Europa Auction Item List



  • The 751st Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Valentines Rose Vase
    2A Rubble Plant
    3Two Lights of the Winter Solstice
    4A Bright Purple Hair Dye
    5Two Bare Trees
    6A Pot and Bottle of Eggnog
    7A Jewellery Box with Special Jewellery
    811 Small Items of Exceptional Quality
    910 Double Exceptional Clothing Items
    10A Silver Steed Statuette

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 751st Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Valentines Rose Vase
    2A Rubble Plant
    3Two Lights of the Winter Solstice
    4A Bright Purple Hair Dye
    5Two Bare Trees
    6A Pot and Bottle of Eggnog
    7A Jewellery Box with Special Jewellery
    811 Small Items of Exceptional Quality
    910 Double Exceptional Clothing Items
    10A Silver Steed Statuette
    11A White Enormous Venus Flytrap
    12A Hand of the Defiler
    13Seven Special Boots
    14"Legacy of a Leading Lute Player"
    15A Raised Garden Bed
    16A Ghost Ship Anchor
    17A Juggernaut Set
    18A Fellowship Medallion
    19A Crimson Cincture

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 752nd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A 2015 Holiday Gift Token
    2A Black Dyed Slime
    3A Cherry Blossom Tree
    4A Steward Deed
    5Four Years of Anniversary Tokens
    6A Deed for a Cannon
    7Counterfeit Platinum
    8A Hunter's Garb Set
    9A Soulstone Fragment Token
    10An Ornament of the Magician

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 752nd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Gauntlets of Anger [Replica]
    2A Potted Tree
    3"Remnants of a Shrewd Mage"
    4A Raised Garden Bed
    5"A Box... From Dracula?"
    6Five Double Blessed Clothes
    7An Item Bless Deed
    8An Abyssal Hair Dye

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 754th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Cornucopia and a Horn of Plenty
    2A Golden Box with a Set of Five Fire Crackers
    3"A Flight of Pretty Parrots"
    4"Navrey and her Webs"
    5An Assassin's Armour Set
    6A Set of Ranger Armour
    7A Deed to a Guild Stone [(M)]
    8A Seahorse Statuette
    9A Plow and a Harrow

    We hope to see you there!

  • GeoffreyBlakeGeoffreyBlake Posts: 243
    edited October 2020
    The 754th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Cornucopia and a Horn of Plenty
    2A Golden Box with a Set of Five Fire Crackers
    3"A Flight of Pretty Parrots"
    4"Navrey and her Webs"
    5An Assassin's Armour Set
    6A Set of Ranger Armour
    7A Deed to a Guild Stone [(M)]
    8A Seahorse Statuette
    9A Plow and a Harrow
    10Mesanna's Cream Pie
    11Four Rubble Plants
    12"Legacy of a Well Prepared Necromancer"
    13A Vollem Held in a Crystal"
    14"Bones of an Unfortunate Swordsman"
    15A Harrower Statuette"
    16A Deed to a Guild Stone [FKH]
    17A Hitching Post
    18Me Trik Ur Treet Wif Urks 2011

    We hope to see you there!

  • GeoffreyBlakeGeoffreyBlake Posts: 243
    edited November 2020
    The 755th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Four 20th Anniversary Tokens
    2Four Holiday Wreath Deeds
    3Four Snowflakes
    4Four 23rd Anniversary Tokens
    6A Basket of Winter Plants
    7Four Snowmen
    8Four 22nd Anniversary Tokens
    9Four 21st Anniversary Tokens
    10Five 2017 Holiday Tokens
    11Four Lights of the Winter Solstice
    12Four 2019 Holiday Tokens
    13Six Blessed Bottles
    14A Gilded Statue from the Personal Collection of the King
    15"Sweeny Todd's Basement Remains"
    16An Archdemon Statuette

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 756th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Four 20th Anniversary Gift Tokens
    2Four 21st Anniversary Gift Tokens
    3An AoS Robe
    4A Skill Tutor Statuette
    5An Elven Leafweave Set
    6A Gargoyle Virtue Armour Set
    7Four 22nd Anniversary Tokens
    8Four 23rd Anniversary Tokens
    9A Three Piece Rubble Log
    10"Remains of a Beguiling Rogue"
    11A Commodity Deed Box
    12A Nest Knitted by Grandma - Sonoma 2010
    13A Lieutenant Sash [Replica]

