Lost Lockdowns

For the Nth time, I released a container in my house to get something and forgot to lock it down.  Sometime later it vaporized with everything in it.  Nothing serious...
Anyhow, this may be a basic question, but is there a way/hack or something to help a forgetful player avoid this situation?


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Relocate container and say  'I wish to secure this'.  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    Why not just secure the said container? 
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Say what Pawain recommends and you can put things into and take them out of the container will. The container will read locked down and secure when you do a mouse over.  You lock down deco but you secure containers.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Should read at will at the end of first sentence.
  • SC_UO2021SC_UO2021 Posts: 18
    :( What shard do you play on? Losing things is never fun, and it sounds like you might be new. Perhaps, some of us can help replace things. 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Zane said:
    For the Nth time, I released a container in my house to get something and forgot to lock it down.  Sometime later it vaporized with everything in it.  Nothing serious...
    Anyhow, this may be a basic question, but is there a way/hack or something to help a forgetful player avoid this situation?
    Why are you unsecuring a container to get something?  All items in a locked down container has the RETRIVE tag when you mouse over it and all Secured Containers can their items removed and replaced easily.  Unless you are displaying something for others to see STOP LOCKING DOWN containers.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    It is inadvisable to use 'I wish to lock this down' for a container unless you want other people to be able to view the contents. The correct command for a container is, as others have advised you, 'I wish to secure this'
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    edited March 2021
    Unless there is a reason...

    There are always exceptions to the rule.

    I have all of my wheelbarrow's in a box....you can't harvest them unless they are locked down and I didn't want 20 wheelbarrows taking up space so I put them in a locked down container.

    IF you're dead set on locking things down, remember to SINGLE left-click on the item to retrieve it.

    Left image is SECURED and will say Locked down and Secured when moused over.
    Right Image is LOCKED DOWN, everything in the container can only be retrieved by the left click.

    If you *I wish to Secure* a container, a gump will pop up so you can set the security
    If you *I wish to lock this down* a container, that gump won't pop up and you won't be able to drag anything out of the container. The only way to retrieve an item in a locked down container is the left-click option.

  • ZaneZane Posts: 11
    Doing!  I was unaware Secure worked like this.  Thanks.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    For just plain storage and deco. Secure everything. Books like power scroll books have to be just locked down.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • When you unlock something, put a post-it that says "you unlocked container X" on your monitor to remind you until you lock it back down. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited April 2021
    Zane said:
    For the Nth time, I released a container in my house to get something and forgot to lock it down.  Sometime later it vaporized with everything in it.  Nothing serious...
    Anyhow, this may be a basic question, but is there a way/hack or something to help a forgetful player avoid this situation?

    Sorry for digging this up, instead of starting a new thread I decided its best to add on to this.

    Recently I decided to change my castle design and have to deal with re-securing and locking down of all the items again. I have been very careful to try and secure or lock down everything once they are out of moving crate. But there are times when you just got to repeatedly secure, re-locate, stack, wrong, re-locate again, stack, etc. What I did when I secured say a bunch of containers, normally I would re-secure them one more time to make sure none is left out.

    But yet mistakes do happen. One item may just slip and get missed out during the tiring long hours of re-setting up again. So, I lost one veteran reward, 4th year seed box with the thousands of seed inside.

    • Proposal is for items inside the house that are not secured or locked down, to be removed into a recycle bin.
    • The bin will then auto-delete everything inside later, say 24 hours grace period.

    This is so after every renovation or movement, we can check this bin to see if there is anything that was missed out.

    Last year or earlier, I lost at least 2 or 3 containers full of legendary loot due to similar reason. It can happen anytime, e.g. you just unlocked or relocated say 10 containers and then suddenly receive an urgent phone call from the  boss or kids and have to leave immediately. Then you rushed quickly to lock down but only 9 out of 10, and missed out one container at the corner which contain Cameos, Tinker Legs, Hawkwind Robes,  Soulstones, Crimson Belts...
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
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