A weaker version of this shield maybe as a [Replica] maybe with : Spell channeling 3 Faster cast recovery no -1 faster cast 10-15 spell damage increase ( there are none sdi shields in game right now I believe) 15 defense chance increase and maybe some lower reagents cost 10-20% 10-20% poison resist
It would make both a great pvm and pvp item and opening alot of builds with the 3 fcr
Lol, I never knew that shield existed, what is it's history?
That is now my new target for my Mages SDI suit.
@Cookie that shield is located at lord british's castle on europa not exactly sure when it got placed there but it's been there for a longgg time.
A weaker version of this shield maybe as a [Replica] maybe with : Spell channeling 3 Faster cast recovery no -1 faster cast 10-15 spell damage increase ( there are none sdi shields in game right now I believe) 15 defense chance increase and maybe some lower reagents cost 10-20% 10-20% poison resist
It would make both a great pvm and pvp item and opening alot of builds with the 3 fcr
Lol, I never knew that shield existed, what is it's history?
That is now my new target for my Mages SDI suit.
It’s only a deco peace in lord blackthorns castle, a player should’ve never received it
Thanks everyone for the great suggestions. When describing gear please be specific. For example, @ Pawain said, "Dexxers could use nice gorgets, chests, or sleeves." The word "nice" is subjective (and what you consider nice we may consider OP) but some starting expectations helps zero in on a useful item.
Keep them coming!
a reply on this , on my own suggestion on new haven Id like to see something a new char would gain fairly quick, so cheap to get, compensate it with a shorter lifespan (100 dura or less) some pieces with more props, but less intense then a Imbued set? no need to reach caps,but will take them somewhere further then the bonearmor you find make sure there is a for humans elf and gargoyles, so all can benefit from it a dexer set with bits like 2 str 2 dex 2 int 2 hci 6 mana inc 6 stam inc 1 mr 6 lmc 3 hpi resists 12 10 10 10 10 , or that they give a combine bonus
and a similar mage set 2 str 2 dex 2 int 2 dci 8 mana inc 1 mr 6 lmc 20 lrc
resist 12 10 10 10 10 or that they give a combine bonus
and do this before adding new items: Upgrade the old artifacts, give them a second life like you did on staff of magi ,hat of magi,midnight bracers etc
there is artifacts for almost all slots, but they really dont compere anymore to a good legendary artifact found from the top hunts doom artifacts and the tokuno artifacts ,maybe even the minor artifacts, and I almost forgot the community collections (library museum zoo)
for example, Rune Beetle carpace, it was a really good item when it came out, but doing shadowguard once or twice, you are most likly to find something better
One of the main equipment issues I have is that red chars can not get a fast cast town bonus
This really limits the suits
A piece in the gorget or gloves slot with base stats of:
fc1, lmc8, mr3 and normal resists would be great you have feudal grip gloves and gladiators collar for dex chars but nothing for mystic/chiv/mages that helps as much
A weaker version of this shield maybe as a [Replica] maybe with : Spell channeling 3 Faster cast recovery no -1 faster cast 10-15 spell damage increase ( there are none sdi shields in game right now I believe) 15 defense chance increase and maybe some lower reagents cost 10-20% 10-20% poison resist
It would make both a great pvm and pvp item and opening alot of builds with the 3 fcr
Lol, I never knew that shield existed, what is it's history?
Also @ jelinidas if you are interested in participating in a fruitful discussion and exchange of feedback, I'm all for it and happy to have the conversation. If you are just interested in popping off (as you often do) at your fellow players and the team as a whole, there isn't much to be gained from your participation.
I would very much like to hear from the GM the reason for the occurrence of shard bound things on these events. The logic is not entirely clear, because everything has been done so that it is impossible to knock out their afk somewhere , on some shard standing still. Dynamic spawn and the presence of paragons will not allow you to do this. And the amount of spawn itself is easily adjusted depending on the players on the event. I know we won't get an answer. But the request is actually one-please write immediately on the table received as a reward for the event that they are shard bound. So as not to waste time on useless activities. This is a request from many players. Once again, it is impossible to do more things on events on empty shards. Moreover, the event in Deceite brought more things to the Atlantic than to other shards. There is no logic here. Most likely, they were written by people who simply wanted to earn more money on a particular shard.
У нас нет никаких планов по удалению связанного с осколками имущества из связанных с сокровищами капель/наград. Это было реализовано для решения того, что было единственной самой большой частью отрицательной обратной связи, связанной с событиями сокровищ. Мы получили многочисленные сообщения о том, что игроки чувствовали себя так, как будто люди, которые посещали менее населенные осколки, чтобы выращивать сокровища, чтобы отправить их обратно в другие осколки, негативно влияли на весь опыт для этого конкретного осколка. Следовательно, эти предметы теперь связаны осколками.
