Suggestion for a store item: token for 1 extra vet reward



  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    TimSt said:
    I have a suggestion for a new store item. A token that gives you 1 extra unclaimed vet reward.  With 7 new vet rewards this year some players may not have the available unclaimed vet rewards to claim all 7.  If they can use a token that gives them an extra vet reward it would be mean they can get their pixel craving satiated. 

    Put restrictions on the token's use.
    1. It would not give you access to rewards for a higher vet year.
    2. Limit the number of tokens that can be used in a year and base the limit on the account age. For example a 1 year vet could use 1 token and a 20 year vet could use 20 tokens.
    3. Make it at least 1000 sovereigns to make it slightly expensive at $10 USD to discourage over use.

    This was kinda discussed in a different thread but that thread's topic was giving access to rewards of a higher vet year.

    I agree!  I'm not going to keep an extra account open for veteran rewards.
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    TimSt said:
    Yes, a 20 year pick is the same as a 1 year pick. The vet reward system just lets you claim and sometimes use something that a 1 year vet can not.
    100% unbalanced and ridiculous. NO WAY IN HELL.  so you want 20x 20 year picks for peanuts?  

    What a disgraceful way to further imbalance the game
    I agree that maybe 20 new choices even for 1000 would be too many.  Maybe fewer.  ON the other hand... why not unlimited?  What makes it unbalanced?  Please explain without the "hell" language.
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    They keep on adding more and more veteran rewards.  I feel like the choices I made have been cheapened because the new ones are so new and exciting.  For example.... the year 3 through 10 rewards are much cooler now than what they used to be.  All the newer players have access to those which I did not have years ago.  But, used my choices and thus do not have access to the new rewards on .  The selections I made are no so less cool now that there is the new hotness at the lower year levels.  As a player of 23 years, I'm shooting for higher year rewards because it would be a waste to dip down to the 3rd year rewards.  So, I feel like I missed out on an opportunity which new players now have.  A friend of mine says he has an easy way to earn 175 million to pay for the rewards... I don't have that option though.  I sure won't be "trading" a 23 year rewards for a 3rd year reward.  (Trading in the sense of me selling a 23rd year reward for a 3rd year reward).  (Looks like they stopped rewards at year 20. That feels like a slam in the face)
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    I really wish they would put a workbech package in the in game shop with the fletching workbench, repair workbench, and all the rest of them.
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    edited March 2021

    Consenti alle persone di consegnare le decorazioni e / o i gettoni dello scudo per i nuovi premi veterani. Diciamo 20 gettoni per una nuova ricompensa veterana. Ciò risolverebbe il problema dei veterinari più anziani che si sentono come i nuovi giocatori che hanno accesso a better rewards than back in the day.
  • FortisFortis Posts: 411
    galluccio those peoples with 20 years account + have paid 120$ or more per years for 2 vet you want them for 10$ not gonna happen ever...would you buy vet reward for 60$ reward are bonus for active player most rewards are deco so.... move on
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    edited March 2021
    I purchased quite a lot of work bench years ago to fit out several houses. All their prices were like 50 - 70m each. I purchased all of them from other vendors and keep my reward choice open.

    Recently I sold them at the lowest price of 150 -160m, all in less than a week.

    I didn't force up the price, but the next cheaper guy is selling at 170 or 175m.

    So I don't want to go into game economy but as I said you limit supply and the price will shoot up. (Same with shard bound new arties) Was it because of IDOC? Or increasing vet rewards selection but all of us are still limited to 2 per year (no more recycled from idoc).

    Just some thoughts.

    Ps. BTW my Morphius Epualette is for cheap sale 2 Plats only.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    I guess no one has a rebuttal to how it's unfair to ask to prepay account ages? The only difference is your making younger players wait to get them.....just because. If I put in the exact same amount of $ into my sub as you, we should have equal rewards. I feel this is/was a big missed opportunity seeing the UO crowd is very loyal, and here in the USA they just handed out stimulus checks. They still have time to implement this. Let us stack our game time codes, and get the exact same number of vet picks accordingly. 
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    edited March 2021
    Xris said:
    I guess no one has a rebuttal to how it's unfair to ask to prepay account ages? The only difference is your making younger players wait to get them.....just because. If I put in the exact same amount of $ into my sub as you, we should have equal rewards. I feel this is/was a big missed opportunity seeing the UO crowd is very loyal, and here in the USA they just handed out stimulus checks. They still have time to implement this. Let us stack our game time codes, and get the exact same number of vet picks accordingly. 

