Valentine clickys are up!



  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited February 2021
    Well, after having been mugged 3 times at the Clicky, 2 times at the ATL Fel Yew Gate and once KILLED BY A BUNCH OF DAMN WANDERING ORKS trying to escape the mob of unsavory Reds that CRAWLS OUT OF THE FOOKING WALLS like FOOKING ALIENS (not even in a Imanewbie 'toon I have ever seen something like this... :o :D ), I got at last my Trump Doll, after having BEGGED the thieves to let me have at least one.

    What can I say... ah, yes:

    Dear Devs, you are a bunch of rotten to the core nogooddoers that enjoy having the players suffer, and THAT IS THAT! :D

    Have a nice Valentine Day and... fottetevi. :p ;)

  • @Stinky_Pete as I am unable to play right now, can you post some theft stories so that i am able to experience some small part of this event?  be sure to include any tears and curses for realism.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • @ Stinky_Pete as I am unable to play right now, can you post some theft stories so that i am able to experience some small part of this event?  be sure to include any tears and curses for realism.
    You know I will.
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    Dont need to collect them just use vendor search when it s working and buy it for 50-100k in a week
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Feigr said:
    Feigr said:
    What are negative karma players getting? I got the Donald Trump Cupid.

    LOL The left arm looks like a phallus.  This is great.  I love it.
    Ya they noticed that on LS right away.  They also think the other one has his hand in his pants but I think thats the bow they are seeing.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    There are several phallus looking things in the game. Some that come to mind are the remove trap icon, one of the teleport pads, and for a split second the gateway to Heartwood.
  • In Fel and negative Karma gets the nicer reward.

    Not the best decision from the health of the game perspective but meh.

    Oh well.

    There are many other things that are both better and worse for the health of the game going on at the same time so I'll just shrug it off.
  • AaylaAayla Posts: 170
    I liked the thing! Make it challenging to get your gift! 100% for this!!
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited February 2021
    I've got all I am going to get from other shards.  Only lost 3.

    Invis pots are at the alchemists.  Can't you use one to help you not become a victim.  I thought of trying one but just decided to stop and do them late.  No one is by the clicky right now.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    I got all 12 of mine including three on Atlantic without major problems.  Only time I encountered a thief was on my first attempt on Pacific.  My thief while stealthing up to the clicky bumped into someone else who was invisible. A quick use of Detect Hidden revealed the other thief.  After that I just walked around the other platforms trying to bump into invisible players.
  • twizagtwizag Posts: 55
    Very strange..he writes to me that I can't get a gift right now...And so on all the shards...
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216

    Aayla said:
    I liked the thing! Make it challenging to get your gift! 100% for this!!

    Totally agree! As I wrote, it was funny in an old "Imanewbie" 'toon style... :D
  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    Mine didnt even make it into my backpack. I double clicked and I didnt even see it go in my pack, this was on atl. Beware, I'm assuming thief, but who knows.
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    So was this the thief content that was teased a few months back?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Jepeth said:
    So was this the thief content that was teased a few months back?
    Yes. So that was it and hopefully you have to wait 10 years for more.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    I appreciate you trying to speak with authority on the matter but I don't think prognostication is in your wheel house.
  • @Xris if you had negative karma the black one is impossible to see in your packpack, at least in EC.  I don't recall seeing a message when I received the gift and even the most talented thief can't steal it b4 it gets in your pack.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Considering the artwork was stolen from google I guess the whole intent was to have your gifts stolen to get rid of the evidence.   Sad day when after waiting for months for our non existent xmas gifts we now get stolen art for valentines day.  I mean seriously, our artist is doing this?   We gonna get pilfered art for Easter too?    I am sorry  but don't you think this is a bit off?  No doubt this post will be deleted as it is pointing out something that shouldn't need to be pointed out.

    As Larissa noted on the 'other' forum this is the first thing that pops up when you google, although I had already seen it as I looked it  up when the newsletter went up when I was trying to decide whether or not to post about the lack of imagination that we have stooped down to and the fact that as the gamers here get older are we still seriously into this kind of thing?  It is a pity the gifts haven't kept up with the age of the recipients.  

