Not being able to see what's in your EJ bank is losing UO/BS/EA money!

Not being able to see what's in our banks is keeping a lot of active paying customers from re-subbing their EJ accounts, causing UO/BS/EA to lose money!

You should really re-think the idea of not being able to see what's in our banks.

Don't let EJ accounts take items out or put items in their banks, but let them see what's in there!
That one item they see could be the difference in "should I pay to play this account or not" . 

As it is now, you "might" get some new "paying" accounts from returning players. However, The people that already pay for their accounts are probably not going to pay for a months sub just to take a peek into their banks.


  • Lord_NabinLord_Nabin Posts: 203
    How so? 

    You loaded those banks up for storage and decided not to resub your accounts. 

    Why do you now demand access to see what is there in order to decide if it is worth the one month sub to pull the items out. 

    Really that is the issue. Is what I put away long ago worth the fee for the the month to pull it out? 

    That my friend is not the purpose of the EJ program. 

    Lord Nabin
    High Council Sage
    Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

    ICQ 248-636-691
    Discord Lord Nabin#5433
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    Yes it is the purpose of EJ...the purpose is for them to make more money......they will make more money if people can see what they left behind...I know that if I closed my main accts and forgot what I had in my banks...knowing right now what I have in there? I would totally re-open both accounts to access what I have stored in there....IF I could see it....if they re-sub for one month to pull the items out...that means they want them..if they want them, they will have to store them somewhere...which means having a house....which means it's MORE then one months sub....THAT'S how they will make money..

    So's worth it to me to re-sub to access what I stored in my banks....I know it's worth it to a lot of people.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    How so? 

    You loaded those banks up for storage and decided not to resub your accounts. 

    Why do you now demand access to see what is there in order to decide if it is worth the one month sub to pull the items out. 

    Really that is the issue. Is what I put away long ago worth the fee for the the month to pull it out? 

    That my friend is not the purpose of the EJ program. 

    The original plan for EJ was to allow the EJ accounts to see what was in their banks and have a limited bank storage and a Vault that they could buy with game gold.

    That was documented at the 20th anniversary party.

    Many returners had more than one account.  If they could see in the bank they could subscribe on the correct account. 

    The goal is to have more subscribers.

    Allowing a bank is debatable but they should get to see what they put in the bank.  

    Anything that makes a subscriber or UO Store buyer is what the purpose of the EJ program is.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Lord_NabinLord_Nabin Posts: 203
    edited April 2018
    Larisa said:nu
    Yes it is the purpose of EJ...the purpose is for them to make more money......they will make more money if people can see what they left behind...I know that if I closed my main accts and forgot what I had in my banks...knowing right now what I have in there? I would totally re-open both accounts to access what I have stored in there....IF I could see it....if they re-sub for one month to pull the items out...that means they want them..if they want them, they will have to store them somewhere...which means having a house....which means it's MORE then one months sub....THAT'S how they will make money..

    So's worth it to me to re-sub to access what I stored in my banks....I know it's worth it to a lot of people.
    Sorry my friend EJ is not about what you got. 

    It's about experiencing  the current content. Nothing you have in the bank from previous works toward that.

    Once you resub, can have a house, craft, etc sure. 

    What you currently have in the bank that you don't remember should have no bearing on that. 
    Lord Nabin
    High Council Sage
    Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

    ICQ 248-636-691
    Discord Lord Nabin#5433
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited April 2018
    So let me get this right @Lord_Nabin, you play UO without a Bank Box or a House or any kind of storage, that is nice to know.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    There have been many returners on LS.  

    I have yet to talk to one that opened as EJ.  They payed a month to try it.

    But, I told a few others from a while back that opened the wrong accounts to wait and come back for EJ so they could look in the bank and make sure they open the right account.

    @Lord_Nabin ; Why are you so against the bank box?  It would have been in EJ if the devs could have made it work.  Would you be on the other side if a partial bank was in EJ?

    What do I tell players when they ask what that big new building named Vault is for in Brit Commons?   I tell them it is so the fork does not get wet.

