Why nerfing no dachi dismounts? (already very hard to do and risky)

Hello there, I just tested on TC this incredible thing...it's already very hard to dismount with a no-dachi, it has been like this since 2004, since day one of Bushido. I would like to understand how can someone dismount with a no-dachi with this update?

It will be impossible... do you think it's normal that an archer or a gargoyle with a soulglaive can teleport scroll and have the special toggled and insta dismount on the run while teleporting? What is overpowered? a player dismounting with a bow or a soulglaive while teleporting in front of you?...or a melee dexer trying to chase the target and trying to get the right timing to make a dismount?

I play this template for over 15 years, it's very hard to get a dismount with a no-dachi, now it will be impossible or only using counter strike which does not work often.

I hope you will reconsider this crazy change ( I repost it on the TC forum too...), please reconsider this change.

@Kyronix @Bleak


  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "you're thinking the dismount change is affecting only no-dachi's and not every other dismount weapon too?, how many weapons have you tested?"-+-
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  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    The King of PvP should be able to kill mounted tamers. :)
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
  • JujuJuju Posts: 10
    The incredible thing that makes NO sense:

    nerfing a melee dismount which is hard to do already and NOT nerfing gargo weapon or Heavy xbow that dismount from far away and you pretoggle still the dismount!!!!!
  • OptimusOptimus Posts: 25
    KingOfPvP said:
    Hello there, I just tested on TC this incredible thing...it's already very hard to dismount with a no-dachi, it has been like this since 2004, since day one of Bushido. I would like to understand how can someone dismount with a no-dachi with this update?

    It will be impossible... do you think it's normal that an archer or a gargoyle with a soulglaive can teleport scroll and have the special toggled and insta dismount on the run while teleporting? What is overpowered? a player dismounting with a bow or a soulglaive while teleporting in front of you?...or a melee dexer trying to chase the target and trying to get the right timing to make a dismount?

    I play this template for over 15 years, it's very hard to get a dismount with a no-dachi, now it will be impossible or only using counter strike which does not work often.

    I hope you will reconsider this crazy change ( I repost it on the TC forum too...), please reconsider this change.

    @ Kyronix @ Bleak

    There are lots of people now scripting dachi auto-dismounts that trigger once within x amount of tiles of an OJ, this is a good counter to that imbalance. Huzzah!

    RIP Simple Jack.
  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    PvP has turned into a "who can dismount script and have the most tstormers to act as an umbrella".  This is a positive change.
  • ElvisElvis Posts: 53
    Why can’t I attack mount when you sitting on it?  Horse is big.
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    Yeah nerfing the archery and no dachi dismount is not cool just going to push people to script something else 
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    plus if you can't have the dismount up while mounted how does the no dachi stun supposed to work @Kyronix
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "hunter, you can have the dismount special toggled, you lose it upon dismount, if you test it, the delay before toggling is very small, only scripts will be affected"
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  • ThandorThandor Posts: 38
    edited March 2021
    Personally I believe this to be a bit of a risky mod. 
    That said I'm a victim of the annoying 2tile auto dismount scripts. 

    Although I believe a change should be implemented to fair this up -
    The problem is see with this is the Itl push more archers to be played with distance teleport and dismount which will be just more annoying. 

    With regards to nodachis particularly I like thst they have the riding swipe advantage
    Originally when se came out the riding swipe did damage to the pet which had to be healed however there wasn't also a remount timer applied to the victim. Returning to this would be a fairer use of riding swipe. 
    Dachi dismount - pet is damaged and must be healed before recounting = aggressor can't remount as per usual dismount timer however the victim can remount as soon as the pet is healed.  This means there's a disadvantage to the advantage.

    With regard to the new toggle timer I think its probably fair. It was always that only lances could have dismount toggled whilst riding. 
    It might be fair if the other dismount weps follow suit excluding a lance due to lore.

    One other dismount issue in game is the teleport dismount. The way the mechanics can be manipulated to allow you a instant swing after a teleport however if you ran and dismounted you wouldn't swing until your timer tick. 
    A 0.5s swing delay after teleport would probably fix this
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    Thandor said:

    One other dismount issue in game is the teleport dismount. The way the mechanics can be manipulated to allow you a instant swing after a teleport however if you ran and dismounted you wouldn't swing until your timer tick. 
    A 0.5s swing delay after teleport would probably fix this

    when you hit dismount with a bow, you now fire before you are able to toggle the special on.
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    i say add a delay to cast teleport once footed to stop the scripting of that as well.  

    Parry is still untouched, splintering is still OP, evasion working with magery/mysticism is still OP.  Pvp is still completely broken.  Oh yeah lest not forget the wall script that is used to make up for lack of talent in todays pvp.  No skill left in pvp which is why its boring and not fun.  
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    i say add a delay to cast teleport once footed to stop the scripting of that as well.  

    Parry is still untouched, splintering is still OP, evasion working with magery/mysticism is still OP.  Pvp is still completely broken.  Oh yeah lest not forget the wall script that is used to make up for lack of talent in todays pvp.  No skill left in pvp which is why its boring and not fun.  
    how is splinter over powered? takes awhile before you can be splintered again

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