Live Stream w/ the Devs

I did some searching on a date the Devs are going to do their live steam in Feb (as mentioned by @Kyronix in another thread) but I didn't find a date and time. 

Anyone know when this will be so I can try to be online at that time (or point me in the direction of where to find the info)?


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    Not yet announced.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867

    I'd be really interested to see it.

    I really enjoyed the last one, it had a lot of interest and was a lot of fun.

    I know they took some flak over some things, but my personal view is they were brave doing it, I really enjoyed the content, and would love if they all did more, it was great to see them.

  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Look forward to the next live stream.  Some advice.  Do a rehearsal this time to test out the flow, to learn how to use the equipment, and in general try to discover problems before you go live ( I would recommend a couple practice runs on different days),  Review your last last live stream so you can create backups that will keep things going when you have the same problems and to hopefully recognize other potential problems that require backups. 

    Get everyone on the same page by setting some goals and planing how you will work together to achieve those goals so you are all on the same page this time.  Also, spend some time together to plan things out and anticipate questions so that you all can agree on the answers.  Important, find a way to communicate with each other while live so you can let your team members know when they forget to turn off their mikes or make other errors that need to be corrected right away (for example last time the constant clicking from one person’s mike while others were talking was very distracting.  Had you had a way of communicating, you could have let that person know to turn off the mike without having to embarrass anyone on line).  Maybe, have an observer that can communicate with watch the live event so that person can alert you to problems and potential problems as when you go live it is sometimes difficult for presenters to see problems the audience sees.

    Having been a presenter know that as presenter you will not consider these suggestions as something that will make the best for use of your time as you have productive things you can do instead.  But, having been a presenter know that you have to do them.  You have to know where you are going and how you will get there.  And, maybe most important, recognize that the only thing you can depend on (other than yourself) is the unexpected, the be it equipment, other presenter, or audience member.  Remember, you are the face of Ultima Online.

    Sorry for the long thread.  Wish you the best on your next live stream.

  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    Please bring up pvp. They didnt address many of the questions about it last time.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    So.... @Kyronix.... with only about 10 days left in the month are we going to get some heads up on the Live Stream?? I'm sure people would really like to attend if possible but if you wait until the day before to announce it many people won't be able to plan accordingly. 
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    @Kyronix - Is this live stream still happening in Feb? I don't think it's asking for too much for some advance notice. At this point if it is still going to be in Feb the best case scenario will be a couple days notice which doesn't allow people to plan accordingly to attend.
  • Dev communication at its finest...
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    If I were them, I wouldn't do it. All they get is Shat on.  Maybe instead just take whatever it was they were going to discuss and write it up real nice and add it to the NL FAQ page.

    I hope that they are closer to announcing WHEN it will go live, I'm on pins and needles waiting!

  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    edited February 2021
    Larisa said:
    If I were them, I wouldn't do it. All they get is Shat on.  Maybe instead just take whatever it was they were going to discuss and write it up real nice and add it to the NL FAQ page.

    I hope that they are closer to announcing WHEN it will go live, I'm on pins and needles waiting!
    My guess is, you will be waiting for much longer than you expect. IF it happens at all. As far as getting "shat on", when they start acting like REAL developers, and start doing a proper job, then I suspect they will be treated accordingly. But at this point, it's on them, and them alone. Is it a bit harsh, maybe. BUT it's not like they haven't proved over and over that the animosity IS justified. 
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Didn't they say either in the live stream or a newsletter about the "big announcement" (ie New Legacy) being ready for the 25th anniversary?
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    edited February 2021
    Larisa said:
    If I were them, I wouldn't do it. 
    At this point Kyronix has already said there was some something planned for Feb so I think they need to follow through now because that's part of the animosity between many players and the Devs (at least in my opinion); the lack of follow through in general. 

    If I were them, I would just spend an extra few hours planning and rehearsing the Live Stream and to be honest I'd only have Messana & Kyronix on there (maybe Bleak). Between those 3 all questions can be answered.

    So... @Kyronix when is the live stream this week?
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited February 2021
    Larisa said: If I were them, I wouldn't do it.

    I get your point here, I think they took a lot of flak that was unjustified, I don't think people have a right to behave like that towards others tbh, in any environment. People think that because it is virtual it is ok, it isn't really.

    So yes, I get that they may not want to, I felt bad for them. I get that players are extremely passionate, but players need to control themselves in that sense.

    I thought it was great to see the Devs, the level of interest was higher than I expected, and it was fun, it was also great that the Devs of the game, actually did a live communication with the players, if they could control it a bit better, it could be a really cool thing.

    I think like Arnold said - they probably went in too unprepared.

    Practice with the Tech first, make sure it works, they will have learned stuff from the first one for sure.

    My main piece of advice would be - be prepared for the pvpers, and the crafters. There are a lot of them, who have been ignored for a long time, who have a lot of questions. You cannot keep ignoring them, try and have some prepared answers for them. There are far more of them in the woodwork than you realise.

