April Event Schedule

EM XanthusEM Xanthus Posts: 73Event Moderator
edited April 2021 in Sonoma
Greetings Sonoma!

The Event Schedule for April is as follows:

April 11th: Governors Meeting @ 5PM PST
April 18th: White Net Toss Event @ 7PM PST
April 30th:: Loki's Revenge @ 7PM PST

UPDATE: Due to a personal issue, I am needing to push Loki's revenge event to Friday, April 30th. I apologize for the inconvenience.


  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,762
    you should just cancel the Governors Meeting, evening after I reminded several they failed to show, and most of the seats were empty tonight.  I did a peek. (3)
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • KeliptoKelipto Posts: 5
    Hi just looking for people to hangout and go kill mobs.
  • EM XanthusEM Xanthus Posts: 73Event Moderator
    edited April 2021
    Due to a personal issue, I need to push the event to Friday, April 30th. It will be held at the same time, 7pm  PST
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