Suggestions for permanent content I think we should have

I know we've got some new event content coming with the new tool.  I'm looking forward to playing that content.  Very much so actually.

But I also wanted to offer some stuff that perhaps could be implemented permanently that seems like it shouldn't be hard to do, and that (importantly) might afford gameplay options for customers always hungry for an answer to the question "what shall I do tonight. 

(I know that "seems" is a funny word here -- it's crazy easy to be wrong about what's easy to do and what's hard to do.  But seems is all I got so that's what I'm going with.  I wanted to think of things that were just "stuff to do" that could always be there and that wouldn't require you to invent much if anything.

Craftable Paladin Swords
This game has surprisingly few options for two-handed swordsmanship weapons that look like swords.  The Paladin Sword is too slow to be unbalancing if it were craftable.  It'll be a nice niche weapon.  The artifact versions of these swords have something special that won't just go away if you made craftable variants.  It's cool to have something named for one of the most-recognizable fantasy archetypes.

Permanent Sand Sifting
I don't recall when it was exactly but during a certain storyline some years back you could use a "sifting tray" on sands in Central Ilshenar and have a (very) rare chance at a fragment of an artifact.  Get enough fragments and you could reconstruct deco-only items associated with the Meer and Juka.  You could turn these in for loyalty with the Meer and Juka but I bet if this were implemented on a permanent basis, you'd get some folks doing this even without the turn-in element.  The items were just cool deco.

Now if you basically like the idea and want to go a little crazy, you could have this mechanic available in many facets and have similar deco artifacts associated with the history and lore of that facet.  (Rename, rehue, presto!)  Feel free to have a loyalty turn-in on these other places too but I submit that  some folks will do it just for deco and to have something to sell.  (And, importantly, because it's there and it's something to do.)  And the rarity was pretty high so it's hard to imagine a glut of these new items, especially if folks knew there was no rush to do it, that the content would still be there in a few months, a few years, etc.  (Also, Hell, periodically add to or take away from the list and you have content forever.)

At present, the sifting still works but there's no way to get the sifters anymore so you're stuck with what you have.  So if you want to re-implement it just in Ilshenar, just have a way to get the sifters.

Non-timed Samples of Purified Blood
Samples of Purified Blood are available from the Purifying Blood Elementals in Ilshenar.  They are timed, because they were part of a quest (it was part of the "The Awakening" storyline that led to the return of Blackthorn and his eventual accession to the throne).  That quest is done.  Now, the samples now would be really cool deco -- but they're still timed.  Increase the rarity if you must.

Permanent Treasures of Tokuno
Really, why not.  The most-desirable of the minor artifacts either have charges (the musical instruments, the dyes) or are super rare drops (mempo), so it's hard to imagine this content ever not having a purpose, or ever being unbalancing.

Non-timed Peerless Keys
I've always thought that the timers should be removed from most of the Peerless keys.  That way they can be used as deco and/or can be sold (like the Doom Gold Skulls are).  And/or can be kept in reserve for when one can put a party together.  The current week-long timer is a great improvement over the much shorter (in hours) timer of prior years but it still creates a certain amount of unnecessary time pressure.  These bosses aren't endgame content anymore, they are just more powerful evil monsters inhabiting the world that need to be put down periodically, lest they become a threat to the general populace -- and of course a means by which adventurers played by us players can find cool things and increase our reputations.

Currently-Existing Items as Craftables
We have items that exist in-game (candles, cheese, and soap come to mind -- further off the beaten path you have stuff like the Skull with Candle or "tall" Candle) that arguably should be craftable by players, and differentiated from their NPC-made or findable counterparts by the existence of a "crafted" flag and/or a maker's mark.  (The NPC version thus retains its distinctiveness -- either more or less impressive to have, depending on the item.)  The purpose of this would be for deco, raising the associated skill used to make it, RP, what have you.

Food for thought.


