Calling all Ultima players to ask the Dev's to change house IDOC rules

There are two main scripters getting all the 18 x 18's houses , Keeps and Castles in the game. These two have single handedly also raised the cost of housing to outrageous amounts of gold. The current way to determine if a house can be placed, after an IDOC, is by casting recall, and if you can recall you can place a house. This method makes it very easy for scripters to write code that detects this faster than other players and these two scripters get ALL the nice housing spots every single time. I propose that the timer be truly random after a house falls with no methods to determine if a house can be placed, so that it cannot be scripted by these two players.


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    Sounds like an Atlantic problem.  A keep on LS fell last night.  I stayed and hit barrels till they went poof.  Only 1 guy was there when I left, and he got the keep.

    I dont think making it random will benefit non scripting players.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ThorakhThorakh Posts: 58
    edited February 2021
    I should clarify that this is a HUGE Atlantic problem. An 18 x 18 on Atlantic is 400-500 million gold.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    edited February 2021
    sadly there is no point complaining any more on Idocs.

    Heres why......

    1. The Devs don't care
    2. This post is about to be bombarded by the accused cheaters and they will troll relentlessly until it get locked, Just wait.......
    3. They will troll about game mechanics and how no one else understands blah blah blah
    4. You will be affecting RMT income and that wont do at all

    I proposed a SA house lottery ticket idea and it fellow deaf ears.  My idea was this,  when the house goes idoc you click the sign, A blessed ticket goes into your pack,1 ticket master acct. when the house falls the plot open up and a signpost is placed, you double click your ticket then the sign. If you are chosen, its yours to do with as you wish, move in or sell etc, up to you.

    Just like when SA came out and the 2 houses were awarded.

    But the housing market sharks will not like this and as I said, anything that affects the very profitable life of the real estate exploiters (supposedly) and they will troll and cry until Petra locks this thread.

    The Dev's also dont like problems, just pompom wavers, so this will drop out very quickly
  • TjalleTjalle Posts: 86
    There is a thread in one of the Stratics trade forums where 15 houses are up for sale. Is that one of the suspects?
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    edited February 2021
    That seller looks to just have crappy plot that no idoliser would place and has ramped up the prices....hence to sales...

    The 18x18 and keep and castles are what the real crooks are after and use questionable tactics to get them.  You are not allowed to challenge it here at all. you get warned, deleted posts and they carry on as usual. I do not believe for one minute the Dev's are unaware. They just can't or won't do anything about it.
  • Pawain said:
    Sounds like an Atlantic problem.  A keep on LS fell last night.  I stayed and hit barrels till they went poof.  Only 1 guy was there when I left, and he got the keep.

    I dont think making it random will benefit non scripting players.
    Spot on @Pawain, anything they do to make it hard for scripters makes it harder for non scripters.  best thing to do is try to get items/place and not let it bother you when you don't and when you do happen to get a spot, ignore the people that will accuse you of scripting and enjoy the win.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • ThorakhThorakh Posts: 58
    edited February 2021
    They already deleted this post, which leads me to believe they are or know the scripters.

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    You had 3 threads on the same topic. One was removed as Spam.
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    we all said it this summer big house should go to raffle system thats it
  • Thank you for clarifying why you deleted my post, I retract my previous post.
  • MordredMordred Posts: 102
    Tjalle said:
    There is a thread in one of the Stratics trade forums where 15 houses are up for sale. Is that one of the suspects?

    lol, this is so funny!
    You have crafters and so many more as Profession, you can be a realtor as well and buy every single house and resell, so ofc the realtors will have many many houses for sale, the person that post that on stratics is just 1 of the many available. so what is wrong on buy and resell for profit?
    If people are buying, is because there is a market!

  • i will say NO, a big NO to this.
    First you all complain about the Idocs and they fixed and made worst, 1/2 of the items and resources get deleted and because of that the prices went sky high. Leave as it is, no more changes.
  • KingKing Posts: 142
    I sell a lot of houses all the time, I can find many many areas open to place a house, Atlantic included, I also buy houses from the people placing them and reselling as well, nothing wrong with that way of making money. you can buy a house in the morning and sell for double in the afternoon.

    You are complaining with no facts or proof at all, the last 3 keeps and castle that went Idoc on atlantic was in felucca and a lot of people were there and getting killed, so there were no scripters alive. just because you dont know how to place, or lost to someone else. dont make your statements true.
  • KingKing Posts: 142
    edited February 2021
    "I proposed a SA house lottery ticket idea and it fellow deaf ears.  My idea was this,  when the house goes idoc you click the sign, A blessed ticket goes into your pack,1 ticket master acct. when the house falls the plot open up and a signpost is placed, you double click your ticket then the sign. If you are chosen, its yours to do with as you wish, move in or sell etc, up to you."

    worst idea ever, be careful what you wish for. just a simple example, I am one that have way more than 100 accounts myself and just like me, there is a lot of people that also have more than me.

