First Aid Belt not blessed on Mugen

Yes I know Mugen is a Siege rules set, yes I know open world pvp is part of that rule set. But after spending over an hour with 3 of us trying to kill the boss, dying multiple times, only to be pk'd immediately after the boss dies and looted of the unblessed belt really sucks.  As far as I'm concerned this makes this a useless item and the entire event on Mugen (or Seige) useless as well.  In order to do the event you need to use a pvm char, which means there is no way to defend yourself vs the pk'ers who will raid you once you are done.  At least if it was blessed it'd be worth doing the spawn and risk loosing everything else.


  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    edited November 2020
    I sympathize with you....

    Considering that it is a belt which can only hold bandages (cheap, disposable bandages...) and, when used, would take the slot away from being able to use much more usefull items such as Crimson Cincture, an OBI and so forth (which the player can Siege/Mugen bless), it really beats me why the Developers have not permitted the First Aid Belt to be blessed on Siege and Mugen just as well.... it would have been no big deal at all, me thinks.

    Besides, as it has been said, it is ONE First Aid Belt drop per Account so, once the player gets his/hers on the Siege/Mugen ruleset as it is now and gets killed and taken it away, they CANNOT work the Spawn to get another one.... they are officially screwed up for good with this one particular item.

    This, clearly, to my opinion, is not an acceptable condition. Only 1 drop allowed, it gets taken away and no chance to get another ?

    @Kyronix , @Bleak perhaps you guys overlooked this one particular issue for those Shards and this drop should have been made blessed also on Siege and Mugen ?

    Oh well, luckily, Siege/Mugen and that ruleset is not my cup of tea (I frankly do not understand why, in a heavily itemized game, there is players wanting to play without being able to use those items since they are so likely to loose them... oh well, to each one his/her own I guess...) so, this is not something of my concern.

    But, as I said, I sympathize with you.
  • GoldieGoldie Posts: 142
    edited November 2020
    Hi I play Siege so I understand.  That didn't happen to me thankfully getting pked and having it taken.  I feel for you

    A guild here was about to do it and invited me to join them we did the spawn got the boss down, no pks and got my belt ran to the bank in ish there and there it sits.   

      Why can't it be siege blessed at least, Your only able to have one siege blessed item, I usually do a ring or wait for a special artie or.... to drop and siege bless it, cause all i wear is disposable.  But then I was so wanting that belt when it was in the list for deceit, but then it was gone.  

    To all the pks out there on siege if I had that I would only be really siege blessing bandages for my pet cause I am a tamer.  And my other account my little samp I wouldn't even use it for her cause I siege bless her weapon the most important thing she owns. 

    Dev's why???     having it blessed and CBD  I do understand NO for these,   BUT  Siege/Mugen blessed.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    As a non-Siege player I can understand the pain, but that is also why I am a non-Siege player. I thought Siege players are hardcore elite veteran players familiar with the game... so will be prepared for such possibilities.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited November 2020
    I would like to add my vote to make the bandage belt siege-blessable. Yes, it is a container of sorts but so are quivers and ninja belts. In order for people to engage in new content, they must have a reason to do so. Event-only items that no one can realistically use is not incentive. I understand that going in now and changing the existing belt is unlikely. But future renditions - please make them blessable. A craftable version, maybe with less or no healing bonus so as to keep the event-drop more valuable, would also be welcome. I would also like to see lanterns made siege-blessable. You'd sell more Smuggler's Edges on Siege *wink* @Kyronix

    As for you, @popps ; ...

    UO has indeed become a heavily item based game. Over the years, the incentive to play has been to obtain the latest new toy with ever increasing stats. This has forever changed Ultima Online from the game it was 23 years ago.

    However, these fancy things are not actually needed in order to play this game. Not everyone wants to play alone, soloing content intended for group play. Not everyone needs to lean on uber gear as a crutch to do what they find fun. Not everyone plays this game for the sole purpose of getting better gear so that they can do harder things to get better gear in an unending cycle of grind. There are plenty of folks who do all of those things, and that's fine - this is a game, and people should play in a manner that is fun for them. But most of those people are not on Siege.