I would also like to add that I have been playing in Europe since I started playing in 2004. I am satisfied first of all with the ping at the location. Now you say that this shard is not particularly populated. But I'm sorry, is it my fault? But how am I? It just so happens that trading is part of the game, now you just limited it. Is this really the right thing to do? I repeat, you specifically came up with such dynamic spawns on the event that it is problematic to have advantages on an empty shard? Then solve this issue by increasing or decreasing this spawn depending on the players, that's all the solution to the problem. Please think about it, shard bound is not a way out, but a dead end. Collecting a char and moving it to another shard becomes more problematic.
1. New mage shield, spell channeling, fc2 (fc1 effective after SC), fcr1, SDI 15, LRC20, Fire eater 9%. treasure of event turn in. 2. New Recipe scroll, converts scholars halo to bone helm (call it Funz's helm) with same properties. (Yes, I know there is a hood recipe, but more recipe targets would be good). Treasure of event turn-in. 3. New recipe scroll, converts Armor of fortune to a new studded luck piece: Luck 250, SDI 10, LRC20, all resists 10. The resultant piece can also be converted to garg usage (unlike armor of fortune which cannot). New doom drop or treasure event turn in.
Pie in the sky: 1. A human/elf skirt/kilt slot item with properties, luck 150 or LRC 20.
Before I forget, please add previous items back to the menu as well. If you want to have some items be unique to a dungeon, have them be deco or dye only.
I dont get it why shard bound is so problematic to alot of players. It's like if they aren't accepting there are multiples shards...
It is because they want to farm dead shards and take it back to Atl to sell for more gold.
So what?
I would not have returned 3rd time, run 3 to 4 accounts, played this game for past 5 years,rebuild my accounts from Zero (after castle fell) IF shard bound was implemented 5 years ago. Not expecting any reply from you and not interested to read.
For the others, sorry if I do not mean to derail this thread, all your suggestions are really good but add "Shard Bound" is bad. BTW, I was reminded about this issue because another player just wrote to me, he is cancelling his account because he wanted to move shard but now stucked with items on the present as they are shard bound. This will only get worse as more Treasures event changed our equipping. So go ahead and destroy character transfer.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Why not make a shard bound transfer token that can transfer one bound item that you can buy in the UO store for a few bucks or is there no incentive because the rmtrs will just dupe it and undercut you for gold they just sell back to the players further driving more customers away. I really hope your new legacy makes it out so maybe we play on a shard that is about the RP of a rpg and not hello kitty glitter pixel crack online. Fresh starts are nice people who hate change usually have the most $ to loose even tho it is never there's to begin with. Just saying those that want to xfer items for the purpose of actually using them can benefit but those who try to take advantage of the system would have to pay more than the worth of the gold they would get for it. *Drinks flame resistance potion and dissolves into the shadows*
UO is the only mmo I have played in 30 yrs that has such a low hp base with such limited ways increase it. I would like to see more slots with 5-10 hp on them. Also the addition of hp combined on the same slot with other useful stats. I recently revamped 4 characters suits. One of the biggest challenges was moving my hp items around. So often you are simply locked forever into one or two items to keep 10hp. Example is the crimson cinture. Often I had to keep & work around inferior pieces of imbued equipment just to keep my hp up. There are few pieces of armor with both sta & hp on them also. When you find them, they cost several plat each.
Want some gargish sets. there are lots for human/elf and only one useless Epiphany one for gargs. Also need one-hand weapon mag weapon-0 . Like Balakai staff. May be new event will be at sea? Also some may be funny pets.
I dont get it why shard bound is so problematic to alot of players. It's like if they aren't accepting there are multiples shards...
It is because they want to farm dead shards and take it back to Atl to sell for more gold.
So what?
I would not have returned 3rd time, run 3 to 4 accounts, played this game for past 5 years,rebuild my accounts from Zero (after castle fell) IF shard bound was implemented 5 years ago. Not expecting any reply from you and not interested to read.
For the others, sorry if I do not mean to derail this thread, all your suggestions are really good but add "Shard Bound" is bad. BTW, I was reminded about this issue because another player just wrote to me, he is cancelling his account because he wanted to move shard but now stucked with items on the present as they are shard bound. This will only get worse as more Treasures event changed our equipping. So go ahead and destroy character transfer.