    Hmm, the first para from OP:

    It would not give you access to rewards for a higher vet year.

    I think the discussion veered off course when asking to buy years in advance. They make it clear this is not going to happen. (I also asked 5 years ago)

    The proposal is to purchase vet rewards that the veteran account is already qualified for.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    Seth said:
    Xris said:
    I guess no one has a rebuttal to how it's unfair to ask to prepay account ages? The only difference is your making younger players wait to get them.....just because. If I put in the exact same amount of $ into my sub as you, we should have equal rewards. I feel this is/was a big missed opportunity seeing the UO crowd is very loyal, and here in the USA they just handed out stimulus checks. They still have time to implement this. Let us stack our game time codes, and get the exact same number of vet picks accordingly. 

    Hmm, the first para from OP:

    It would not give you access to rewards for a higher vet year.

    I think the discussion veered off course when asking to buy years in advance. They make it clear this is not going to happen. (I also asked 5 years ago)

    The proposal is to purchase vet rewards that the veteran account is also qualified for.

    Didnt know they addressed this :( guess I'll toss my money to GME hahaha
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    Yeah but don't ask me for the reference, but the topic of buying "future" vet rewards should be another topic, IMHO...
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Galluccio said:
    I agree!  I'm not going to keep an extra account open for veteran rewards.
    And there is the potential problem.  I spend $120 per account so if I was just using an account for vet rewards then I could just buy 12 vet rewards every year and not pay for a sub.  12 vet rewards is 6 years so I get all the rewards I want in a 1 time payment and EA has just lost out on another 5 years of subs to get the same amount of vet rewards.  In the short term EA could see an added profit but in the long term EA could lose money once everybody gets everything they want.
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    edited March 2021
    Fortis said:
    galluccio those peoples with 20 years account + have paid 120$ or more per years for 2 vet you want them for 10$ not gonna happen ever...would you buy vet reward for 60$ reward are bonus for active player most rewards are deco so.... move on

    Ok charge the price of one year's subscription for two rewards.  Solved?  You ok now?  $60 per reward choice.  Status: Solved. 

    Or... you can think about this thought: I have $1,000 here in my pocket.  Who really wants the money?  Do you want a 3rd party seller to get my money or do you want the Ultima Online people to get my money?

  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    edited March 2021
    Suppose I wanted 10 of the Gargish Totem of Essence, 7th year reward.

    So I have already used up this years' vet reward, and will wait another year to get 2.
    Then I have to wait another 5 years to collect all 10 pieces.

    Time is money, but money cannot buy time. What makes EA think I will still be alive for next 5 years to contribute Sub. If you can make my money today, better take it because I may cancel the game tmr for 1001 reasons.

    5 years is alot to wait and many things can happen.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    Galluccio said:
    Fortis said:
    galluccio those peoples with 20 years account + have paid 120$ or more per years for 2 vet you want them for 10$ not gonna happen ever...would you buy vet reward for 60$ reward are bonus for active player most rewards are deco so.... move on

    Ok charge the price of one year's subscription for two rewards.  Solved?  You ok now?  $60 per reward choice.  Status: Solved.
    Galluccio said:
    Fortis said:
    galluccio those peoples with 20 years account + have paid 120$ or more per years for 2 vet you want them for 10$ not gonna happen ever...would you buy vet reward for 60$ reward are bonus for active player most rewards are deco so.... move on

    Ok charge the price of one year's subscription for two rewards.  Solved?  You ok now?  $60 per reward choice.  Status: Solved.

  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    I have $1,000 in my pocket.  What is the fastest way I can get additonal reward choices for the least amount of money?  Who do we want my money going to?  The Ultima Online people or some third party dealer? 
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,851
    I am open to a cost higher than 1000 sovereigns.  I initially choose 1000 because that is the cost of a soul stone and the red soul stone is a first year vet reward. If a token cost 2000 then that would make the red soul stone twice as expensive as the other soul stones.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited March 2021
    Xris said:
    I guess no one has a rebuttal to how it's unfair to ask to prepay account ages? The only difference is your making younger players wait to get them.....just because. If I put in the exact same amount of $ into my sub as you, we should have equal rewards. I feel this is/was a big missed opportunity seeing the UO crowd is very loyal, and here in the USA they just handed out stimulus checks. They still have time to implement this. Let us stack our game time codes, and get the exact same number of vet picks accordingly. 
    If you are willing to fork over $120 per account per year I personally have ZERO problem with this because it is very hard to walk away from something that you have a lot of real money invested in.  My oldest account is 23+ years and that is $2,760.00 and if you are willing to hand over that amount to take a brand new account to 23 years than yes allow it because that account will be around for many more years vice a 1 year account and you get all the vet rewards that would come with a normal account of that age.  I just added up all 3 main accounts and the total is 681 months at $10.00 per month =  $6,810.00 so I say yes to letting people age their accounts just as long as they pay the say amount as any long term vet has, NO DISCOUNT and NO you may not age your account longer than UO has been alive.
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    erFortis said:
    galluccio those peoples with 20 years account + have paid 120$ or more per years for 2 vet you want them for 10$ not gonna happen ever...would you buy vet reward for 60$ reward are bonus for active player most rewards are deco so.... move on
    First of all telling me to "move on" is really offensive since I really really passionate about this topic. 