  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679
    More Mobs like Navrey.

    Some easy to get to mobs that do not require a quest that can be done in 30 min by a new player, 10 - 12 mins by an experienced player.  Needs to give greatly gains.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    edited August 2020
    Peerless keys with no expiry date is a hood idea, like the gold skull. Dark father is even tougher than the Peerless.

    For the weapons, perhaps there is a need to do something to overall system.
    - having more than 2 special moves for each weapon type. This gives us more variety of weapons for some favorite moves. 
    - For PVM, there seems to be mainly 2 popular and effective special moves. I am not sure but the rest of weapons seem to be mostly useful in pvp only. Some weapon types are seldom seen used by anyone in any fight.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Seth said:
    Peerless keys with no expiry date is a hood idea, like the gold skull. Dark father is even tougher than the Peerless.

    For the weapons, perhaps there is a need to do something to overall system.
    - having more than 2 special moves for each weapon type. This gives us more variety of weapons for some favorite moves. 
    - For PVM, there seems to be mainly 2 popular and effective special moves. I am not sure but the rest of weapons seem to be mostly useful in pvp only. Some weapon types are seldom seen used by anyone in any fight.

    The idea of this thread was to suggest things that didn't seem off-hand like that big of a deal to implement, just to put more permanent content into the game.  Another weapon pass, even if there was universal agreement on what to do, wouldn't be the same thing.

    And I suspect there is not universal agreement because this is UO.
  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400
    I know this will sound silly for most of you experienced players, but here goes:
    Make some new or revamp unused areas of the game with semi easy monsters that have a chance to give the new guy or old guy who has lost the speed to keep up with todays fast players (yeah I am now in that crowd.)  A neat deco item... it can be a different colored old steal item to be a drop item. or something new from the resident artist's hand. The store collection items come to mind, they are very good.    @Mesanna this is a good idea even the older players don't need the rush of kill kill kill every day... it gets old fast.  Your making super villians when some of us need not so tough to need a mob to do.
  • JohnKnighthawkeJohnKnighthawke Posts: 430
    edited August 2020
    I most-definitely support Lady Storm's idea, and there are many ways to do such a thing -- a new character is in no small amount of trouble after level one of the New Haven Mine.  There just isn't much "relatively new player" or "relatively new character" content. 

    The idea, however, is not the kind of thing the thread is intended for.  The point of this thread is unrelated to anything that requires anything like "development" or "revamping."  It was to propose ideas for permanent content that, probably, could be implemented with relative ease and relative quickness.
  • Estel_RandirEstel_Randir Posts: 189
    edited August 2020
    I know this will sound silly for most of you experienced players, but here goes:
    Make some new or revamp unused areas of the game with semi easy monsters that have a chance to give the new guy or old guy who has lost the speed to keep up with todays fast players (yeah I am now in that crowd.)
      There used to be a "newbie" dungeon - Despise. But they revamped it and seems that hardly anyone goes there. It was a great place to hunt for new players to get their feet wet & for veterans to farm spined leather. It also had the Ogre Lord island on the third level for a challenge. I miss the old Despise. I wish we had all the old dungeons back before they revamped them. Instead of revamping old content, they should just make a new dungeon. Revamping sounds like a good idea, but it never turns out or is received by players the way the developers think it will or should be. Covetous third level is a disaster imo.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    I know this will sound silly for most of you experienced players, but here goes:
    Make some new or revamp unused areas of the game with semi easy monsters that have a chance to give the new guy or old guy who has lost the speed to keep up with todays fast players (yeah I am now in that crowd.)  A neat deco item... it can be a different colored old steal item to be a drop item. or something new from the resident artist's hand. The store collection items come to mind, they are very good.    @ Mesanna this is a good idea even the older players don't need the rush of kill kill kill every day... it gets old fast.  Your making super villians when some of us need not so tough to need a mob to do.
    So instead of "replica", they can add AARP to the description....hrm.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400
    Don't laugh yet Garth one day you will find eyes or hand speed has curbed down.  Stroke or injury can side line anyone and young players have no idea how to kill off the bat some of the new high action critters.  ITs all well and good for the exp player to want high end killing but some of us cant do what we use to.   I have to agree when they said revamp I thought ok here maybe we get a better layout or more levels and a separation of mobs so younger can go in and have at it.  Its not what we got.    I use to go in destard to hunt the dragons and wyverns for leather and gems. nothing too bad you might die once in a while as they did have a habit of spawning on top of you... but now there is a GD at every turn. If a new player goes in i can bet you in 5 minutes his ghost will be waking out looking to be rezed by a local healer.  The chance of a experienced player being in the dungeon is moot as DGs have been made worthless with the training bit.  Cu's or new pets have taken over...  
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 3,969
    the Haven quests should be expanded after you get to 50 you take a new quest moving into the mines or another area to get your skills to 80 believe it or not champ spawns even the tram & ish ones are great training grounds the first round of creatures perfect for low level and so on etc 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • The idea of this thread was to suggest ideas to put more permanent content into the game that didn't seem off-hand like that big of a deal to implement.  Proposals to revamp the weapons system, new player experience, or anything really, while laudable, perhaps deserve their own threads.

