Forest of the Dark



  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,493
    My guess would be this is being set up manually, it won't appear on till everything is ready. I tried looking on Europa, and there's sort of an NPC there, but his paper doll just says 'Delmore the' and he doesn't say anything.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    Yes I am hoping that the Forest Battles themselves will be in Yew...BUT...

    There are Worried Citizens in several of the Towns...on Origin only so far it seems.

    Brit, Cove, Minoc and Skara

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    edited November 2020
    Larisa said:
    Yes I am hoping that the Forest Battles themselves will be in Yew...BUT...

    There are Worried Citizens in several of the Towns...on Origin only so far it seems.

    Brit, Cove, Minoc and Skara

    Hmmm... the fact that you found worried citizens in different Towns makes me think that the Event will be spread out ALL OVER the forests of Britannia, not just the Forests around this or that Town...

    Which, to my opinion, is even better as it would give more room to players to find their preferred place to participate in the Forest of the Dark and go hunt there, rather then somewhere else...

    So, I am all for the Forest of the Dark Spawn to be activated ALL OVER the Forests of Britannia be them around Yew, Trinsic, Britain, Buc's Den, Serpent's Hold, Minoc, Cove, Skara Brae etc. etc.

    It actually also makes more sense from a storytelling point of view.... if the Event is meant to be a major issue for the inhabitants of Britannia, well, then it makes all sense to me that the evil spawn would be infestating all Forests of Britannia, not just a limited place around 1 Town....

    Kudos to the Developers if this is where the Forest of the Dark setting will be, i.e., in all of the Forests of Britannia.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    edited November 2020
    I think it will be in the forest between these town (I'm wondering if there is anything in Vesper which is close to Minoc). From what @Larisa has posted it appears that Skara is the southern most town and Minoc is the north most so I'd think there will be some stuff to do in the woods located between those two farthest towns. Just a guess though.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    edited November 2020
    keven2002 said:
    I think it will be in the forest between these town (I'm wondering if there is anything in Vesper which is close to Minoc). From what @ Larisa has posted it appears that Skara is the southern most town and Minoc is the north most so I'd think there will be some stuff to do in the woods located between those two farthest towns. Just a guess though.

    Well, there is also a good deal of Forests (and swamps) south of Trinsic.... not to mention those around Spirit's Hold... only Moonglow, Nujelm and, of course, Ice island have a scarcity of Forests around them....

    Personally, I would prefer if it was held just about in "any" Forest around "any" Town in Britannia which, by the way, would also make more sense from a Storytelling point of view that "something bad" is being going on in all Forests of the Realm thus requesting prompt intervation from all Citizenz of Britannia to help the Realm face this new danger...
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    My guess would be this is being set up manually, it won't appear on till everything is ready. I tried looking on Europa, and there's sort of an NPC there, but his paper doll just says 'Delmore the' and he doesn't say anything.
    Yeah I am hoping that they turn all the shards on at once...or with maintenance but on the same day so we all start at the same time. Maybe they are just starting with Origin because it's one of the test shards? There is nothing on Baja though...

  • just saw this...

    Global Event : The Forest in the Dark

    EM KincaidEM Kincaid Posts: 108Event Moderator
    2:14PM edited 2:16PM in Siege
    King Blackthorn has received word from his scouts that something is amiss near the Savage Village in Ilshenar. Brave adventurers, as well as any members of the Royal Army of Stealthy Hiders (RASH) may want to investigate...

    Reports are also coming in of distressed townsfolk. You may wish to listen to them, and speak to Jaana the Druid near Empath Abbey.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    Oh so the EM's are supposed to tell us to talk to Janna? Because there is no other logical way that leads us in that direction.

  • I just visited the Savage camp area..swarms of savages everywhere..more than norm..maybe there's a clue in the savage village (recue a villager perhaps?) or may have to talk with Janna to get a clue? no idea yet..still searching..

  • I just visited the Savage camp area..swarms of savages everywhere..more than norm..maybe there's a clue in the savage village (recue a villager perhaps?) or may have to talk with Janna to get a clue? no idea yet..still searching..and Janna is not talking to us yet..but there is a worried villager, who has lost his wife in the woods..

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    You stop short of the camp if coming from Compassion.  There is an Idol near the mountain.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Pawain????? and that means what?

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Pawain????? and that means what?

    What shard are you on?  No one is talking about this in chat?

    Say ishenar mint at a portal. You will be at the gypsy camp. Go in the cave and go down the mountain a couple of screens.

    Or go to the camp from compassion.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,401Moderator
    I now have a wiki page for the champion, I hope it will prove helpful:

    Sorry I don't yet have a picture of the champion. I haven't been able to see it for spell spam!

  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233

    Best one I have gotten, she never seems to turn around!

    She looks like Medusa with a quiver! :)

    Also Darq-

    Either say Iishenar Mint at a Crystal Portal like people have said which will bring you to that gypsy camp, then just go SE..DOWN to the cave OR

    Go through to the Compassion Moongate, follow the arrow!

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    edited November 2020
    @Larisa ; Medusa is an archer she has a bow and quiver.  They took her look but not her spells.  Our EM events have medusa based bosses that will make your evil twin if you do not have gorgon lens on.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    It looks like Medusa but uses abilities from other bosses. I've seen Dark Father so far and whichever boss that regenerates 50% of their HP when redlined (I think 3 times). Also have been hit with fan dancer flame and some other random specials. 

    I'd suggest getting them in now (for the belts) while everyone is hot on it before Krampus and Artisan Festival starts in a week or so. This will likely be like Black Gate where once the masses stop doing them the boss will be tricky to do with a limited number of people (although the spawn is MUCH easier than black gate) 
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    Pawain said:
    @ Larisa  Medusa is an archer she has a bow and quiver.  They took her look but not her spells.  Our EM events have medusa based bosses that will make your evil twin if you do not have gorgon lens on.

    See now I did not know that! I never looked at Medusa when we killed her just don't do that! ;)

    So The Guide is pretty much the Medusa skin but a different color?

    She never turns around when we kill her, I've tried standing on the SE side of her but she just doesn't turn.

  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233

    Next time I'll try in the EC

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,401Moderator
    edited November 2020
    @Larisa May I use that image in the page please?

    Also, don't die trying to get an EC picture, she looks just the same, the only slight difference would be the look of the grass around the altar.
  • i found evidence Town of "Cove" 
    Cove Npc keep 
    Converse "Ork" , "Hill Mage" 
    i can't found any evidence  Hill mage location 
    Have u guy found any thing? 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,401Moderator
    I think what you have found in Cove is an old EM npc, the npc for this story line is a 'worried citizen' who does not respond to questions.  Begin the story line with Jaana outside Empath Abbey, or you could follow the 'trail' by reading the link I posted in my earlier reply on this thread.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    Mariah said:
    @ Larisa May I use that image in the page please?

    Also, don't die trying to get an EC picture, she looks just the same, the only slight difference would be the look of the grass around the altar.
    Of course! That's why I posted it :)

    And yeah I noticed that the weird little statues didn't look any different in the EC either, wasn't sure if she would or not!

  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    The blood elementals sometimes drop one of the crystals, in case some folks still wanted more of them.

  • TimTim Posts: 840
    Do the Crystals have a use?
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    Not that I know of, tho there is rampant speculation. But aren't they pretty? And they stack.
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