    Secondly, everyone pays the same $120 a year.  We are all in the same boat.  Everyone has been following the same rules.  In my position, I've been paying the $13 a month.  I don't by every six months but I should.

    How does it affect your gameplay if someone's home looks a certain way?  They make this same argument in Clash of Clans.  They release a special queen skin and some people buy it.  Then, months later they release the same skin and people complain.   And, the answer is always the same... why do you care if someone's home looks a certain way?

    IN Ultima Online you can trade things in game.  Sure.  That is a difference.  The economy is broken to heck and every reward costs crazy amounts of gold.  The number of rewards in the economy is going to dwindle until we are all fighting over the scraps which is where we are right now... we are fighting over the scraps of what remains of the rewards.  

    Some things are more valuable than other things.  When I first made my selections there were only certain choices.  Now, there are many more choices.  I feel like people who have younger accounts have better choices now than I had at the time.  I'm not going to be using a 24 year reward to choose a 3rd year reward.  It makes no sense.  And, on top of that they have given the slap in the face of discontinuing rewards at year 20.  Just that one thing had me seriously thinking about taking my 23 year old account and just tossing it in the trash and turning my back on them the way they have turned their back on me (at least my perception.)

    So, not only do people have better selections at lower account ages now but now I don't even get anything new and shiny for being a vet above 20 years.  

    I don't see a problem with them selling rewards.  Sure.  Choose your price and I'll decide if it's worth it.   For me, the $120 to keep an account open might be too much for two reward choices.  I would rather find a third party person outside of game and use real money.  So, who is it that you really want to have my money?  A third party reseller or the Ultima Online people? 
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    The biggest argument against giving extra selections is the ability to sell items on the market for gold.  The simple solution is you make those purchases account bound.  Otherwise, it comes down to the argument of you don't want me to have a nice looking house.  Why should you care if my house looks a certain way?  Probably don't make the shield transfer tokens purchasable. 
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    Bilbo said:
    Xris said:
    I guess no one has a rebuttal to how it's unfair to ask to prepay account ages? The only difference is your making younger players wait to get them.....just because. If I put in the exact same amount of $ into my sub as you, we should have equal rewards. I feel this is/was a big missed opportunity seeing the UO crowd is very loyal, and here in the USA they just handed out stimulus checks. They still have time to implement this. Let us stack our game time codes, and get the exact same number of vet picks accordingly. 
    If you are willing to fork over $120 per account per year I personally have ZERO problem with this because it is very hard to walk away from something that you have a lot of real money invested in.  My oldest account is 23+ years and that is $2,760.00 and if you are willing to hand over that amount to take a brand new account to 23 years than yes allow it because that account will be around for many more years vice a 1 year account and you get all the vet rewards that would come with a normal account of that age.  I just added up all 3 main accounts and the total is 681 months at $10.00 per month =  $6,810.00 so I say yes to letting people age their accounts just as long as they pay the say amount as any long term vet has, NO DISCOUNT and NO you may not age your account longer than UO has been alive.
    So much passion over the way a person's house looks like.  Most players have private homes which no one will see.  Why should you care what is in the privacy of my own home? Lets assume that the items are account bound.
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    Right now, I feel like kicking a baby seal.  I'm feeling pretty frustrated over the limited availability of the rewards, the continual additions to the lower years, and the lack of new rewards over the year 20 mark.

    So, if I get going I can be mad as ... you know.  So, I'm done here.  I'll decide if I want to keep playing the game another day.  I did have 5 accounts open last week..... this is verifiable.  Now, I'm at one.  Yeah.  Apparently this is what people have to do to get a point across.  It is a sad way but what else do you have when you are trying to petition for a point of view?  Arguments?  Lol... of course not. 
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    edited March 2021
    Quite confusing, not sure who is talking about what now. I stick with what I understand from OP's view.

