No Reward At End Of New Covetous Quest

Seems like the Covetous quest is also Not providing a reward upon completion, just like the Wrong quest. I have completed both of these quests with no reward at the end.

I have read Kyronix's post on the other thread and aware a hotfix will be implemented, just thought I would make mention Covetous/Cora has the same problem. :{


  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    This will be resolved in maintenance, keep an eye on for the official hotfix notice.
  • DavoDavo Posts: 46
    do any of the new quests give anything new or are they made for returning/new players?
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    Let me guess... nobody tested the new quests at least once.... *slow clap*
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    JollyJade said:
    Let me guess... nobody tested the new quests at least once.... *slow clap*
    I tested the ones I could do. My skill doesn't reach to tackling Cora, nor can I do the puzzle that is the end of wrong. I did do Blackthorn's, Treasure hunting and Shame. How much testing did you do?
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    I can only speak for myself, but I"m not a paid tester, I'm a paying customer.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited April 2018
    I tested Blackthorn's and the animal taming quest on Origin and gave feedback.  I can't do Cora or Wrong (Fezzik....bah!) and don't have a treasure hunter on Origin nor copied to TC.  I also nagged Kyronix to death about the chamber of virtues.
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    JollyJade said:
    Let me guess... nobody tested the new quests at least once.... *slow clap*
    I tested the ones I could do. My skill doesn't reach to tackling Cora, nor can I do the puzzle that is the end of wrong. I did do Blackthorn's, Treasure hunting and Shame. How much testing did you do?
    Nothing against you, but when I speak of testing I mean those "developers" who develop that stuff, not some players having a peek at it..
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • Davo said:
    do any of the new quests give anything new or are they made for returning/new players?

    Tackling some of these quests can be quite challenging for any player, so I would not say they are just for the new or returning.The quests lead you to areas you may not have ventured before even as a Veteran player or have not ventured too in a long while, like the Void Pool, which I had forgotten how much fun and challenging this was! I also completed the "Something Strange in Shame" quest and upon completion received a title in deed form "Paladin of Trinsic" which I believe all the quests will give titles when they are working properly. Upon Completion of Covetous/Cora, I ended up with a mysterious potion, which I am not sure where or how this was to be used but I decided to keep it as deco, rather than click it to see if it has another purpose.

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    edited April 2018
    Davo said:
    do any of the new quests give anything new or are they made for returning/new players?
    There are various rewards for all the quests.  Definitely worth doing in my opinion, if for nothing else the excellent story telling if I do say so myself :D .  I would suggest starting with the Blackthorn Dungeon quest if you are looking for something on the easier side.
  • Thanks to the Dev's for their quick response/hotfix to the new quests.
     I received the reward title deeds from the wrong quest and the covetous quest I had previously completed, just walked up to the last NPC in that quest chain  and voila!

    Covetous title / Hero of Minoc
    Wrong title / Warden of Wrong
  • Dot_WarnerDot_Warner Posts: 234
    Has anyone tried the 'Mysterious Potion' yet?  Character copy to TC1 is down and I don't want to fritter mine away...
  • BasaraBasara Posts: 164

     So what is the reward at the end of Wrong? I've still not gotten anything from it, and it hasn't seemed to "fix" for me yet (guard outside tells me he has nothing for me, no way to repeat). I completed the quest last weekend. 

    Similarly, the rescue quests inside are broken - it might be from my taking the tunnels with the rescues, but at the time I first did it. I didn't even realize I was on the level with Fezzik. I tried a second time, going out through the sparkles, and just like the first, the quest just disappeared with the rescued guard when I exited Wrong, no reward or notice of completion.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    Basara said:
    @ Kyronix

     So what is the reward at the end of Wrong? I've still not gotten anything from it, and it hasn't seemed to "fix" for me yet (guard outside tells me he has nothing for me, no way to repeat). I completed the quest last weekend. 

    Similarly, the rescue quests inside are broken - it might be from my taking the tunnels with the rescues, but at the time I first did it. I didn't even realize I was on the level with Fezzik. I tried a second time, going out through the sparkles, and just like the first, the quest just disappeared with the rescued guard when I exited Wrong, no reward or notice of completion.
    Make sure you are walking up to the NPC.  
  • BasaraBasara Posts: 164
    D'oh!!!! I figured it out - I was on the wrong character...

    But, another of my characters (the one I was on mistakenly) can't seem to start it. Or, does it need to be started from the Cryer? The people I was doing it with were INSISTENT they had started it at one of the intermediary NPCs and not the cryer.

    Also, the rescue quests (trying to escort the NPCs from inside the cells) - what is the reward? Are they breaking from using the tunnels instead of going out the cell doors (remember, not all of us have LP or unlock, and got into the cells via the tunnels). They, and their quest, just seem to disappear when you exit the dungeon without an indication of completion.

  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    JollyJade said:
    Let me guess... nobody tested the new quests at least once.... *slow clap*
    I tested the ones I could do. My skill doesn't reach to tackling Cora, nor can I do the puzzle that is the end of wrong. I did do Blackthorn's, Treasure hunting and Shame. How much testing did you do?

    I also did the ones I could manage....found the ~You have to walk up to the NPC and not recall to him~ bug RIGHT off the bat..the SECOND the publish hit TC I was yelling at Kyronix in Gen Chat..ITS BROKEN! lol

    So yes Jolly.....they WERE tested.....there are some of us who are dedicated enough to take the abuse lol.

    I haven't done them at all since the pub went live....but Maharia is my Title collector so she's preparing :)

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