Treasure Maps

Anyone having issues with Cache Treasure maps?  I just did about 8 Trammel Cache maps and no Alacrities in any of them.


  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    I don't believe Cache level maps have Alacrities. They have a chance to be in levels 1, 4, and 5. I think.
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    edited February 2021
    KHAN said:
    I don't believe Cache level maps have Alacrities. They have a chance to be in levels 1, 4, and 5. I think.
    Well, according to

    With the sole exclusion of Felucca Cache Treasure Maps (the OP mentioned they were in Trammel...), ALL Treasure Maps from Supply up, that is, Supply, Cache, Hord and Trove, are supposed to carry Alacrity scrolls....

    The UO Wiki indicates : 
    Scrolls of Alacrity, Skill is based on package and facet (All packages, supply and above)

  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Supply chests provide the best return on investment ~ mana orbs, pardons, SOAs, and other specialized items.  Cache chests generally have better armor, jewelry and weapons but they rarely have the good stuff anymore.  Fel. cache chests usually have several power scrolls.  Other area’s cache chests rarely have any scrolls.  All chests may contain treasure maps.  All chests may have 8 of the now mostly worthless mysterious fragments.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Hoard chests usually have several soa and sot scrolls.  Fel. Hoard have power scrolls.
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    Cache maps have a chance of containing alacrities. There's no guarantee of them being in there. You're likely just having a bad streak.
  • Yeah, i did a bunch of Ranger's Hoard (Trammel) T-Maps, and didn't get a single Discord SoA. Got a few Tracking SoAs from it though. Need a Discord SoA to boost my GGS gains on one of my full Bards.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    Faeryl said:
    Cache maps have a chance of containing alacrities. There's no guarantee of them being in there. You're likely just having a bad streak.
    I've done at least two hundred Fel Cache maps and not a single alacrity. Lots of power scrolls thou.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    edited February 2021
    TimSt said:
    Faeryl said:
    Cache maps have a chance of containing alacrities. There's no guarantee of them being in there. You're likely just having a bad streak.
    I've done at least two hundred Fel Cache maps and not a single alacrity. Lots of power scrolls thou.
    Well, as I mentioned in a Post here above, does indicate that Felucca Cache Maps are supposed NOT to spawn Alacrity scrolls....

    Trammel Maps, though, "should", at least if we go with what UOGuide indicates....

    Tha UOWiki, instead ( @Mariah ? ) , seems to contradict with UOGuide as it indicates at  All packages supply and above, and on all facets as I read it, are supposed to spawn Alacrity scrolls based on package and facet.... which, as I understand, would seem to indicate that "also" Felucca Cache Maps would yield Alacrity scrolls which, instead, the UOGuide indicates not.....

     Some Alacrity scrolls, though, seem not to spawn in Treasure chests or, at the very least, they seem to be much harder to spawn as compared to other Alacrity scrolls, (see this Post here ) ..... a bug, maybe ?

    I mean, why would not any and all Alacrity scrolls have the same exact chances to spawn among them, within their pertaining package type ?

    For example, "supposedly" Ranger Treasure Maps should spawn a Fishing Alacrity scroll, along with Animal Lore, Animal Taming, Archery, Discordance, Musicianship, Peacemaking, Provocation, Tinkering, Tracking and Veterinary yet, it seems as though while all these other Alacrity scrolls seem to spawn quite frequently, the Fishing ones do not.... and this should not be, to my opinion, each and every one of these Alacrity scrolls should have an equal 1/11 (or about 9%) chance to spawn within any given Ranger Treasure Map....
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    popps said:
    For example, "supposedly" Ranger Treasure Maps should spawn a Fishing Alacrity scroll, along with Animal Lore, Animal Taming, Archery, Discordance, Musicianship, Peacemaking, Provocation, Tinkering, Tracking and Veterinary yet, it seems as though while all these other Alacrity scrolls seem to spawn quite frequently, the Fishing ones do not.... and this should not be, to my opinion, each and every one of these Alacrity scrolls should have an equal 1/11 (or about 9%) chance to spawn within any given Ranger Treasure Map....
    I've equal amounts of all of this alacrity scrolls, so your sample amount is probably to low. After 1000 scrolls you might get close to see if there is any strangness in the distribrution of the scrolls, but my guess is that you might have 20 or so and are upset that you haven't got 2 fishing.