    We hope to see you there!
  • The 756th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Four 20th Anniversary Gift Tokens
    2Four 21st Anniversary Gift Tokens
    3An AoS Robe
    4A Skill Tutor Statuette
    5An Elven Leafweave Set
    6A Gargoyle Virtue Armour Set
    7Four 22nd Anniversary Tokens
    8Four 23rd Anniversary Tokens
    9A Three Piece Rubble Log
    10"Remains of a Beguiling Rogue"
    11A Commodity Deed Box
    12A Nest Knitted by Grandma - Sonoma 2010
    13A Lieutenant Sash [Replica]
    14Four Snowmen
    15Four Light of the Winter Solstice
    16Four Snowflakes
    17A Plate of Honour Set
    18An Albino Squirrel Imprisoned in a Crystal
    19A Deed for a Decorative Shard Shield
    20A Soulstone Fragment Token
    2110 Snowy Scenes of Ilshenar
    22A Museum of Vesper Special Achievement Replica
    23"A Statue of a Prolific Gardener and his Crop"
    24A Corrupted Crystal Portal
    25A Jade Character Statue Maker

    We hope to see you there!
  • GeoffreyBlakeGeoffreyBlake Posts: 243
    edited December 2020
    The 757th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Four 20th Anniversary Tokens
    2A Deed for a Cannon
    3Four 21st Anniversary Tokens
    4Four 22nd Anniverasary Tokens
    5Four 23rd Anniversary Tokens
    6Four Holiday Wreaths
    7Four and Five Bolts of Rare Blue Cloth
    8A Trio of Statues for a Music Room
    910 Old Equippable Items
    10A Death's Essence Set
    11A Deed for a Stone Ankh
    12A Deed to a Guildstone [LZ]
    13Five 2017 Holiday Gift Tokens
    14A Fallen Branch
    15A Vicious Cuddly Drop Bear

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 758th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Four Snowballs
    2Four Mistletoe Deeds
    3Four 2019 Holiday Tokens
    4A Corroded Box with Some Small Treasures
    5A Katana of Exceptional Quality
    6A Basket of Nine Town Banners
    7A Double Exceptional Crate with Furniture
    8A Double Exceptional Box with Clothes
    9Four Lights of the Winter Solstice
    10A Jade Character Statue Maker
    11Five 2017 Holiday Gift Tokens
    12Four Snowmen
    13A 16th Anniversary Plant Token
    14An Orc Ship
    15Cookies Baked by Santa's Mutated Elf

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 759th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Four Snowflakes
    2Four Holiday Wreath Deeds
    3A Whispering Rose
    4A 16th Anniversary Plant Deed
    5Four 21st Anniversary Gift Tokens
    6A Luna White Dye
    7Two Festive Cactus'
    8A Rubble Tapestry
    9Four 20th Anniversary Tokens
    10Five 2017 Gift Tokens
    11A Santa Suit and Manequin
    12A Saddle
    13Seven Double Exceptional Furniture Items
    14An Ale Table
    15Santa's Old Socks

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 760th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Two Snowy Trees
    2Four Mistletoe Deeds
    3Four Glacial Snow Piles
    4A Gingerbread House Deed
    5A Heritage Token
    6Four 2019 Holiday Gift Tokens
    7Four Snowflakes
    8Four Holiday Wreath Deeds
    9A Mannequin Deed
    10A Strongbox for a Sailor
    1113 Double Exceptional Items
    12A Potted Tree
    13Deco for a Smith's Home
    14A Necromancer's Phylactery
    15A Singing Ball of the Blue Boar

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 761st Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Rose of Trinsic
    2Two Tone Special Boat Paint
    3Four Poinsettias
    4Four Snowflakes
    5Four 22nd Anniversary Tokens
    6Four 23rd Anniversary Tokens
    7Three Abyss Music Gears
    8Double Blessed Sandals
    9Gauntlets of Anger [Replica]
    10A Smuggler's Lantern
    11A Statue of Finnegan
    12"Property of a Masterful Chef"
    13A White Hair Dye

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 761st Europa Auction (Take two!) will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Rose of Trinsic
    2Two Tone Special Boat Paint
    3Four Poinsettias
    4Four Glacial Snowballs
    5Four 22nd Anniversary Tokens
    6Four 23rd Anniversary Tokens
    7Three Abyss Music Gears
    8Double Blessed Sandals
    9Gauntlets of Anger [Replica]
    10A Smuggler's Lantern
    11A Statue of Finnegan
    12"Property of a Masterful Chef"
    13A White Hair Dye
    14Two Decorative Topiaries
    15"Remains of a Mystic"
    16"Remnants of a Rogue"
    17An Empty Mysterious Crystal Display
    18A Golden Box With 10 Bless Charged Items
    19500 Diamond Bracelet and Earrings
    20"An Interestingly Named Statue"
    21A Marble Character Statue Deed
    22Seeker of Lies