    • What are you going to do to balance pvp? {Too much scripted Dismounting. Too many scripts full stop, how will you balance the clients a bit}
    • What are you going to do to improve crafting? {It has fallen behind, can it make higher end gear, can it have more customisation, can it have more of the Lootable item properties?}
    • What is your policy towards scripting and 3rd party programs going forwards? Is it like fighting the tide, will you approve some of them? A lot of game content, almost requires scripting these days, it has got so much work - like looting, gathering, or doing BODS.
    • What is your policy towards RMT websites? Can you control them? Is there anything you can do? Do you want to make RMT official, and pull it into UOStore itself, so at least it is you making the money from it? Players would be less upset if it was official, more trustworthy, there was a transparency to it, and if at least Broadsword was profiting from it.
    • What are your plans for Vendor Search? Clearly broken on Atlantic. Why, how come? Can you fix it, do you have a plan to improve it?
    • What are your plans for the economy? Prices are skyrocketing (is it because RMT sites are flooding the game with gold?). Can you make drop rates higher, make stuff more available, or again, allow us to actually craft what we need, so we are not all hostage to an insane economy? Do you know how many 1,000's of Medusas I have done over the years, and the only 2 Slithers I own, I had to buy for 200m... Why is this? I currently have 3 other characters that need Slithers. I need about 12 Cameos, I have zero, they currently sell for 250m - ok this is partly my fault, I don't do enough Shadowguard. I need 7 shields I cannot obtain. I have not even looked at the armour I'm going to need - most of my characters stay ungeared because I cannot even start to find gear I like. This is depressing for me, I just want to play the game with my characters. The fact players cannot get what they need, or raise enough gold, is driving them towards the RMT sites, so they can just buy the gear, without all the pain.

    There you go, I think some of the main player issues.

    For me personally, my main issue, is I just don't like the style of armour out there for gearing my characters, I cannot ever physically find or make what I want, it is just impossible. The irony of having so many random properties, is finding the exact pieces you want, is impossible - crafting should be able to fill in this gap. I don't like random, I don't like negative properties like antique/brittle, I don't like missing properties from Crafting, I would also like more customisation on the looks of armour. I know you deal with some of these specifically via tranmog potions, but it is again only some. Also Gargoyles are not easy to gear up fully.

  • GoldieGoldie Posts: 142
    Maybe the devs are just to busy trying to stay on track with the release of the new event

     (my guess... my guess....................  pirates march 1st)   

    now they can't be late on that start date, have to walk the plank if they miss it <span>:open_mouth:</span>
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    Goldie said:
    Maybe the devs are just to busy trying to stay on track with the release of the new event

     (my guess... my guess....................  pirates march 1st)   

    now they can't be late on that start date, have to walk the plank if they miss it <span>:open_mouth:</span>

    Fair enough, of course they are tbh, I know what it's like working to deadlines all the time.

    (Somewhere in their schedule, they need to build themselves some time, I wonder who is driving their schedule?)

    Fingers crossed for the new event hey. :)

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    @Cookie - Not disagreeing with your talking points but honestly the Devs don't even need to open the feed up to live Q&A if they don't want to.

    They can just keep it as a Live Stream to discuss a list of prepicked topics. I'm not looking for a cross examination, I just want some further details about upcoming events and what is in the works.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited February 2021
    keven2002 said:
    @ Cookie - Not disagreeing with your talking points but honestly the Devs don't even need to open the feed up to live Q&A if they don't want to.

    They can just keep it as a Live Stream to discuss a list of prepicked topics. I'm not looking for a cross examination, I just want some further details about upcoming events and what is in the works.

    Ahh understood as well.

    Yep, true, agreed.

    Could build themselves up for a cross examination later :)

    {There is a Dev meet tonight? It's just at such a bad time for me}.

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    edited February 2021
    @Kyronix - No response to this thread while you were responding to other ones yesterday?? T-minus 5days in Feb...

    Even if you say it's canceled that's fine; at least it's an update. Going silent is probably about the only thing that I think would be "wrong'.
  • Are there only six people working on the game right now?
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Based on the last meet and greet we should hear about the stream very soon. 
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867

    I was glad to hear from the M&G that VvV is not dead in the water, they are looking at PvP for NL, and something may find it's way to production. I'm happy to wait on that. I know it's been awhile, but then quite honestly, the topic isn't an easy one.

    I'm also looking forward to the new event, High Sea's.

    And yes, I'll be there if they do this Live Stream, would be cool to hear more.

    I would be glad if everyone can leave their negativity behind, and just get into enjoying the game and the stuff coming up. If you don't like it, you don't have to be there. There are so many aspects to the game.

    I get your point that you'd like a response btw @keven2002, sometimes their lack or response baffles me also, maybe they are just that busy, and don't have time to look at forums. I used to work in a high pressure internationally famed role, with lots of fans, and behind the scenes, you have a job to do, you can't be in communication the whole time. And sometimes, it isn't your place to respond, or you can get in trouble internally.

    My thoughts, are I would like to see more players behaving like @mariah and @larisa , who just selflessly and positively keep on going. Amazing. And believe it or not, I'll probably add @mesanna to the list, even though I'm probably not her biggest fan on a lot of things lol. I think in the face of so much moaning, they do so much good work. Respect.

