Why you banned EJ from all chats?



  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited May 2021
    Merus said:
    Bilbo said:
    Merus said:
    Bilbo said:
    Merus said:
    Bilbo said:
    Merus said:
    Merus said:
    I’m not sure what downside there would be to EJ having listen only privileges to GC.  
    Total frustration?  Need help, but can't ask for it?  See someone selling something you'd like to buy? Can't offer for it.  What would they learn from read only? How to trash talk?

    I'm not sure what the answer is, but I don't think that's it. 

    In my 'coding ignorance' solution I would have a list of 'approved' urls that is was ok to post and anything else would be either blocked or automatically shunted to Trade channel. On my list I'd have uo.com, uoguide, stratics, uo-cah and knuckleheads.  Maybe discord? and possibly there are asian sites that are often referenced?
    I'm not sure that's at all possible, but if it was, then genuine EJ players could again have access to general chat.
    So if you have to choose between no access or listen only access, you prefer no access.  Gotcha.

    Perhaps seeing the conversation in GC like you describe would be incentive to get a sub... but better to relegate them to help only so they only get to see the RMT spam.
    She also said that in her opinion that it would be total frustration and I %10000000000 agree.
    For those who find it frustrating they can always stay in the help channel.  Additional access is not mandatory, that’s a silly assumption.
    And you assuming you know %100 your opinion is the only true opinion/fact is funny.  Yes it would be very frustrating to see something for sell that you really want and you can not tell the seller that you want it.  Or a true new player thinking about joining UO and all they see is the hate speech on Gen Chat with all the PvPers going at it.  That's is a real good way to promote UO to new players.
    Your post makes no sense.  No where did I say my opinion was the only one that mattered.  I acknowledged that Petra preferred no access to GC over listen access to GC, which seems to be your opinion as well.

    I disagree that anyone would be forced to use GC anymore than any of us are now.  Knowing what kinds of things people sale in GC is probably better for most people than being completely oblivious to those things because you are barred from even seeing them.  If it’s a source of frustration you can either sub or leave GC.
    Help is being provided to the largest shard so all of your claims have been shot down.  New players will not be able to afford stuff being spammed in GC and seeing those prices would discourage any new player.  The stuff New Players are looking for are being provided in Help by Players for free, like basic gear, spellbooks, runebooks to get started and learn the game.  Does EJ Accounts have access to VS?
    You are talking about “new players”.  That is not the same as EJ accounts, even though there is likely some overlap.  I would wager the vast majority of EJ accounts are not true new players, but more likely previously paid accounts now being played for free.
    I do not know what UO you are playing but all New Players and Returning Players are using EJ Accounts or Paid Accounts and they do not have this problem, UO did away with the Trial Accounts and if you are thinking about returning players then they already know to go to Luna or to look around the city they logged out in.  They can still talk to players just not in GC.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    When the change was made for EJ being only in the Help channel, the RMT spammers were just as frequent as ever. But if that has died down some, that’s great to hear.  
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    dvvid said:
    When the change was made for EJ being only in the Help channel, the RMT spammers were just as frequent as ever. But if that has died down some, that’s great to hear.  
    It looks like about every 20 min and at no time did it stop/interfere with the players on Atl helping other players in the help chan.  I had more than one account logged on Atl and was selling my wares in Gen chat and was getting RMT spam in GC as much as Help Chan but it was only one site not like it was before the change of 4-5 sites every what seemed like 5 min apart.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Might be true but storage, number of players, vendors and other restrictions on these accounts would take most of the joy out of the game for experienced players.  For example, actual secure storage in your bank box is limited to 20 items.  Not enough room even for all of the rewards you got from Yukio.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited May 2021
    Arnold7 said:
    Might be true but storage, number of players, vendors and other restrictions on these accounts would take most of the joy out of the game for experienced players.  For example, actual secure storage in your bank box is limited to 20 items.  Not enough room even for all of the rewards you got from Yukio.
    Why they changed the Trial Account so drastically we will never know but all they really needed to do was change the 2 week time limit on them to say 6 month and bring back the once a year, 1 month for old UO players to log on.  EJ Accounts should never have been a long term solution or just rename it to EF (Endless Free) Accounts.  As someone said %99 of these EJ Accounts are being used with a paid account so storage is not a problem.  Want more storage than just make more accounts on the shards you do not have a house.  3 EJ Accounts (6 toons) = 1 non upgraded paid account (6 toons) so why would anybody make/pay for a 2nd account, except for a house, when UO in its wisdom lets you have as many EJ Accounts as you want.
  • TheoTheo Posts: 224
    Clearly EJ is a completely failed experiment. Just drop it already.  Its not bringing new players to the game and the limitations put on it to keep it from being abused by paying players makes it useless.  Just undo it already.  They clearly don't know how to run a pay for play model.  
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    The perceptions of a couple players on these forums does not prove EJ is anything other than a subject which is of interest to a couple players.

    Returning to the thread's original point, I'd absolutely welcome a read-only function as would many of the EJ players I've met in-game. 

  • AlreadyDeadAlreadyDead Posts: 23
    edited May 2021
    I've encountered quite a few EJ players over the years on the smaller shards. In most cases they are old returning players, coming back after anywhere from a 2-21 year break on an impulse and just want to check out the state of the game and if it's what they remember. Many of these people slowly ease themselves back into the game with a few hours here and there, unable to justify a sub while seeing if the magic is still there and usually building a new character/getting updated gear. Sometimes it isn't and they are gone the next day, other times it is and they start regularly playing which often leads to them subbing even if not within the first 6 months.

    In saying that, smaller shards are a different experience for EJ players from what i've seen, for one many smaller shards still use the help chat as the only channel and put up with the gold spam but also the smaller/closer community usually means people are happy to help minimize any restrictions with help/advice (ie, solutions work around limited storage/sharing PS drops with an EJ player at a spawn/ helping them earn decent enough gear/free vendoring or transferring items)

    I agree that EJ should be able to view all chats so that there can be a default one on each shard and subbed accounts can at least communicate in one direction to them ie send out general group event invites or buy/sell offers with a location if they are interested.
  • TrismegistosTrismegistos Posts: 197
    Ej Players should send e-Mails to thoose rmt sides.
    I am ok in the way it is NOW.

  • DragoDrago Posts: 316
    how about we address the real issue with chat... and that is you can only be in 1 channel at a time?
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Drago said:
    how about we address the real issue with chat... and that is you can only be in 1 channel at a time?
    No because we don't want to hear all the shit talk from PvPers and you do not want new players hearing all that shit either because they will just leave because of all the drama queens.
  • DragoDrago Posts: 316
    Drago said:
    how about we address the real issue with chat... and that is you can only be in 1 channel at a time?
    No because we don't want to hear all the shit talk from PvPers and you do not want new players hearing all that shit either because they will just leave because of all the drama queens.

    1. Thats inevitable.  PvPers will be in either help or general channel. 
    2. This game barely produces new players.  Just new accounts or returning players on very long hiatus lol
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