Video: How to fix PvP and the Inflation of Gold problem (Why are Reagents now useless?)
This is a topic that's been discussed so many times, but I wanted to post this video to show an opinion I share: 
Why are we allowing the game to have 100% no reagents suits? This was a huge gold sink, which benefitted the economy in a major way. Now reagents are useless for the most part. Inflation would be reduced greatly if reagents were actually being used as they were designed.
Also, this video discusses the power scroll issue, and how making them shard bound will allow for the original intent and purpose of power scrolls to be honored... fight over them to increase pvp, and if u don't want to do that, then buy them. Please watch the video before commenting on my post.
@Kyronix @Mesanna @Mervyn @everybodyonthisforum

Why are we allowing the game to have 100% no reagents suits? This was a huge gold sink, which benefitted the economy in a major way. Now reagents are useless for the most part. Inflation would be reduced greatly if reagents were actually being used as they were designed.
Also, this video discusses the power scroll issue, and how making them shard bound will allow for the original intent and purpose of power scrolls to be honored... fight over them to increase pvp, and if u don't want to do that, then buy them. Please watch the video before commenting on my post.
@Kyronix @Mesanna @Mervyn @everybodyonthisforum
Your idea only benefits players who kept their accounts open for 15 years and have shields. What would players on Europa do when they want a specific Scroll?
Make available a golden rideable dragon (or whatever), 5 slots, for 5 platinum, that's a gold sink.
Pets sold...
The eco system is tainted by scroll farmers. WRONG again. The ECO system was tainted by gold dupers.
I have enough regs that I could play 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the next 10 years before I would have to worry about it.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
And ofcourse the old statics diehard carebear moderators like most of my suggestions, moved the thread to "spiels n rants section"..when I posted it as a serious suggestion.
I'm very pleased the official forums no longer outsource the right to express an opinion to a third party group.
Ofcourse I will not oppose it. @Bleak
another shard bound post for ps. again, scroll prices have never been higher. if made shard bound, what do u think prices would be 300 mil to plat for some scrolls?
about 100 lrc/reagents, it does suck if my fighter dies and they take my aides. when a mage dies, they don't have to worry about reagents being taken but that's the way it is. reagents wont be much of a gold sink anymore, so easy to get gold now. there are a lot of reagents out there, like so many other resources.
I have only been back 5 months(today). I don`t understand the point of a gold sink that only hurts the low end player.
Tax the poor and let em pull themselves up from their own bootstraps? Is that what you are getting at?
Not my thing.
if you want a gold sink, make it in the form of decorative-only NPC vendor bought items priced in the platinums. Reagents were never expensive, they were just inconvenient.
don't particularly care if scrolls are shard bound. I can usually find the ones i need on vendors over the course of a couple days, if not, theres plenty of people who do regular ATL runs i can ask for help. Anything i get personally, i sell on my home shard. Primers, which are shard-bound, i can also usually find the ones i need on vendors over the course of a couple days, and pricing for the in-demand ones is inline with pricing on in-demand scrolls. shard-bound hasn't seemed to make much of a difference there.
Reagents are still used by alchemists and scribes and anyone who stocks a vendor with these items will tell you they use a lot.
That video makes me wonder why I, and others, ever bother to make guides for things like the void pool
They look more different while typing but more alike when it posts.
I agree that we should not have gold sinks that would only hurt low end players. LRC should stay and, as I posted previously, any gold sinks should only be for cosmetic items without stats.