    They will troll about game mechanics and how no one else understands blah blah blah

    yes, because people like you have no idea how the game work.
    There was a post on stratics 2 days ago about someone accusing someone of cheating and exploiting the game, bc his house was private and had vendors. Clearly people have no idea on how to do that.
    also, I can place 3 or more houses on 1 single account, do you know how?  NO, because you have no clue about game mechanics.

  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    King and his 7 posts.  Let me tell you something about my idocer,  I have attended over 1500 idocs in a span of 10 years. I have seen many scripting crews come and go, many exploits exposed so I DO know what I am talking about thanks.

    the ticket idea worked great fir SA houses when the Abyss opened,  it’s to worst idea ever simply because YOU can only have 1 ticket per master Acct 
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    Would you happen to be the king who owns an RMT site by chance?  And another “king” forum Acct?  
  • TabinTabin Posts: 30
    I agree that it is a problem when a small handful of scripters are constantly getting the house spots before anyone else can place.  Maybe make it so each account can only place property once per month.  Then these scripters will need to pay additional monthly subs to keep up with all the idocs.  It wont solve the problem completely but it sure as hell will hurt their bottom line.  
  • TabinTabin Posts: 30
    edited February 2021
    I’ll also agree that changing the no recall timer and the house placement timer to be independent of each other could be a possible solution since their script probably relies on this.  Then set house placement tool to 5x attempts per 2min or something like that. 
  • Thanks for the positive feedback, Tabin
  • funny that the OP own a website that is spamming 24/7 on gen chat. He is probably mad bc he can get a house to post for sale for real money on his site.
    he is using a bot right now on gen chat to promote this post, spamming at the same time as the 3rd part rmt seller, funny how that work!
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    funny that the OP own a website that is spamming 24/7 on gen chat. He is probably mad bc he can get a house to post for sale for real money on his site.
    he is using a bot right now on gen chat to promote this post, spamming at the same time as the 3rd part rmt seller, funny how that work!
    is this fact or speculation? 
  • ThorakhThorakh Posts: 58
    edited February 2021
    Speculation, I'm not running a bot or website, nor am I spamming, tho I am trying to bring attention to the subject.
  • funny that the guy spamming on gen chat on atl, is using a bot.
    same as uopxxxx guy and right after comes rivXX posting this post. and you are using a brand new account @Thorakh ; , very very funny.  so , stop crying and go play the game
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited February 2021
    Only read the first post... as written before, please make a vote to make an auto raffle system.

    Boss, you used this method to raffle away that emptied house spot in Abyss dungeon... when I was the one asking for it... lol So why not make this a permanent feature for all future idoc and make it fair for all.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • ThorakhThorakh Posts: 58
    edited February 2021
    Raffle system is a good idea Seth, thanks for the feedback.
  • KfitzKfitz Posts: 3
    I agree with a raffle system as well.  I was at a castle collapse yesterday on Atlantic. As soon as the housing placement became available 4 or 5 houses sprang up instantly and at the same time.  No chance for a legit player to place. 
  • ThorakhThorakh Posts: 58
    edited February 2021
    You don't stand a chance against these fast scripters, that's for sure. That's why we need the Dev's to remove the recall detection and make the scripts useless and have a truly random house placement timer.
  • 1st you all complain about the Idocs, than the "secret tile" that was never there, now you complain about this and that, all that because you cant place anything, may as well stop Idocs all together? is that what you want?  because if they do raffle system, you will loose same way and you will cry again and again and again.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    AND HERE THEY ARE, plenty of posters here with less than 10 posts, these veterans? where have they been?   oh yes, as stated they will flood in, troll to get the post locked, then business as usual.  Any idea that affects RMT income will be shot down here...........

    Keep going, lets get these houses on a lottery system ,I ticket per MASTER ACCT.   no scripts, no 100 acct real estate market monopolisers  just a fair system for ALL

    Dont let them troll this thread or get it closed
  • AND HERE THEY ARE, plenty of posters here with less than 10 posts, these veterans? where have they been?   oh yes, as stated they will flood in, troll to get the post locked, then business as usual.  Any idea that affects RMT income will be shot down here...........

    Keep going, lets get these houses on a lottery system ,I ticket per MASTER ACCT.   no scripts, no 100 acct real estate market monopolisers  just a fair system for ALL

    Dont let them troll this thread or get it closed
    well, you really can't stop them from trolling, but you might be able to keep it from getting closed, maybe.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

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