    When you consider previous years gifts we seem to be getting worse and worse as time goes on.   In 2018 when we got the table and chair sets I thought things were getting better, finally a gift that was not only  useful but in keeping with the theme of the day and nicely presented.  Since then, it is deteriorating at a rapid rate.  Go look at what we have had in previous years and then come back and look again.  Now we get a simple static lockdown, does nothing, has zero use and isn't even in keeping with the overall 'theme' of ultima.

    And before anyone jumps in with it is just a 'gift'  that is rot, it is NOT a gift it is  what other games call seasonal content.  We pay for it and should expect better.   They don't have to just dump it on a clicky, that is the devs choice, we would be much happier to run a quest or do anything more exciting to get valentines content than just click stuff but that is ALL they offer.   So if they aren't gonna bother with anything but a clicky they could at least give us something useful with it.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    We had the pre Valentine event on LS.  We were trying to get Arrows for Eros I think.

    Only a few of us finished it because it was a Oracle quest like the Dark Forest.  You use keywords and go from Oracle to Oracle.  Gave them a couple items and the last pop up told us where the gift clicky was located.

    Cupid is pretty generic.  The cartoony one goes with the bear from last year, the silhouette looks good. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited February 2021
    @Pawain we had zero event as per normal. Not all shards are equal, you know that.   Funny how we all 'pay' the same though isn't it? 

    As for them being generic, seriously.... even blind freddy could not fail to see the similarity.  

    Still it goes nothing to the quality of the things to start with nor the total lack of any kind of inspiration or even the slightest effort to actually impress the customers with well thought out and useful content is there? 

    Have you not noticed that we are getting into generic everything...  Season time, valentines, easter, anniversary etc oh yeah dump a clicky down call it good. 

    Other events, get mobs to dump something called 'of the ...........'  onto existing mobs, just make a few of em paras, hand em in to get a 'reward' cookie cutter dungeons, just to make 'less' work to implement them.   Shard bound rewards of items no one wants to start with, I mean table legs?  Seriously?  For the past 18 mths really only one new great useful item (the pixel made ssi/mana epaulettes), that is not a bad investment for my  580 bucks I currently spend per yr on this. Sure some players may be happy to get stuff they missed out on, all good, however that should not be an excuse to fail to provide new content for everyone else.

    Pre xmas from Halloween on we have had rerun butchers and pumpkins, rerun trick or treat no new rewards, rerun Krampus no new rewards, rerun Artisan festival with a couple of new bits of deco the rest just dump a new graphic on.   

    Lets not even bother with Christmas gifts for the first time in UO history. 

    You notice the pattern here?

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited February 2021
    They told us they designed a new engine to make events. They will be Oracle quests, spawns, or dungeons.

    The Pirates Life may not fit into those but I bet the other three will.

    Tis what we have. NL will be out someday.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    MissE said:
    @ Pawain we had zero event as per normal. Not all shards are equal, you know that.   Funny how we all 'pay' the same though isn't it? 

    As for them being generic, seriously.... even blind freddy could not fail to see the similarity.  

    Still it goes nothing to the quality of the things to start with nor the total lack of any kind of inspiration or even the slightest effort to actually impress the customers with well thought out and useful content is there? 

    Have you not noticed that we are getting into generic everything...  Season time, valentines, easter, anniversary etc oh yeah dump a clicky down call it good. 

    Other events, get mobs to dump something called 'of the ...........'  onto existing mobs, just make a few of em paras, hand em in to get a 'reward' cookie cutter dungeons, just to make 'less' work to implement them.   Shard bound rewards of items no one wants to start with, I mean table legs?  Seriously?  For the past 18 mths really only one new great useful item (the pixel made ssi/mana epaulettes), that is not a bad investment for my  580 bucks I currently spend per yr on this. Sure some players may be happy to get stuff they missed out on, all good, however that should not be an excuse to fail to provide new content for everyone else.

    Pre xmas from Halloween on we have had rerun butchers and pumpkins, rerun trick or treat no new rewards, rerun Krampus no new rewards, rerun Artisan festival with a couple of new bits of deco the rest just dump a new graphic on.   