    On Siege, you learn how to PvP and defend/escape with the items you wear, or you learn how to have fun and success by skill and a solid understanding of your character and game mechanics rather than hyped up gear. I believe that the Dev team has done a good job walking a very narrow line that allows people to have gear for the challenge of soloing, or gear to make the game less challenging if desired, but still allowing for group content with basic equipment.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    edited November 2020
    Seth said:
    As a non-Siege player I can understand the pain, but that is also why I am a non-Siege player. I thought Siege players are hardcore elite veteran players familiar with the game... so will be prepared for such possibilities.
    That is not hard-core, to my opinion, that is simply not reasonable....

    We all know how a PvM character suited for a spawn is NOT fit for PvP.

    Therefore, even a good PvPer in a PvM character would easily drop dead to a PvP character fitted for PvP.

    Now, to make the First Aid Belt, a ONE TIME per account drop not blessed also on Siege/Mugen, equals to make the chances to loose it sky high and not be able to get it again, period.

    And for what item ?

    Are we perhaps talking of an item that has high end properties ?

    Nope, it is an item to keep cheap, disposable bandages and which, if one wanted to use the First Aid Belt, would take away the ability to wear much more important belt slot items such as a Crimson Cincture, an OBI and so forth.

    The First Aid Belt should have been made blessed also for Siege/Mugen, the "hard-core" tag on those Shards does not mean that it should make a 1 time EVER drop item that is nothing else but a bandages container, pretty much, be possible to be lost so easily and not be re-obtainable.

    This thread further strenghtened my opinion of why I am totally uninterested in playing the Siege and Mugen shards.

    All my sympathies to the OP, though.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    On a side note, I'd like to point out that the bandage belt is simply a quality of life item to make game play slightly more convenient. I have siege-blessed a bandage summon talisman for years now for emergency back up bandages, which is basically what this belt would be used for on Siege. The healing bonus is nice too, of course. My concern is that people have no incentive to do the new content if the reward is not something they can use. Siege is all about risk and excitement and all, but (most) people do not risk event-only, non replaceable gear.

    I'm enjoying the lil statue things. I'm hoping that the colors include some pixel crack eye candy hue such as 1068!
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    Tanager said:

    However, these fancy things are not actually needed in order to play this game. Not everyone wants to play alone, soloing content intended for group play. Not everyone needs to lean on uber gear as a crutch to do what they find fun. Not everyone plays this game for the sole purpose of getting better gear so that they can do harder things to get better gear in an unending cycle of grind. There are plenty of folks who do all of those things, and that's fine - this is a game, and people should play in a manner that is fun for them. But most of those people are not on Siege.

    On Siege, you learn how to PvP and defend/escape with the items you wear, or you learn how to have fun and success by skill and a solid understanding of your character and game mechanics rather than hyped up gear. I believe that the Dev team has done a good job walking a very narrow line that allows people to have gear for the challenge of soloing, or gear to make the game less challenging if desired, but still allowing for group content with basic equipment.
    Not everyone but, apparently, a whole bunch of players prefer to "not" play the Siege/Mugen way....

    To my opinion, if it was only for Siege and Mugen and their ruleset, Ultima Online would have shut down long ago, very long ago due to lack of resources from subscriptions to pay for all the necessary maintainance costs...

    As I see it, Siege and Mugen continue to exist only because the prodo Shards continue to exist with their larger players' base.

    When I see posts from Siege/Mugen players criticizing or perhaps even flat out looking down, at times, prodo Shards' players and their playing style, I get upset because, to my viewing, they have a Shard to play on, in my opinion, because in Ultima Online there is prodo Shards and their playing style and a large number of players appreciating that prodo Shard playing style....

    What I am trying to say, is that Siege and Mugen players should be thankful of the existance of prodo Shards, their players' base and that other "easier" playing style because it is thanking to prodo Shards and their players that, with their larger numbers and subscriptions, that most of the bills for the upkeep of Ultima Online get paid for. Prodo Shards with their players, as I see it, permit the continued existance of Ultima Online as an online game.

    And perhaps, "just" perhaps, if also on Siege and Mugen their extreme "hard-core" setting was to be eased a bit, they might get more players interested in playing there... who knows... perhaps the First Aid Belt, and the making of it blessed also on Siege and Mugen, might be a good way to start that "easing up" ?
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    At no point did I (or anyone in this thread) insult or look down on prodo players or their play style. YOU however, insulted my community. If you do not wish to play on Siege or Mugen, that is perfectly fine. This thread is not intended for you.

