Blessed statue BUG

GedGed Posts: 5
Due to Blessed Statue bug I have lost over 400 items from my boxes in my house. That was items gather many years Included vet rewards, item with historical value etc. It is any possiblity to recover my items or I lost all what indeed keep me in UO and I can close my account forever? I dont understand how it could happen, because of bugged item from item store/EA store I have lost my most valuable items which keep me to have my account active for many years. Now Im done?!

“Only in silence the word,
Only in dark the light,
Only in dying life:
Bright the hawk's flight
On the empty sky.

—The Creation of Éa”

― Ursula K. Le Guin


  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    This post needs way more information/facts to even begin to understand what this person is talking about.
  • GedGed Posts: 5
    Ok, I can write more. I tried to gather a regents from blessed statue (sprint decor item) and moved it to one of my open backpacks on my screen. Unfortunately I put it to wrong bag, to First Aid Belt which have same graphic like other bags. At that moment disaster start. I got client crash, cannot come back to game several times, When I logged looks like my characters cannot move, but I didn’t see anything wrong with my house, its looks normal. So I blame my network connection stability for that.  It was late (3 am) so I went sleep and was sure that my problems would end next day after server restart. I was wrong! Next day when I log on, I found all my locked and secured containers next to north wall of my house empty! I have lost plenty of my full soul stones I had almost every skill trained in game, vet rewards inc. ethereal mounts, valuable items like crest robes etc. scrolls, rare recipes, bless deeds, old items which it was valuable for me. Basically my 18 years work in game gone... I cannot figure out how that simple bug event could cause that great lost. I’m upset that only GM could tell is standard “nope” formula about recovery. I’m middle 40s, I will not recover myself in game after that lost, I don’t have time for that, someone my know how long take Begging training to GM in example, and rest of time consuming skills. I know that game is old and don’t have advanced mechanics... but I don’t understand. I cannot understand how easy I lost all of my UO history in that such of thing.

    “Only in silence the word,
    Only in dark the light,
    Only in dying life:
    Bright the hawk's flight
    On the empty sky.

    —The Creation of Éa”

    ― Ursula K. Le Guin
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Did you move these containers with relocate container?

    We're those containers secure and not set to public after?

    You tried to put reagents in your bandage belt, the game crashed and the next day your containers on the north wall were empty. 

    Good luck.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GedGed Posts: 5
    Pawain said:
    Did you move these containers with relocate container?

    -> No I did not. It was like 20metal boxes on three floors. they are still secure as were, but EMPTY!

    Pawain said:

    We're those containers secure and not set to public after?

    -> No, as above, nothing change in security settings.

    Pawain said:

    > You tried to put reagents in your bandage belt, the game crashed and the next day your containers on the north wall were empty. 

    Yes, on all 3 levels of my house... My items gone because of that event. I completely don’t know how could happen and what reason.

    Pawain said:

    -> Good luck.

    Thank you. I mourning now... It’s hard but I don’t have any reason to stay in game now. I didn’t play much from years but I kept my acc active because of sentiment... now its all gone...

    “Only in silence the word,
    Only in dark the light,
    Only in dying life:
    Bright the hawk's flight
    On the empty sky.

    —The Creation of Éa”

    ― Ursula K. Le Guin
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    The next thing they would need to know is if the statue was against that same wall.

    Maybe @Yoshi or Mervyn want to test this since they have the info.  I sure am not going to temp fate.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GedGed Posts: 5
    Pawain said:
    The next thing they would need to know is if the statue was against that same wall.

    Maybe @ Yoshi or Mervyn want to test this since they have the info.  I sure am not going to temp fate.
    Exactly it was at north wall....

    I fill the contact form to all support department I can. But no answer. Does anyone have an idea where I could write?  Looks like I’m done, and its time to change my house to some graveyard and close account...

    “Only in silence the word,
    Only in dark the light,
    Only in dying life:
    Bright the hawk's flight
    On the empty sky.

