Concerning the memorial of Sir Tedley

EM HendrixEM Hendrix Posts: 88Event Moderator
edited April 2020 in Napa Valley
I see that has been much discussion in other forums about the player memorial setup for Tedley. Its actually quite disheartening to see the things that have been said about myself and those involved in the memorial. I want to clear some things up:

1. Memorials cannot be placed in housing areas or in town. The spot the memorial is in was the location chosen by the person I was in contact with who requested the memorial.
2. The stone walls/pavers are house only items. I in fact did create exactly what they had been looking to have done for Ted, with the exception for the player statue which did not work. (All items used for player memorials must be supplied by the player, except for the headstone which is supplied by us)

3. Unfortunately, as I had feared due to the items being "House Only", this did not last and unfortunately decayed/disappeared. The player emailed me to let me know what had happened and they provided an alternative to the house only stone pavers.
4. The carpet was provided to me and the memorial was remade.

Unfortunately it did take me some time to get it remade, as my real life has been quite busy with everything that is currently going on in the world. 

It breaks my heart that some have decided without knowing the circumstances to say some of the things they have. 


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