    Please keep the comments on the topic of allowing the new event drop to be siege-blessable.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    edited November 2020
    Tanager said:
    At no point did I (or anyone in this thread) insult or look down on prodo players or their play style. YOU however, insulted my community. If you do not wish to play on Siege or Mugen, that is perfectly fine. This thread is not intended for you.

    Please keep the comments on the topic of allowing the new event drop to be siege-blessable.
    I did not say anyone did it on this thread, although, this line here "Not everyone needs to lean on uber gear as a crutch to do what they find fun.  got me thinking quite a bit.... but that I have seen it happen in other Threads where players of those Shards, at times, kinda look down at players of Prodo Shards as if they were some kind of lesser players to their opinion... I do not like that attitude at all as, to my viewing, there is no major nor lesser players but, rather, only players who enjoy different playing styles.

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,399Moderator
    @popps. Stop, This must NOT turn into a Siege  v prodo shard debate. Stay on topic or leave the thread.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited November 2020
    popps said:
    Seth said:
    As a non-Siege player I can understand the pain, but that is also why I am a non-Siege player. I thought Siege players are hardcore elite veteran players familiar with the game... so will be prepared for such possibilities.
    That is not hard-core, to my opinion, that is simply not reasonable....

    We all know how a PvM character suited for a spawn is NOT fit for PvP.

    Therefore, even a good PvPer in a PvM character would easily drop dead to a PvP character fitted for PvP.

    Now, to make the First Aid Belt, a ONE TIME per account drop not blessed also on Siege/Mugen, equals to make the chances to loose it sky high and not be able to get it again, period.

    And for what item ?

    Are we perhaps talking of an item that has high end properties ?

    Nope, it is an item to keep cheap, disposable bandages and which, if one wanted to use the First Aid Belt, would take away the ability to wear much more important belt slot items such as a Crimson Cincture, an OBI and so forth.

    The First Aid Belt should have been made blessed also for Siege/Mugen, the "hard-core" tag on those Shards does not mean that it should make a 1 time EVER drop item that is nothing else but a bandages container, pretty much, be possible to be lost so easily and not be re-obtainable.

    This thread further strenghtened my opinion of why I am totally uninterested in playing the Siege and Mugen shards.

    All my sympathies to the OP, though.

    In any non-Siege/Mugen shards, we also need to use PVM to get the powerscrolls, and PKs get to kill PVMers. As long as we are not dismounted, just keep running and PKers cannot kill PVMers unless they "speed hack" - if that is still possible.

    So if this is the concern, why not then make powerscrolls blessed? I am fine too. lol

    If they change the rules to follow non-Siege shards like the rest of us, making the FA Belt blessed... eh... why not just play on normal shards, lol. Anyway, I am just curious but this does not affect me so I will stay out.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    No one from Siege or Mugen insulted any prodo player in this thread. That drama was purely from prodo players, and is almost always started by prodo players commenting in a Siege/Mugen thread. It's like vegans going to a forum about BBQ steak grilling and getting all triggered over it. There are twenty five other shards for people who do not like my shard's ruleset.

    Let's just agree to disagree, shall we?

    As for the topic at hand, I'd like to add my desire for ALL limited-time-event-related content to be siege blessable, specially if they are going to make it once per character. I have no desire for Siege to become easy-mode, but it's also depressing when new content comes out and no one wants to do it because the reward isn't something anyone can use.

  • GoldieGoldie Posts: 142
    Devs  how about remove the properties on it so we can at least put a CBD on it.  Let us help the economy out by buying the CBD's that are out there on  VS :)    Or let me siege bless it
       thank you 
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    It needs to be blessable in some way.  Right now it is a thing to brag about for a pk or just deco / it is useless. 
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited November 2020
    Tanager said:
    No one from Siege or Mugen insulted any prodo player in this thread. That drama was purely from prodo players, and is almost always started by prodo players commenting in a Siege/Mugen thread. It's like vegans going to a forum about BBQ steak grilling and getting all triggered over it. There are twenty five other shards for people who do not like my shard's ruleset.

    Let's just agree to disagree, shall we?

    As for the topic at hand, I'd like to add my desire for ALL limited-time-event-related content to be siege blessable, specially if they are going to make it once per character. I have no desire for Siege to become easy-mode, but it's also depressing when new content comes out and no one wants to do it because the reward isn't something anyone can use.