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 762nd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Four 21st Anniversary Tokens
    2Four 22nd Anniversary Tokens
    3A Power Scroll Book
    4A Daemon Bone Armour Set
    5Reading Glasses of the Trades
    6A Cornucopia
    7A Bonfire
    8Armour of Virtuous Epiphany
    9Five Gems of Salvation
    10A Grizzled Skull Collection
    111000 Diamonds Necklace and Wedding Band
    12A Focusing Gem of Virtue Bane

    We hope to see you there!
  • The 763rd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Four 22nd Anniversary Tokens
    2Four 21st Anniversary Tokens
    3A Valentine's Lillypad with Candle
    4A Heart Shaped Pillow with Table and Chairs
    5A Heart Shaped Box with Cupids and Arrows
    6Nystul's Crystal Ball
    7Four Potted Plants
    8An Engraved Obsidian Statue
    910 Lucky Coins
    10Decorative Boards
    11Seven Wearable Old Night Sight Items
    12Dark Red Event Plate Armour

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 763rd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Four 22nd Anniversary Tokens
    2Four 21st Anniversary Tokens
    3A Valentine's Lillypad with Candle
    4A Heart Shaped Pillow with Table and Chairs
    5A Heart Shaped Box with Cupids and Arrows
    6Nystul's Crystal Ball
    7Four Potted Plants
    8An Engraved Obsidian Statue
    910 Lucky Coins
    10Decorative Boards
    11Seven Wearable Old Night Sight Items
    12Dark Red Event Plate Armour
    13A Horn of Plenty
    14A Virtue Armour Set
    15Six Old Items with Charges
    16A Solen Queen Statuette

    We hope to see you there!
  • The 764th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Two Valentine's Cupid Bears
    2Two Valentine's Lily Pads
    3Four 21st Anniversary Gift Tokens
    4Two Freshly Picked Roses
    5A Slime
    6Bracers of Alchemical Devastation [Replica] (Gargoyle)
    7A Horn of Plenty
    8Five Elixir of Gold Conversion
    9A Myrmidon Armour Set
    10"A Gift Box with 12 Bits and Bobs Mostly Old"
    11A Square Tool Kit
    12An Ale Table

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 764th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Two Valentine's Cupid Bears
    2Two Valentine's Lily Pads
    3Four 21st Anniversary Gift Tokens
    4Two Freshly Picked Roses
    5A Slime
    6Bracers of Alchemical Devastation [Replica] (Gargoyle)
    7A Horn of Plenty
    8Five Elixir of Gold Conversion
    9A Myrmidon Armour Set
    10"A Gift Box with 12 Bits and Bobs Mostly Old"
    11A Square Tool Kit
    12An Ale Table
    13A Pair of Model Horses
    14Two Sandstone Rubble Corners
    15"Remnants of a Rogue"
    16An Auction Safe

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 765th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Complete Coffee Kit
    2Xenrr's Fishing Pole
    3An Ophidian Warrior Statuette
    4"Remnants of a Former Bard"
    5Four Useful Books
    6A Race Change Token
    7Five Replica Hats
    8Knight's Armour with Plane Sword and Shield

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 766th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:
    1A Purple AoS Rose
    2"A Delayed Cupid"
    3A Royal Britannian Guard Sash
    4An Easter Bunny Raised in Lord Blackthorn's Castle
    5A Europa Gold Harpsichord Deed
    6A Two Piece Rubble Log
    7A Scouts Armour Set
    8An Armour Set "Of the Grizzle"

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 767th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Moon Dial
    2A Lillypad with Candle
    3Two 2016 Holiday Tokens
    4Four 2017 Holiday Tokens
    5A Cornucopia
    610 Lucky Coin
    7A Reptile Blackthorn's Kryss
    8A Blaze Hairdye
    9A Marble Statue Maker
    10Three Double Blessed Double Exceptional Items
    11A Defiler of Virtue Katana
    12A Bless Deed
    13A First Aid Belt

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 768th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Coffee Maker and Grinder
    2A Power Scroll Book
    3Four 2017 Holiday Gift Tokens
    4Four 22nd Anniversary Gift Tokens
    5A Mannequin Deed
    6A Purple Lantern
    7Five Double Exceptional Blessed Clothes
    8A Race Change Token
    9Two Furs