LMAO Answer a question with a straight forward truthful answer and look what crawls out of the wood works. Please show me where I state that I am for or against this, you can't so please get off of your high horse. I have 3 accounts with shard shields and use them all the time, I am against this but I am still smart enough to know the right answer unlike some people.
My thought is to have 3-5 items that are unique to each event. The Book of Lore, Demon Spirit of Morphius, and Tear of the Ice Dragon are just a few of the ones we've had. Keep deco only (and hopefully a dye) unique to each event. That way there's something for the collector's to keep as a memento of the event.
The rest of the items: Boots of Escaping, Ranger's Cloak, Umbria's Spellbook, Lord Morphius' Epaulettes, etc. I would always have as an option. That way new or returning players have a chance to catch up and those of us without a platinum can remain competitive. Many have said that shard bound hurts people who play multiple shards. This could give them a chance to get the items they need while giving others a reason to play/farm.
Umbria's Grimoire should remain but just rotate the slayer based on the location. I suggest doing random, based on the dungeon. IE: Destard could drop random super slayer reptile and any other specific slayer that falls under reptile and exists in that dungeon. Shame could have elemental slayer and specific slayers including mage slayer... It won't always line up perfectly since dungeons have a mix of spawn, but eventually they could all come around.
Add one or two new items each iteration, that will also remain in the selection menu each time.
It might not be an item like armor or deco or a weapon BUT, I think that many players would really love to see STATS Soulstones....
That is, Soulstones that work like those for skills but for Stats such as Intelligence, Dexterity and Strength.
do you change your stats regularly?
Some players might do it more often some others less often....
Why not make the item available to players and then have players decide how often they might want to use it depending on their gameplay style ?
you can request a lot of things and you’ve requested a lot already. so you should consider something called priority and usefulness and what’s useful to majority (or best ALL) players
I think the reward amount from the Deceit event was balanced(new player friendly) than the Ice event. Im Deceit i farmed almost 600 bits on a wraith form hovering necromage/tamer(yes its possible @popps), but i could barely motivate myself to doing a 100 drops in Ice, the reason was the reward table. Im not that much into decorations, which left my with one possible pick the spellbook.
If i was a new/returned player, without modern gear, I wouldn´t even bother with the Ice event because it was either 100 drops for the spellbook or 0(the ice slayer talisman has limited use outside the event). To motivate players of all levels into joining these events, i think you need to fill out the reward-gap between 25-100pts with something usefull, which leads to my wishes for furture rewards
1: Items with Enhance potions, dont have to be 25/35ep could be 15ep maybe on earrings/sash/robe/cloak slot.
2: Items with faster cast recovery, again could be just 1 or 2 fcr.
I just recently tried to venture into pvp again, and i spend astronomical amounts of gold on gear, just to reach the cap of 50ep. It would make suit-building more "newbie" friendly if the ep cap was more easily obtainable.
Would also like to se the earring and sash slot more utilized in the furture.
I really really wish these forums had a like function.
I liked your post @jbo , and would certainly have given it a like, without wanting to have to actually type a post to say this.
I experienced and feel everything you have just written - and in fact, if you note on my suggested rewards going forwards, I have requested a ring and bracelet with EP 25 on each, to help us get that EP.
I've seen some pretty solid suggestions so far on possible rewards; I'd agree with most that we need more options like Deceit (rather than Ice) to make it worthwhile.
@Kyronix - Thank you for being receptive to some reward suggestions!
A few things I've seen and like (as well as some other things):
Slayer Spellbook (slayer +30SDI + FCR + MR). Maybe make this spellbook be 1/3 though to make it different and a little better than the invasion ones?
Slayer Talisman - Please make it like the conjurer trinket though (swapping slayers) so that we get the DI and HCI boost so that it would actually be used after the event (the Ice Tali was nice for the event after suit tinkering but I won't use it outside of Ice).
Shield with some 10+ SDI and 15 DCI and SC (no negative casting).
Earrings - Almost anything would be welcomed here since there are so little. I think the most popular choices would be either +5SSI / +10SDI / +150 Luck / +5 Damage Eater / Combo of +3 HP+Mana+Stam
Dexer version of Minax Sandals - 150 luck + 5LMC + 5SSI
EP Shoes - +25 EP on shoes
Lucky belt - 10int + 100 luck
Recipes - Take older non-used drops to make them relevant again. 3 examples I'd have just from Doom would be for Armor or Fortune (make recipe add +15 to each resist + 10LMC + 4 MR) & Jackals Collar (make recipe add +10 Str + 10 Int + 10DCI + 10HCI) & Ornament of Magician (make recipe add +25EP & +15DCI)
Tincture of Silver (slayer for whatever the dungeon is)
Event Dye - New hue just for the event
Item Bless Deed - These were great as item clean up rewards, not sure why they were never cycled back in
Id like to see something a new char would gain fairly quick, so cheap to get, compensate it with a shorter lifespan (100 dura or less)
some pieces with more props, but less intense then a Imbued set?