    I did not insult, but just making a comparison asI thought Siege rules are tougher because there is no insurance.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    @Seth You can bless 1 item. This makes it so you can have at least one piece of gear that isn’t disposable. It’s kind of a crucial aspect of the rule set imo. 
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    Oh, and I'd like to add that I really like how both of the champion spawn events had a useful as well as deco drops. I think this is a great way to appeal to the largest number of players.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    dvvid said:
    @ Seth You can bless 1 item. This makes it so you can have at least one piece of gear that isn’t disposable. It’s kind of a crucial aspect of the rule set imo. 

    Ok, the argument is that each account can only have one drop, they cannot get them anymore once lost. So either blessed or to allow >1 per player on these shards make sense.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • GoldieGoldie Posts: 142

    I enjoyed all of the black gate event, the spawn the cube this talisman.  And Deceit event was exciting so much fun :)

    But as you see here Devs.   I got to siege bless this 1 account bound drop off the boss at the Black gate champ spawn.

    Thank you 

     Please help this First aid belt get Siege blessed  :)
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited November 2020
    There are ways to protect the drop from PKs once it lands in your backpack. That is not the crux of this issue. The reason we're asking for it to be Siege-Blessable (not outright blessed, or even able to accept a clothing bless deed) is because then people could actually USE the belt in game play and therefore have a desire to obtain it.

    Allowing more than 1 per character would create a small supply of 'backups' but, realistically, very few people would ever equip a rare, non replaceable event item that cannot be siege-blessed. That renders the belt as fit only for deco.

    The belt is certainly not uber - it's really just a quality of life trinket to make life a bit easier. However, Siege often has event rewards that are effectively unusable for our ruleset, and this greatly reduces the number of people who participate. It's not really about the item itself, it's about giving people a reason to leave their houses, and get out there to DO the new content. If there is little to no reason to play, then people don't stay and we lose population.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    edited November 2020
    Seth said:
    dvvid said:
    @ Seth You can bless 1 item. This makes it so you can have at least one piece of gear that isn’t disposable. It’s kind of a crucial aspect of the rule set imo. 

    Ok, the argument is that each account can only have one drop, they cannot get them anymore once lost. So either blessed or to allow >1 per player on these shards make sense.
    That was my point.

    Considering then that this is a shortly lived Event, and the fact that this is only a container for a cheap, disposable item as bandages, with very limited advantage from the property attached considering the fact that, as a downside for using it, it would then take up a slot usable for much more usefull items like a Crimson Cincture, an OBI or others which can, I understand, be Siege/Mugen blessed, allowing more then 1 per player I do not think would be the most reasonable thing to do under these circumstances, to my opinion, making it blessed, instead, as it comes on Production Shards, would be more reasonable.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    Popps. Cease and desist. This is the last warning unofficial warning before this situation is escalated.

  • We don't need more blessed items on Siege Perilous. Having them spawn unblessed is perfectly fine for our ruleset.
    I could tolerate it being Siege-blessable but honestly that wouldn't make a lot of sense because of it's mods so not much is lost by it not being Siege-blessable.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    @popps They can get another one by killing another player who has one.  That is how Siege works.  Go get some statues and quit worrying about what Siege does.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    Post(s) not relevant have been removed.
  • I would say thank you for busting that Siege players like to perpetuate about themselves, but this myth is largely fact-resistant.  *shrugs*
  • Is the "old" version of the first aid belt drop siege blessable?  You can tell the "old" and "new" champ spawn drop versions apart as the "old" one weighs 2 stone empty, the "new" one weighs 1 stone empty.

    It's interesting that the batlin talisman drop is siege blessable, but I wonder if this should match up with the "old" first aid belt drop behavior, if applicable..
  • *chuckles*
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • GoldieGoldie Posts: 142
    hi  ForeverFun what is the "old" first aid belt drop behavior that your speaking of, post pic so I can see it.  UOguide is still down so I can't search it. 
    Thank you
  • I didn't post about this to start a seige vs production shard fight. I play on both the seige and the production shards, I like the variety.

    As was stated by someone earlier, this is a quality of life item. It's not going to give anyone an advantage. It's just be nice to be able to rez your pet after you've been killed by the pk'ers
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