Underwhelming Announcement



  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    There still isn’t much help in getting started.  That’s the problem.  New players without a mentor that can help them along and provide them with what they need to advance simply are not going to stick around.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    I agree with you @Marge

    Maybe we are in the minority here but I already have a crafter and I did the whole building up from nothing and while it was quite the experience (and kind of a PITA) to mine my own ore and chop my own wood to build him; I have absolutely zero desire to do it ever again...especially when at the end of the day that crafter will be sent to a production live shard where he will just collect dust like my crafter does now (crafting is very under powered these days). 

    Personally, if I was ever going to gather resources it would probably be on my home shard because it's so boring that I wouldn't waste my time doing it anywhere else. Then again, if I actually needed resources on my home shard(I don't though I have lots) I would likely just buy them and save myself the trouble. 

    So while the whole mining/lumberjacking part of the video was very nostalgic for me, I do not see myself looking to play a temporary shard where I build a crafter because I've done that journey before and it's not one I'd want to do again from scratch. Taming would be the same way; I would not want to go from 50 taming to 100 (let alone 120) without all the pink/blue scrolls and masteries.
  • If I could go back to a time when being a GM crafter, or even just a smith or tailor, sitting at Brit Smiths, working for an honest amount of gold doing repairs or suits, I would. It’s a time from the early days of T2A or Renaissance that still hold dear not just to the guild I’m still in, but the players that procured services too. It was a simple time, but it worked - repair contracts, loot creep, land masses, hell, a lot of it went to pot after too many expansions and not enough new blood. 

    I’ve a feeling (hope) that the worries about 120 Power scrolls and skills, stat scrolls, over capped stats and mods, and so on, won’t actually matter. If there for example only the original champ spawns, insurance or bless rules, item mods, perhaps even an accelerated Siege-style RoT, you’ll only be able to get so far even in that particular season. You won’t have to be the greatest, but good enough - and that’s what used to be the drive for so many players.

     That picture of the UO:R box with a team of players trying to take down a dragon? Surely that’s what the endgame is? Not just a single player AI’ing that dragon in three hits and ignoring the loot. 
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited September 2020
    Melchiah said:
    That picture of the UO:R box with a team of players trying to take down a dragon? Surely that’s what the endgame is? Not just a single player AI’ing that dragon in three hits and ignoring the loot. 
    That player is probably also wearing a horrendously bright set of gear in mismatched neon and riding a rainbow unicorn.

    Just saying. UO's moved a long way from it's original design.

    Maybe they will put the skill cap at 700 for New Legacy and not have powerscrolls. Now that, that would be interesting. 
  • Melchiah said:
    That picture of the UO:R box with a team of players trying to take down a dragon? Surely that’s what the endgame is? Not just a single player AI’ing that dragon in three hits and ignoring the loot. 
    That player is probably also wearing a horrendously bright set of gear in mismatched neon and riding a rainbow unicorn.

    Just saying. UO's moved a long way from it's original design.

    Maybe they will put the skill cap at 700 for New Legacy and not have powerscrolls. Now that, that would be interesting. 
    True - but this New Legacy doesn’t have to be everything that UO has become. Cutting out neon and some of the dyes wouldn’t be a bad idea! 

    I used to have a DayGlo Cowboy outfit I used in invasions gone past. Didn’t ride a unicorn though...
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited September 2020
    Melchiah said:
    That picture of the UO:R box with a team of players trying to take down a dragon? Surely that’s what the endgame is? Not just a single player AI’ing that dragon in three hits and ignoring the loot. 
    That player is probably also wearing a horrendously bright set of gear in mismatched neon and riding a rainbow unicorn.

    Just saying. UO's moved a long way from it's original design.

    Maybe they will put the skill cap at 700 for New Legacy and not have powerscrolls. Now that, that would be interesting. 
    Maybe they will put the skill cap at 700 for New Legacy and not have powerscrolls. Now that, that would be interesting. 
    While keeping the World's Creatures to their current level of difficulty without toning them down, accordingly ?

    That would make it quite hard.... particularly for end game stuff....

  • Those world creatures, if you think about it, aren’t really in the current version of Trammel. There’s not a chance I’d contemplate something like the Stygian Dragon on a normal character, but go back to AoS or even 2010 and I would steer clear even then of a Dragon. 
    We’d end up with tiered creatures or similar, perhaps Covetous and Void Pool style, suited to whatever “level” the char would be. Wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing?
  • "If I could go back to a time when being a GM crafter, or even just a smith or tailor, sitting at Brit Smiths, working for an honest amount of gold doing repairs or suits, I would. It’s a time from the early days of T2A or Renaissance that still hold dear"

    The devs killed that crafter with the introduction of repair contracts.  
    Problem was a lot of unscrupulous chars were cheating peeps and stealing their goods in the dealing.
    We tried to explain the best way to fix that was just to let us do the repair in the trade window, but in their usual way they chose instead to just kill the profession.