  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Cookie said:
    I get your point that you'd like a response btw @ keven2002, sometimes their lack or response baffles me also, maybe they are just that busy, and don't have time to look at forums. I used to work in a high pressure internationally famed role, with lots of fans, and behind the scenes, you have a job to do, you can't be in communication the whole time. And sometimes, it isn't your place to respond, or you can get in trouble internally.

    I agree with this. I am sure they can't monitor forums all day and respond to every single tag-in - we'd definitely never get any new content that way. Also, don't forgot the mountain of e-mails they must get daily.
    But, a bit more communication would be nice. I always thought the forums moderators could send a daily or weekly e-mail with a mini break down of posts that a quick response would work. Post that a quick read and response would take only a few minutes at the end of the day type post. An example of that kinda of post would be this one actually. Send an e-mail "Please look at the post about the Live Stream". Then at the end of the day, they could do a quick response of " It is still in the works but a date and time have not been set." Even with the bug forums, after making sure its not user error, it could be sent to them and they could respond "Bug Noted". I think even this little bit of communication could help developer \ player relationship.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    edited February 2021
    @Cookie - I get it that they don't live on the forums else nothing would be done but I don't think it's asking too much to have 1 or 2 Devs check the forums once or twice a week (that falls under role & responsibilities I'd think).

    Additionally the fact of the matter is that Kyronix was on here 2 days ago responding to other threads so he was on here checking at that time...I'm sure he can sort through the threads by name like "VS Sucks" & "M&G Messana got owned" as trolling and check out threads with meaningful names and content. It's extremely easy to check your alerts to see the name of threads.

    There really is no excuse in my mind at this point why we haven't been given an update with 4 days left in the month. Initially I wasn't even asking for an exact date/time; a simple "We are looking to do the Live Stream near the end of the month" when I first asked the question 2 weeks ago would have sufficed. Now with 3 days left (today is too late to tell us there will be a live stream for today), they backed themselves into a corner so a date/time should be provided ASAP.

    We are at the point now where it's too late for reprieve. I don't have a crystal ball but even I can tell you the live stream will be either tomorrow or Friday (outside chance at Saturday). This is a perfect example of mishandling the communication with the players.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited February 2021

    I'm not going to add anything to that, as I say, it baffles me sometimes, but sometimes that's how it is. :)

    Maybe in their heads, they communicated end of the month, maybe that's not changed, maybe they don't know more themselves or are too busy to give an update, maybe pure unfortunate luck he didnt see it, maybe he just likes some topics more than others ;)

  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    im pretty sure they regret having this forum now they were already to buzy to manage cant put a forum with no devs communication or moderation. but yeah so many troll post tagging them or people only thinking about herself still of the game how they want it.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    Keven, I saw that you read the Meet and Greet Transcript on Stratics, why you are still asking WHEN the live stream will be is beyond me because if you HAD read it you would know that they said when the live stream will be.

    Maybe they mishandled the updating and announcement of it here, but they did announce it at the M&G which is fine.

    They DID say the live stream would be this month, and it will be...they held to their word.

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    @Larisa - the reason I'm asking WHEN is because I want to attend and the last Live Stream was in the middle of a work day (which is fine but I do need to build it into my calendar). 

    They said there would be a Live Stream (in Jan they said it) in Feb... that's 28 days to pick from. They never said "end of Feb". At the start of the month if they had said "end of Feb" then at least I have an idea. Waiting until a M&G that literally took place 3 days ago AKA 22 days into the month shows extremely poor communication ESPECIALLY when I asked directly on the 15th just for the ballpark. As we get closer to the actual event, people NEED to be given an exact you are arguing against that is baffling. I guess you are cool with getting your doctors appointments or any other appointment via month and then have them call you 3 hours before you need to be there saying "it's happening today"??

    Best part is when I contact Mesanna about the EM roles she mentioned that (I'm paraphrasing) "EMs have flexibility to do what they want as long as their events go on the calendar". So the Devs in this case aren't even following their own directive on putting things on the calendar. It's extremely unprofessional, especially in a client facing role. 
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    If you miss it, you do know that it will be posted on youtube...right?

    Here's the link for the last one since it seems you missed it.

    Not everyone will be able to attend the exact time they decide to do it, you are not the only one that will probably miss it due to time conflicts.

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    I think you are missing my point. I want to attend and I will try to make it work BUT I need at least an idea of a day. I want to attend in case I want to ask questions. I typically don't do M&G or events because they are after 8pm so I don't get a chance to interact with the Devs aside from these boards. 

    So unless there is some way for me to ask them questions on the live Stream when I watch it after it's over (maybe some time machine you have created?) then all I'm asking for is a day (at the very least) and a time.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Just because a DEV may respond to some posts does not mean that they are allowed to respond to all posts.  We do not have clue one as to what they can and can not say on the forums.  You did know that BS told the DAoC people that they may only post to their forum only but no word has been posted on our forum about that but anybody with half a brain knows that that applies to our DEVs also and who knows what other rules BS has sent down the pipe.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Good call @Bilbo

    I'll wait to see when the announcement comes. My money is on Friday at this point :D
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