EM Event Spawn

The new EM system seems to be working fairly well. However, the vile creature loot is abysmal. My guildmate and I had looting rights on the final boss and it had 46 gold and 1 arrow to split between us. I know not everything can be a crimson dragon but please bump it up! This could go for the lesser spawn items as well.


  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    With how hard some of them hit(gas attacks)
    Yes, they shoukd drop better loot than mongbats
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,650
    They are based on Peerless usually.  Loot is never good.  Sometimes you get a Paragon chest. I got one from Phyre.
    Our last one was horrible up until the boss.  They should not have 50 or more people in a place like this when you cant target because things could be on a diff floor. 
    But the boss was in an open area in Eodon.  It was based on Medusa.  If you didn't have lens on, you got a clone made of you.

    temp.bmp 751.7K
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • what are you people talking about? :o
  • Regarding what they're talking about....There have been changes to how event monsters are created and one consequence is that they don't have much in the way of natural loot.

    Based on Enemy of One in the buff/debuff bar, and based on corpse names, it seems like a lot of the event monsters no longer have a base monster, so the only loot that's left is generic default loot.  (Think like mongbat level.)  Some monsters do still have a base, some don't.

    Personally I've been preferring it this way.  And anything that makes it easier for them to produce stuff to do which has a storyline attached is, to my mind, good.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,650
    edited September 2020
    Well a person on LS got a polar bear mask when the boss died.  He thought that was the EM drop.

    Ive never seen good loot on EM Bosses but, they sure have a lot of loot when public.  I did not check this boss.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • From observation, as noted: Some monsters do still have a base, some don't.  When the corpse says something like "a vile corpse" then most-likely that means the monster didn't have a base in the manner I'm talking about.

    Most on GL since the new system  haven't had a base.  Which I am taking to mean they are made from the new system.
  • From observation, as noted: Some monsters do still have a base, some don't.  When the corpse says something like "a vile corpse" then most-likely that means the monster didn't have a base in the manner I'm talking about.

    Most on GL since the new system  haven't had a base.  Which I am taking to mean they are made from the new system.

    i am far from clear understanding what you tryed to explain, is it about like there are a differences between named monsters and unnamed and like a point i see in that functional that named monsters are for a reason?! can you try to explain me please more about it because i sometimes see something like "i am sure i have to visit that person for some reason but there is no need to think think about it now", just: "Go on, young man, i am just old man trying to cross the road"... 
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    At em events, they create monsters. They can have any name or graphic, but, when they die, the corpse has a name.
    "A vile corpse" is a base, and it has mongbat level loot, altho on atl last night, some had boosted loot.
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