location, point of contact. And anything else which might be helpful in joining in on this. 

Thank you,


  • You probably refer to a loosely-connected series of hunts that traditionally starts with the Void Pool, then goes through the Dragon Turtle spawn, usually but not always culminating in a Corgul run.

    Ask in Global Chat for the details as I haven't been able to join it for many months. My memory wants to say the void pool starts at 8pm Eastern but I'm not sure. So best to ask in Global. People informally call it the "Frog Pool" because it is usually led by a great player who names his characters some variation on "Frog" (as in Frog Prince, Frog Knight, etc.) and RPs them as frog people.

    And when he's not around to lead it, he's still the inspiration for it.
  • RinerRiner Posts: 370
    Thanks for the information!

  • Seen you around with GOF so obviously you've found your crowd. Welcome back/aboard/to the shard/whichever is appropriate.
  • RinerRiner Posts: 370
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