    Say I reached 20-year tomorrow and my account qualifies me to get
    • +2 free rewards
    • New reward options as a 20-year veteran
    This is like achieving a veteran status, rank and a qualifier to be able to obtain veteran rewards from 1 to 20 years (not higher).

    Next, as a veteran, we are saying that he should be able to buy additional vet rewards in cash, within the 20-year list which he is already qualified to obtain freely. If he wants extra, he would have to pay cash for it.

    As a veteran, you have already committed Time + Cash. Its not just cash issue, but Priceless Time for 20 years! So the proposal (the way I see it) is that to allow you the veteran to buy additional within these 20 year list, but its not free.

    I don't see why there is a need to talk about how much it should cost to make up so many years.

    Make this purchased item - shard and account bound Vs free vet rewards that is unbounded. But there is no need to jack up the price to "make up" for the "lost years". We are talking about your valuable Vet Account - a status that should be awarded such special privileges.

    Before thinking about what EA's business would think (I am only a player paying $30 a month), all I care is are we players supportive of this idea? If not so be it. Whoever wants that extra 20 year reward will have to wait for years to get the extra for free - hopefully you are still around so many years - one year only 2+ or you can start a new Account and wait for 20 years!

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Galluccio said:
    Bilbo said:
    Xris said:
    I guess no one has a rebuttal to how it's unfair to ask to prepay account ages? The only difference is your making younger players wait to get them.....just because. If I put in the exact same amount of $ into my sub as you, we should have equal rewards. I feel this is/was a big missed opportunity seeing the UO crowd is very loyal, and here in the USA they just handed out stimulus checks. They still have time to implement this. Let us stack our game time codes, and get the exact same number of vet picks accordingly. 
    If you are willing to fork over $120 per account per year I personally have ZERO problem with this because it is very hard to walk away from something that you have a lot of real money invested in.  My oldest account is 23+ years and that is $2,760.00 and if you are willing to hand over that amount to take a brand new account to 23 years than yes allow it because that account will be around for many more years vice a 1 year account and you get all the vet rewards that would come with a normal account of that age.  I just added up all 3 main accounts and the total is 681 months at $10.00 per month =  $6,810.00 so I say yes to letting people age their accounts just as long as they pay the say amount as any long term vet has, NO DISCOUNT and NO you may not age your account longer than UO has been alive.
    So much passion over the way a person's house looks like.  Most players have private homes which no one will see.  Why should you care what is in the privacy of my own home? Lets assume that the items are account bound.
    Excuse me did I say anything about your house or the way it looks, NO I DID NOT.  I stated my opinion and what I think is fair for extra Vet Rewards and you go off about some dame house bull crap.  When I started there were NO VET REWARDS and when they came out we didn't get any back rewards either and you want to talk about worthless rewards, want to know how many robes and cloaks I have.  Don't give me your BS about how rewards have gotten better like you deserve something special because of it.  Well guess what anybody with Shard Shields had shitty selections and I have 3 accounts older than 14 years and you don't hear me pissing and moaning about it or who has what in their damn house.

    I proposed a Vet turnin system that every reward has a point system year/2 turnin value and every reward to pick is equal to the year so if you turn in 2 1st yr you can pick 1 1st yr, if you turn in 4 1st year you can pick 2 1st yr or 1 2nd yr and so on.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,851
    Lets keep the discussion civil and on topic.
  • DanpalDanpal Posts: 119
    The easy thing to do is a one time bump to the amount of picks you get.  1 to 9 stay the same. 10 to 14 3 picks s year 15 to 19 4 picks and then 20 plus 5 picks.  

  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    edited March 2021
    Danpal said:
    The easy thing to do is a one time bump to the amount of picks you get.  1 to 9 stay the same. 10 to 14 3 picks s year 15 to 19 4 picks and then 20 plus 5 picks.  

    I think if everyone is happy about paying for "extra" vet rewards, then perhaps we can talk about bumping up the annual free allocation.

    I am not sure why this would not be a win-win for both Broadsword and players.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,152Moderator
    May I clarify some of this discussion with a quote from the wiki veteran rewards page?

    The Ultima Online Rewards program is designed to reward long-term players for loyalty to the UO community. However as years have gone on, and the higher rewards became seemingly unreachable by newer players, it was decided to stop counting at 15 with the exception of the Serpentine Dragon Ethereal Mount, year 20. New rewards are still added each year at various levels.
    Please bear in mind that this whole thread is merely of academic interest as the proposal has already been denied on previous occasions. There is no reason for the discussion to become heated.

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