    Lets not even bother with Christmas gifts for the first time in UO history. 

    You notice the pattern here?

    I think it's consistent. Check the number of useful artifacts vs trash in entire game inventory. It's like pareto rule, 20 - 80. It's unlikely to get 10 new rewards all game changers like the epaulets.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    I stopped after 2 shards when there was nothing different between them.  I could see running all the shards if they were different
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited February 2021
    Pawain said:
    They told us they designed a new engine to make events. They will be Oracle quests, spawns, or dungeons.

    The Pirates Life may not fit into those but I bet the other three will.

    Tis what we have. NL will be out someday.

    NL will be out someday.... that is supposed to get anyone in the southern hemisphere excited when you ping on average 280-350 to any usa server?  Good luck with that. 

    I am expecting the 'pirates life' to have mobs spawning like serps etc toss aka para serp into the water, get drops 'of the pirate....' which you hand in to some dude on a dock. I guess we will see.

    The ONLY reason I still play (sometimes) is due to the nostalgia and all the 'stuff' that is hard to just toss away and the couple of mates I ally with.  Plus the basic game is still there so yeah some days when bored I will jump on and do some bods, or go with some mates and do a shadowguard run or whatever.  I pretty much only bother with supply and cache fel tmaps now as the rewards on all the others are not worth the bother so tmapping which I used to do regularly has also been borked. Pretty much 99% of the stuff I do is stuff that has been around for years, nothing in the past 5 yrs well in fact since SA came in has really added much to the content.  Not much happening in Eodon, one of the worst land masses and content ever introduced.

    The only pretty good thing that is still 'content' ie not put in and then removed, has been the pirates and beacons, and taming revamp, can't think of anything else but that is all since about 2009 when SA came out.  Shadowguard is OK but a total grind, I mean how many times do you wanna do those rooms that give bugger all in loot or drops to have a shot at the boss?  As for Doom, that was borked too and made so instead of it being a pretty good fight that all templates could enjoy they nuked that too to make it so much more specialised and the drops so few and far between that it is also a grind even IF you can find someone to do it with.

    I have shut down 2/5 accounts and am tempted if there is nothing new in the next 6 mths worth logging in for to gradually put my three fully paid up accounts to 90 cycles until such time as I log in to play or decide to just give it away.  Hate to see the best game online gradually being dumbed down to where there is absolutely NO incentive for new players to join, that is what this game needs and NL will NOT do that. 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Keep looking fo reasons to continue playing this game.  How about a holiday event that rewards players that prey on other players.  Yea, that should do it. Guess you know what I think you can do with your gift so I won’t spell it out.  
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Pawain said:

    Tis what we have. NL will be out someday.
    Let's hope never: I fear that it will be the start of the (planned) end of UO as a "permanent" world & type of Game...

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    MissE said:
    Hate to see the best game online gradually being dumbed down to where there is absolutely NO incentive for new players to join, 
    Ironic you say the game is being dumb down on a thread where so many people are complaining their V-day rewards WEREN'T the typical backpack reward where everyone just "push the button get a prize".  

    Heaven forbid people actually have to brave the fel facet and use a little thinking to claim their gift.

    I just hope they are worth some good cleanup points so I can throw away all of the extra cupids I've amassed the past few days.  >:)
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492

    I think my favourite Valentine gift in game was the vase of roses, but after all these years I can understand if the team are running out of ideas. Perhaps instead of complaining about what we got this year people could offer suggestions of the kind of thing they'd like to see next year? Bearing in mind these gifts are not meant to give us an advantage over other players, but simply 'nice to have'.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794

    @Petra_Fyde i sent them these pics in Nov 2019
    wanting something like these for wall art.
    the response was it was too late for this valentine's (2020)
    but she likes it for 2021.

    i was inspired from the wall art from Christmas (the trees)
    but wanted hearts for Valentine's... with made by glassblowers of (insert city here)


    they wouldn't have to be just like this,
    but pretty close would be awesome.
    red & pinks, maybe purple

    i was thinking hearts, because we have other stuff with cupids
    but i do love this years gifts, just not what we have to do to get them.
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