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 769th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    115 Shadow Themed Items
    2Four 2017 Holiday Gift Tokens
    3Four 22nd Anniversary Tokens
    4A Bonfire
    5Two Round Lamp Posts
    6An Unforgiven Veil
    7A Set of 2021 Valentines Gifts
    8A Shroud of the Condemned
    9A Ring of the Vile
    10A Soulstone Fragment Token
    11Armour of Villainous Epiphany
    12A Rare Gold Potted Plant
    13A Minotaur Costume
    14A Demon Slayer Event Spellbook
    15A Happy Holidays 2012 Europa EM Tree
    16A Carved Image of Medusa Floor
    17Fuddy Wuddys Beach Ball Volleyball - July 2016
    18A Pagan Spellbook
    19A Crib

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 770th Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Four 2017 Holiday Gift Tokens
    2A Full 15th Anniversary Gift Bag
    3Four 21st Anniversary Tokens
    4An Orc Statuette
    5A Kasa of the Raj-In
    6Nine Pumpkins
    7A Soulstone Fragment
    8"Deco for a Carpenter"
    9"Deco for a Cavalier"
    10An Ethereal Ridgeback
    11120 Stealing
    12An Ethereal Swamp Dragon
    13A Resilient Bracer
    14A Tsuki Wolf Dartboard
    15A Bucket

    We hope to see you there!

  • The 771st Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Four 20th Anniversary Gift Tokens
    2"Old Quest Items"
    3"Not Really Treasure"
    4An AoS Doublet
    5Five 20th Anniversary Bags with Tokens
    6A Personal Attendant Token
    7A Race Change Token
    8A Dyed Blanket of Darkness
    9A Pendant of the Magi
    10A Scroll of Valiant Commendation [Replica]
    114 Europa Gold Cloth
    12A Hooded Robe Bearing the Crest of Blackthorn
    13"A Giftbox of Replicas"
    14Four Nautical Guild Signs
    15"A Bag of Naughty"
    16Five Halloween Costumes
    17Maritime Trade Cargo Destined for Minoc
    18A Wizards Hat Recovered During the Rescue of Giri Ui.
    19Cider Spider Sac ^ Tunnel of Terror ^ October 2016
    20The Malicious Essence of Evil - 425m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!

  • Sorry everyone, there won't be an auction this week. We hope to be back next week!
  • The 772nd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1Two 21st Anniversary Gift Tokens
    210 Shadow Themed Items
    3Four Crystal Themed Items
    4Four 2017 Holiday Gift Tokens
    5Seven Lucky Coin
    6Gloves of the Sun
    7Two Fur
    8A Set of Potted Plants
    9Five King's Collection Items
    10A Terathan Warrior Costume
    11A Set of Knight's Armour
    12Big Majik Flippers
    13Two 20th and One 21st Anniversary Tokens
    14A Charger of the Fallen Statuette
    15A Pair of Horses
    16Two Vases and the Recipes That Made Them
    17A Raptor Costume
    18A Composite Bow of Quality
    1913 Old and Interesting Items
    20A Marble Character Statue Maker
    21Studded Gloves Crafted by Al'Cedra Lal Draconais (Old Event Item)
    22Bright Orange 'Ingots'
    23A 46% SDI Event Spellbook - 15m Reserve
    24Me Trik Ur Treet Wif Urks, 2011 (1/15 Event Item) - 50m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!

  • GeoffreyBlakeGeoffreyBlake Posts: 243
    The 773rd Europa Auction will take place tonight at the usual time of 7PM UK Time / 8PM European time. The list of items is as follows:

    1A Full Harpsichord
    2Stone Thigh Boots
    3A 14th Anniversary Gift Ticket
    4A 13th Anniversary Gift Ticket
    5Three 23rd Anniversary Gift Tokens
    6"A Medusa Statuette with a Much Needed Hair Cut"
    7A Bonfire
    8Two Oriental Paintings
    9Two Lillypads
    10A Prize Ticket and Three AoS Roses
    11A Hunter's Headdress
    12Four Mini House Deeds
    13Three Birthday Bells
    14A Mannequin Deed
    15A Six Piece Scout Armour Set
    16A Guild Stone Deed for WKM
    17A Guild Deed
    18Three Personal Bless Deeds
    19A Vollem Held in a Crystal
    20Two Statues and a Brazier
    21A Zombie Costume
    22A Magical Door [Replica]
    23An Obsidian Statue of a Dauntless Explorer
    24A Tsuki Wolf
    25A Conjurer's Garb
    26Leather Gloves Crafted by Al'Cedra Lal Draconais (Old Event Item)
    27Three Sashes
    28A Fellowship Blackrock-Caddellite-Filanium-Franzinum Alloy Control Collar
    29Double Blessed Black Sandals
    30A Full Double Exceptional Barbed Leather Armour Set Crafted by Paul - 100m Reserve

    We hope to see you there!

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