no need to reach caps,but will take them somewhere further then the bonearmor you find
make sure there is a for humans elf and gargoyles, so all can benefit from it
a dexer set with bits like
2 str
2 dex
2 int
2 hci
6 mana inc
6 stam inc
1 mr
6 lmc
3 hpi
resists 12 10 10 10 10 , or that they give a combine bonus
and a similar mage set
2 str
2 dex
2 int
2 dci
8 mana inc
1 mr
6 lmc
20 lrc
resist 12 10 10 10 10 or that they give a combine bonus
and some basic jewlery 1/3 8 hci / 8 dci
sdi /di
Upgrade the old artifacts, give them a second life like you did on
staff of magi ,hat of magi,midnight bracers etc
there is artifacts for almost all slots, but they really dont compere anymore to a good legendary artifact found from the top hunts
doom artifacts and the tokuno artifacts ,maybe even the minor artifacts, and I almost forgot the community collections (library museum zoo)
for example, Rune Beetle carpace, it was a really good item when it came out, but doing shadowguard once or twice, you are most likly to find something better
add receipes and resources for it
@Kyronix ;
One of the main equipment issues I have is that red chars can not get a fast cast town bonus
This really limits the suits
A piece in the gorget or gloves slot with base stats of:
fc1, lmc8, mr3 and normal resists would be great you have feudal grip gloves and gladiators collar for dex chars but nothing for mystic/chiv/mages that helps as much
I would very much like to hear from the GM the reason for the occurrence of shard bound things on these events. The logic is not entirely clear, because everything has been done so that it is impossible to knock out their afk somewhere , on some shard standing still. Dynamic spawn and the presence of paragons will not allow you to do this. And the amount of spawn itself is easily adjusted depending on the players on the event. I know we won't get an answer. But the request is actually one-please write immediately on the table received as a reward for the event that they are shard bound. So as not to waste time on useless activities. This is a request from many players.
Once again, it is impossible to do more things on events on empty shards. Moreover, the event in Deceite brought more things to the Atlantic than to other shards. There is no logic here. Most likely, they were written by people who simply wanted to earn more money on a particular shard.
1. New mage shield, spell channeling, fc2 (fc1 effective after SC), fcr1, SDI 15, LRC20, Fire eater 9%. treasure of event turn in.
2. New Recipe scroll, converts scholars halo to bone helm (call it Funz's helm) with same properties. (Yes, I know there is a hood recipe, but more recipe targets would be good). Treasure of event turn-in.
3. New recipe scroll, converts Armor of fortune to a new studded luck piece: Luck 250, SDI 10, LRC20, all resists 10. The resultant piece can also be converted to garg usage (unlike armor of fortune which cannot). New doom drop or treasure event turn in.
Pie in the sky:
1. A human/elf skirt/kilt slot item with properties, luck 150 or LRC 20.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
May be new event will be at sea?
Also some may be funny pets.
That is, Soulstones that work like those for skills but for Stats such as Intelligence, Dexterity and Strength.
Potion that removes shard bound from an object.
Why not make the item available to players and then have players decide how often they might want to use it depending on their gameplay style ?
If i was a new/returned player, without modern gear, I wouldn´t even bother with the Ice event because it was either 100 drops for the spellbook or 0(the ice slayer talisman has limited use outside the event). To motivate players of all levels into joining these events, i think you need to fill out the reward-gap between 25-100pts with something usefull, which leads to my wishes for furture rewards
1: Items with Enhance potions, dont have to be 25/35ep could be 15ep maybe on earrings/sash/robe/cloak slot.
2: Items with faster cast recovery, again could be just 1 or 2 fcr.
I just recently tried to venture into pvp again, and i spend astronomical amounts of gold on gear, just to reach the cap of 50ep. It would make suit-building more "newbie" friendly if the ep cap was more easily obtainable.
Would also like to se the earring and sash slot more utilized in the furture.
I really really wish these forums had a like function.
I liked your post @jbo , and would certainly have given it a like, without wanting to have to actually type a post to say this.
I experienced and feel everything you have just written - and in fact, if you note on my suggested rewards going forwards, I have requested a ring and bracelet with EP 25 on each, to help us get that EP.
@Kyronix - Thank you for being receptive to some reward suggestions!
A few things I've seen and like (as well as some other things):