    Don't expect them to ever go back tho, especially not after introducing the repair bench.  Can you imagine the outcry if they did that?  Well, maybe not if they allowed them to be traded in for a replacement reward.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited September 2020
    popps said:
    While keeping the World's Creatures to their current level of difficulty without toning them down, accordingly ?

    That would make it quite hard.... particularly for end game stuff....

    Popps, think about what New Legacy is. Think of the world size. What "world's creatures" do you think it's going to have? It's just one map. That's probably the 7 original dungeons. Most of the stuff that we think of as "end game" is probably not going to be there. 

    They may even return the 7 original dungeons to the way they were before the global loot rollout. No more Cora, no more Andros/Adrian, no more Fezzik, etc. 

    The blood elemental that used to spawn in Shame where the UEV does now, a single Ancient Wyrm at the bottom of Destard, a solo Balron in Hythloth, those could very well be the "end game" in New Legacy.

    "If I could go back to a time when being a GM crafter, or even just a smith or tailor, sitting at Brit Smiths, working for an honest amount of gold doing repairs or suits, I would. It’s a time from the early days of T2A or Renaissance that still hold dear"

    The devs killed that crafter with the introduction of repair contracts.  
    Problem was a lot of unscrupulous chars were cheating peeps and stealing their goods in the dealing.
    We tried to explain the best way to fix that was just to let us do the repair in the trade window, but in their usual way they chose instead to just kill the profession.

    Don't expect them to ever go back tho, especially not after introducing the repair bench.  Can you imagine the outcry if they did that?  Well, maybe not if they allowed them to be traded in for a replacement reward.
    Keep in mind that with New Legacy, there might not be a repair bench, or repair deeds.

    They've hinted some "much requested" systems implemented for New Legacy might migrate to production. One of those could be a "work window" for players to get repairs, without handing over gear.
  • You'll never see it.  It would devalue those vet picks too badly.  

    Or not, I dont know.  They came out with the davies locker and then ruined treasure chests...so who really knows

  • The trailer suggests that the shard will have some custom 'end game' content that looks pretty group oriented.
  • zimazima Posts: 55
    As an underwhelmed and disappointed cynic, my perception of Broadsword's coding philosophy is 2 parts.
    "If it's broke, and someone else coded it, don't fix it"
    "If it's broke and we coded it, make a new shard and fix it there"
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    zima said:
    As an underwhelmed and disappointed cynic, my perception of Broadsword's coding philosophy is 2 parts.
    "If it's broke, and someone else coded it, don't fix it"
    "If it's broke and we coded it, make a new shard and fix it there"

    I am more concerned about this now:
    "If it's broke, and someone else coded it, don't fix it"

    I am giving up on the Legacy shard discussion - anyway, everyone will eventually cut and paste what the Dev has planned to shut out every other suggestions. lol. Case closed for me.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • I think it would be cool if the new shard "one world" allowed for everyone to work towards a common goal, be it pvm or pvp; not just a capture the flag sort of deal.

    The fact that the shard would have a year long story arch with rpg quests has a lot of potential.

    Characters could really make a reputation for themselves if they're able to become part of
    the rpg story itself.The devs clearly said they wanted to bring the "rpg" back to the game.

    So the story would need every type of character to progress, doing what they do best. Such as
    crafting, gathering, killing, protecting. Let the players build the cities, and participate in every
    part and then have a looming enemy that would allow pvpers be involved in that part of the story.

    I hope this is the "RPG" idea they're going for...

    Also a side note; we shouldn't have to pay to transfer our new legacy characters to a regular shard just saying in case. :D
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited October 2020
    Existing active accounts SHOULD NOT HAVE ACCESS to new legacy shard. It should be for brand new or returning customers only.

    Please do not poison this springwater well.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    Existing accounts are funding this little experiment, we should definitely have access!
  • ValisValis Posts: 51
    Mervyn said:
    Existing active accounts SHOULD NOT HAVE ACCESS to new legacy shard. It should be for brand new or returning customers only.

    Please do not poison this springwater well.

    This is the stupidest thing I have read all day.

    Come on, think before you post.
  • Valis said:
    Mervyn said:
    Existing active accounts SHOULD NOT HAVE ACCESS to new legacy shard. It should be for brand new or returning customers only.

    Please do not poison this springwater well.

    This is the stupidest thing I have read all day.

    Come on, think before you post.
    The day's early, give it a couple hours before you settle.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

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