    I have 4 fish 3 taming 3 lore 2 vet 3 discordance 2 music 1 peace 4 prov. Didn't check how many tinker or tracking I have but my guess it's between 1-4.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    @poppsThe wiki chest loot information is a direct copy/paste from the publish notes:

    For best chance of alacrity scrolls avoid fel maps, where you are likely to get powerscrolls instead (unless you're digging them in hope of powerscrolls of course, my experience :D)

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited February 2021
    Faeryl said:
    Cache maps have a chance of containing alacrities. There's no guarantee of them being in there. You're likely just having a bad streak.
    TimSt said:
    I've done at least two hundred Fel Cache maps and not a single alacrity. Lots of power scrolls thou.
    You two have pointed out the 'ol "two things can be true at the same time" paradigm.

    Cache maps in any Facet other than Felucca have a chance to contain an Alacrity Scroll(s) (no Power or Transcendence).

    Cache maps in the Facet of Felucca have a chance to contain a Power Scroll(s) (no Alacrity or Transcendence).
    -Also Correct!

    When you're hunting for scrolls, keep in mind what Mariah said above about facets. Power scrolls only spawn in Felucca. Combine that with how the spawn system works and you can dramatically increase your chances of finding a specific item. 

    Scrolls are part of a "spawn pool":
    Alacrity Scrolls
    Transcendence Scrolls
    Power Scrolls
    T-maps for one level higher

    Cache maps can only spawn 3 items from the above "pool".
    Hoard maps can only spawn 4 items from the above "pool".
    Trove maps can only spawn 5 items from the above "pool".

    If you're looking for Alacrity scrolls in particular: avoid Felucca to eliminate Power Scrolls and dig Trove maps, as that both eliminates t-maps for one level higher and yields up to five items per chest.

    So, for Trammel Trove, you have a chance to get up to five items from the "spawn pool" and the "spawn pool" is reduced to only 2 items:
    Alacrity Scrolls
    Transcendence Scrolls

    Good Luck!

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    I do maps on all facets and have had to start my third book for blues my second for ps but my pink book only half full i do use them a lot but feel it's all just the fickle RNG gods..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Will check my spreadsheet. SOT stash, SOA supply, cache none, hoard and trove both kinds has been my experience now for a long time.  Trammel only.  Don’t do that many Fel. chests.  Only done a few trove.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Last 57 cache chests i(Trammel and Malas) 14 treasure maps and 22 sets of mysterious fragments.  No forged pardons or mana orbs.  A few coffin pieces, ancient weapons, and skull weapons.  No SOAs, not even one.  Before the sets of 8 mysterious fragments started appearing in these chests I regularly got much better loot as far as the special items were concerned.  Understand UO may have changed the classification of some items and this may have affected how often certain items appeared in chests.

    At the time the sets of fragments started appearing, the same thing happened to the loot in supply chests.  However, maybe 6 to 12 months ago the loot in these chests suddenly improved and now I regularly get tasty treats, skeleton keys, mana orbs, forged pardons, SOAs and other special items I would expect from these chests.  But, cache chests stayed the same.


  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    Not to send this thread off topic but I just finally did a few Eodon maps yesterday (haven't T-Hunted since before all the new content last year) and when I put them into the Davies locker they say TerMur... is that expected?

    I have other TerMur maps in my locker that are actually TerMur so wasn't sure if maybe it was just me.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    keven2002 said:
    Not to send this thread off topic but I just finally did a few Eodon maps yesterday (haven't T-Hunted since before all the new content last year) and when I put them into the Davies locker they say TerMur... is that expected?

    I have other TerMur maps in my locker that are actually TerMur so wasn't sure if maybe it was just me.

