Why does my pet's health bar turn blue?

TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
edited March 2021 in General Discussions
Why does my pet's health bar turn blue? I am right next to them when it does. And their lore says they are Wonderfully Happy.

It turns green again if I feed them. And I feed them several times a day.  So they should not be getting hungry.

Party members also see my pet's health bar turn blue.


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Been that way for years.  Especially if you do not command them for a while.  Commanding them to kill something will also turn them back to green. It is not feeding.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    It just wants you to pay it some attention. Talk to it, feed it, interact with it somehow.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Your pet getting attacked by something is not the same as you having your pet attack something.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • SC_UO2021SC_UO2021 Posts: 18
    It’s an anti afk measure. If your pet is blue the entire time, you don’t actually get kill rights. This has to do with your pet basically being viewed as a guild member. 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    SC_UO2021 said:
    It’s an anti afk measure. If your pet is blue the entire time, you don’t actually get kill rights. This has to do with your pet basically being viewed as a guild member. 
    Sorry to tell you but I am in a Guild and I have gotten looting rights and pack drops while my pet bar was blue, but good try.  @Kyronix @Bleak could you enlighten us on the OPs question.
  • SC_UO2021SC_UO2021 Posts: 18
    Bilbo said:
    SC_UO2021 said:
    It’s an anti afk measure. If your pet is blue the entire time, you don’t actually get kill rights. This has to do with your pet basically being viewed as a guild member. 
    Sorry to tell you but I am in a Guild and I have gotten looting rights and pack drops while my pet bar was blue, but good try.  @ Kyronix @ Bleak could you enlighten us on the OPs question.
    Perhaps, they changed it, but that is the way it used to work. 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    SC_UO2021 said:
    Bilbo said:
    SC_UO2021 said:
    It’s an anti afk measure. If your pet is blue the entire time, you don’t actually get kill rights. This has to do with your pet basically being viewed as a guild member. 
    Sorry to tell you but I am in a Guild and I have gotten looting rights and pack drops while my pet bar was blue, but good try.  @ Kyronix @ Bleak could you enlighten us on the OPs question.
    Perhaps, they changed it, but that is the way it used to work. 
    Sorry to tell you but I have had a Tamer for a very long time and what you are trying to say never happened.  Do you remember when there were no stable slots or pet slots, I do.  Controlling more than one dragon was a trick and we always hid and we always got looting rights and my Tamer still has hiding and still gets the same looting rights.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @SC_UO2021 did you ever play on a free shard that may of had that
  • SC_UO2021SC_UO2021 Posts: 18
    I’ll admit that it seems I’m wrong, but I remember it working that way, but that might have 2001. Maybe, I was just wrong then. Good to know. 
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    SC_UO2021 said:
    I’ll admit that it seems I’m wrong, but I remember it working that way, but that might have 2001. Maybe, I was just wrong then. Good to know. 
    I can confirm that it does happen and it happened to me literally a week or 2 ago on a prod shard. 

    I was testing a weapon and attacked my tamers pet (I was guilded) and told the pet to stop and stay. The pet turned blue and my weapon wasn't doing any damage. I made the tamer say all follow me; the pet turned green and started taking taking from my hits.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited March 2021
    @keven2002 have you tried using a guild member from another account.  I station my pet with the stop/stay command and log on my Mystic/Mage from another account who is also in the same guild and Cast all kinds of spell on it to train resist and heal.  The bar is green when I first but then turns blue for both Chars but the pet continues to take damage from the caster even with a blue bar
  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited March 2021
    When pet turns blue you stop getting looting rights , i can confirm this, of course you can still get the rights if your pet did enought dmg while it was green, but from the moment it turns blue , its not considered under your command anymore, try on a champ spawn, and you will loose scrolls if you let your pet blue the entire time
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    @Bilbo - I haven't really done much testing as far as looting rights so can't comment there but was just saying that I've had the bar go from green to blue on prod servers (I haven't ever played a free shard) and it was quite recent.
  • SC_UO2021SC_UO2021 Posts: 18
    I did determine that them turning blue makes them unattackable in Tram ruleset. I kind of remember using this to train pets against each other back in the day. 
  • SC_UO2021SC_UO2021 Posts: 18
    When pet turns blue you stop getting looting rights , i can confirm this, of course you can still get the rights if your pet did enought dmg while it was green, but from the moment it turns blue , its not considered under your command anymore, try on a champ spawn, and you will loose scrolls if you let your pet blue the entire time
    I was pretty certain this was the case. :) 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    DOJO daemons take puppy and hide after awhile puppy bar will go blue.  While puppy is killing other Daemon walk over to fresh kill and open corpse and loot to hearts content.  You will also see gain in fame text if your fame is low enough and while the drops were going on you even got those from blue bar pets.  Why do you think all those stealth tamers were doing the drops hiden if they were not getting credit for the kill.  And yes I do farm fame from time to time at the DOJO killing daemons with my gilded blue bar puppy and I take all the gold while I am at it so no I am not unattended.  So now I guess it is only in Tram proper that this is happening no wait because it happens all the time at the crazed mage because blue bared guilded pets still gain while training.
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