    —The Creation of Éa”

    ― Ursula K. Le Guin
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited February 2021
    "QA test report:

    additional info obtained from user:
    client: classic
    location of statue: ground floor, north wall (facing east)
    shard: Europa
    weight of bandage belt when empty: 1 stone (new belt), contained normal bandages
    reagent moved: garlic
    security setting: co-owner
    player in any type of form? no

    unable to reproduce a crash.

    While i fully beleive the user lost items in the house, this was a fairly unique action the user reported performing, i was unable to reproduce any crash error. so deem the priority very low, I do not beleive this will ever happen again.

    (Potential for exploit: low - privilege escalation - potential to destroy items not accessible by the user: in order to move reagents from a statue, you must be able to access a statue or have permission to lock it down in a house)"-+-

    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    if I read this correctly, they used a blessed statue as a container.
    and all of the stuff got deleted from the container.
    (which means him losing connection had nothing to do with the issue)

    I know when I first got one of these containers, that you couldn't put stuff inside them.
    I'm not sure why, but i tried dropping something inside (probably not paying attention to what I was doing at the time).

    And if you haven't checked them for a few days, that once you take the regs out,
    5 mins later, new ones would spawn.

    so I'm wondering if, when they are supposed to respawn, if it instantly deletes whats inside.


    also to note:
    my husband has been decorating his house & he was moving stuff around.

    and I told him that the statue was bugged, that after 5 mins, it would turn.
    he had already checked it, and when after 5 mins, it hadn't turned, he kinda chuckled at me.

    the next morning, i told him it turned.
    he was upstairs and was decoing some more.
    I opened the statue and he had pants inside.
    of course i had to take them out, wasn't going to risk them being deleted.
    (think he wasn't paying attention and dropped it inside by mistake)

    so maybe whatever bug that causes them to turn, might also delete whats inside.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “I don’t think you interpreted Ged’s reported action correctly. (please note you cannot place any items back into the statue - even reagents)
    I am also aware of the issue of the statue turning east, however could not relate this to a crash or loss of items.”-+- 
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited February 2021
    if I read this correctly, they used a blessed statue as a container.
    and all of the stuff got deleted from the container.
    (which means him losing connection had nothing to do with the issue)

    OP said he took reagents out of the statue and accidentally put them into his bandage bag and that caused the crash.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GedGed Posts: 5

    Yoshi said:
    "QA test report:

    additional info obtained from user:
    client: classic
    location of statue: ground floor, north wall (facing east)
    shard: Europa
    weight of bandage belt when empty: 1 stone (new belt), contained normal bandages
    reagent moved: garlic
    security setting: co-owner
    player in any type of form? no

    unable to reproduce a crash.

    While i fully beleive the user lost items in the house, this was a fairly unique action the user reported performing, i was unable to reproduce any crash error. so deem the priority very low, I do not beleive this will ever happen again.

    (Potential for exploit: low - privilege escalation - potential to destroy items not accessible by the user: in order to move reagents from a statue, you must be able to access a statue or have permission to lock it down in a house)"-+-

    Pawain said:
    if I read this correctly, they used a blessed statue as a container.
    and all of the stuff got deleted from the container.
    (which means him losing connection had nothing to do with the issue)

    OP said he took reagents out of the statue and accidentally put them into his bandage bag and that caused the crash.

    Cinderella may have some right here. Statue and container related “event” makes that all happen. I could not check it at that point, because every interaction with statue after relog was causing crash.

    So, what I understand from your test. I lost my precious things because of shard god will, and nothing is possible to do more... Well I’m still struggling, and I’m not going to log in to game anymore I think. Time to move on. My house will fall in 3 months or so, nothing important left there, but anyone who came for IDOC... Enjoy! Farewell...

    “Only in silence the word,
    Only in dark the light,
    Only in dying life:
    Bright the hawk's flight
    On the empty sky.

    —The Creation of Éa”

    ― Ursula K. Le Guin
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