    That is a known issue. You can tell which are Eodon from the north/south coordinates in the davies as you can see on these facet maps:

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    Excellent thanks @Mariah
  • @Arroth_Thaiel

    In regards to you reply here

    When you're hunting for scrolls, keep in mind what Mariah said above about facets. Power scrolls only spawn in Felucca. Combine that with how the spawn system works and you can dramatically increase your chances of finding a specific item. 

    Scrolls are part of a "spawn pool":
    Alacrity Scrolls
    Transcendence Scrolls
    Power Scrolls
    T-maps for one level higher

    Cache maps can only spawn 3 items from the above "pool".
    Hoard maps can only spawn 4 items from the above "pool".
    Trove maps can only spawn 5 items from the above "pool".

    If you're looking for Alacrity scrolls in particular: avoid Felucca to eliminate Power Scrolls and dig Trove maps, as that both eliminates t-maps for one level higher and yields up to five items per chest.

    I did a total of 6 Trammel Cache.  All chests popped up as either Gold or Silver.
    in two of those chests I received a T-map from a higher level
    In the other 4 chests I received neither Alacrity, transcendence, nor T-maps.

    I just did another 4 maps. this time in Malas.  I received neither Alacrity, transcendence, nor T-Map. 
    Now I can understand having a string of bad luck,  but this seems to be an exceptional string if so.
  • So I guess what it boils down to is; can anyone either confirm or deny that they are receiving Alacrities in Cache Maps?
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited February 2021

    I looked back through my spreadsheet, but since my most recent pass with running maps (rather than just testing them) was focusing on Malas Supply and Felucca Cache, I have no recent records for non-Felucca Cache.

    Although, you would think 10 non-Felucca Cache should have yielded at least 1 Alacrity (57 non-Felucca Cache should have yielded quiet a few Alacrity!). 

    From what you and Arnold are posting, it's sounds like something is off with Non-Felucca Cache maps and Alacrity Scrolls.    
  • Everything is working ass intended.  This was the greatest upgrade ever.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    For what it's worth I just did 2 Fel Supply maps (warrior & mage) and got 2 alacrity scrolls in each. 
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Finally got some cache chests.  Did 5 Malas chests 3 mage and 2 ranger.  Collected 214,663 gold from the chests, sold the jewels to a npc for 60,032, and looted 15,510 from the guardians for a total haul of 290,205 gold.  Dug up 2 gold, 2 black, and 1 rusty chest.  As far as special items go found 2 sets of the mostly worthless mysterious fragments, one ancient weapon, and one hoard map.  Also, found about 8 normal items I might use or sell.  Oh, almost forgot, no scrolls of any kind.

    Probably started doing cache chests around a year ago.  My spreadsheet has the results from 262 chests and to be honest I don’t see that I have ever gotten a scroll from a Trammel cache chest.  Maybe, they are supposed to have scrolls but that does not appear to be the case.
  • Well, at this point in time it might be a system better left alone.

    Any "fix" would probably result in Alacrity Scolls being added to all Cache maps (Felucca included), thereby reducing the Power Scroll output of Felucca Cache.

    I'ma say....let's forget this one is happening.  ;)
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    You might be right.  Just wish mysterious fragments would mysteriously disappear from chests and be replaced by something useful.  No reason now they have to win just about every other chest I dig up regardless of the type.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Meant to say no reason they have to be in just about every other chest.
  • Now that tabards appear to be a mostly permanent addition, with no need to gather many fragments for a limited time event, reducing mysterious fragments to their original spawn rate and amount seems like a good idea to me!

    One fragment every 10 chests or so would make them something to look forward to, and something unique t-hunters could gather to sell to those looking for tabards.

    Right now fragments are more like, "OMG more!???....I'm leaving them in the chest."
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    I'd be fine with them in the chest if they were just in a bag (and didn't count towards an item in the chest). 
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Yes, that is what bothers me about the frags the most.  My vendor depends on these chests and hate thinking that each set of fragments represents items I could have actually sold.  Don’t need a set of them in every other chest.  Just one once in awhile or a bag full that did not count would be fine with me.  I leave them in the chest too.
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