    Cyrus is sure on a rampage.  Come kill some stuff with me on LS and calm down.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    How so? 

    You loaded those banks up for storage and decided not to resub your accounts. 

    Why do you now demand access to see what is there in order to decide if it is worth the one month sub to pull the items out. 

    Really that is the issue. Is what I put away long ago worth the fee for the the month to pull it out? 

    That my friend is not the purpose of the EJ program. 

    You should just stick to "Moonglow Red'n"'re much better at RP. :-)
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    For heavens sake, let's try not to make this a 'them and us' debate! Surely we all want the same thing? We want people to come back and play, we want UO to continue, we want to make new friends...throw the EJ players a bone, they have enough restrictions, it will be really hard playing with no storage and now they can't even have a look in their bank box to see if that account is worth paying for?! I get the feeling some people have no idea how free-to-play actually works, it's meant to tempt people into subbing, not make them so miserable they leave and never return... :'(
  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    edited April 2018
    EJ's should get a limited bankbox as I've suggested elsewhere. No vault and other confusing new features. Just a small bankbox. Want more storage? Subscribe.
    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    It hurts absolutely nothing, not one damn thing, to give returning Vets the ability to look in their bank boxes or to let them remount their blue bugs country to what someone hear says.  Question for the people that know it all what happened to the Vault Storage that was promised and when will it be done.  Yea yea we all know, SOON,  LMAO.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    while this may be a heated topic. the terms of service are still in effect. respect and courtesy are the rules of the day.
  • ArchnightArchnight Posts: 48
    Rorschach said:
    while this may be a heated topic. the terms of service are still in effect. respect and courtesy are the rules of the day.
    Well said  ;)

    As per OP I think EJ accounts should have a 25 item bank with a set weight limit. Meaning returning vets can view and take out items but can't put back until the bank limitation is met or account is subbed. Hopefully it will also remove that confusing bank menu in the process...

  • Nails_WarsteinNails_Warstein Posts: 134
    edited April 2018
    I honestly was under the impression that Endless Journey accounts were permanent free trial accounts.  Free trial accounts had bank boxes.  

    Endless Journey accounts can still buy from the UO store which makes UO money, they can still participate in guilds which improves community, and therefore they can still have a strong powerful presence in UO without a monthly subscription to own a house.  Owning a house and receiving special rewards like EM Items, Vet Rewards, Anniversary and Holiday items should be the only restrictions. 

    Right now an Endless Journey account can't even access a player bulletin board locked down in a house, but they can access auction safes and vendors?  Shouldn't it just be containers?

    I want to bring more people back to the game.  If someone comes back with the ability to have one bank account, the ability to get power scrolls, and all the normal artifacts in game.  They will at some point need a house for storage, its just the nature of this beast we call UO.  Its impossible not to acquire items, and need more storage.

    Players need more than just a little taste.  They need seat at the table, reserved just for them, and a craving for a delicious meal.  Eventually if the service and food is good, they will stay to enjoy the feast and the Moonglow Red to.

    Restricting a player too much doesn't invite them to play and stay, it turns them away.  I realize there were balancing fears trying not to offend the subscribers, trying to hurt scripters, and yet appease the returning players.  Thus far it doesn't seem to do either.
  • DJAdDJAd Posts: 290
    Not having a bank makes it confusing for new players. As they play the game and accumulate items they will wonder where they are able to store them. Teasing them with some kind of bank will break this barrier.

    Speaking of new players where did the new player experience go? There are still no tutorials.
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    It was in the notes that they shut down the "New player quest" in the EC. 

    Of course they didn't add an replacement .... but can never hurt to remove the existing quest already  :s

    Makes me sick and not wanna play UO at all...  :'(  
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    I was hoping that there would be an all new 'New Player Experience' with EJ, but there's nothing, it's just the same old confusing Haven we had before.  :(
  • CyrusCyrus Posts: 49
    Cyrus said:
    You should really re-think the idea of not being able to see what's in our banks.

    Glad to see they have been listening to "everyone".

    A BIG Thanks to the Dev team for the new changes coming!!!
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