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 3,969
    is not the new player system part of the permanent content ???
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Again: The idea of this thread was to suggest ideas to put more permanent content into the game that didn't seem off-hand like that big of a deal to implement.  Proposals to revamp the weapons system, new player experience, or anything really, while laudable, perhaps deserve their own threads.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679
    I agree,  New player quests, help, weapons etc is not the same.  Too much work for Devs.

    I just think having more easy places to go to fight something like Navrey could keep new and returning players in the game.  Many do not have time for quests and want to accomplish something on limited time.

    With the new system they can put a Mob in a location and the difficulty be based on the amount of players there.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Don't laugh yet Garth one day you will find eyes or hand speed has curbed down.  Stroke or injury can side line anyone and young players have no idea how to kill off the bat some of the new high action critters.  ITs all well and good for the exp player to want high end killing but some of us cant do what we use to.   I have to agree when they said revamp I thought ok here maybe we get a better layout or more levels and a separation of mobs so younger can go in and have at it.  Its not what we got.    I use to go in destard to hunt the dragons and wyverns for leather and gems. nothing too bad you might die once in a while as they did have a habit of spawning on top of you... but now there is a GD at every turn. If a new player goes in i can bet you in 5 minutes his ghost will be waking out looking to be rezed by a local healer.  The chance of a experienced player being in the dungeon is moot as DGs have been made worthless with the training bit.  Cu's or new pets have taken over...  
    I just turned 55 last month, unfortunately I was not laughing when I posted that reply..but I am chuckling now a little.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    The idea of this thread was to suggest ideas to put more permanent content into the game that didn't seem off-hand like that big of a deal to implement.  Proposals to revamp the weapons system, new player experience, or anything really, while laudable, perhaps deserve their own threads.

    I get your idea now, so if we follow the same idea to make Tokuno Treasures permanent, then the following should:

    Katakotl (I missed whirlwind the lizard, and doing the puzzle).
    Treasures of Khaldun
    Blackthorn Dungeon

    I feel limited to 
    Eodon and Shadowguard
    Dark Father
    High Seas

    So far only Shadowguard is rewarding with each fight we get some decent equipment and drop rate for arties is better than the rest.

    High seas are ok as the rewards are turn in type except for the bosses. But where are the new rewards that @kyronix mentioned is coming...

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • TalerTaler Posts: 5
    Ridable Rams
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    Return the spawn to blackthornes.
    Each group of creatures has .01% chance to drop an item.

    Collect all 10 items to turn in for 1 deco item, glacial colored to spit messana
  • Once again everyone: the idea was to present things that were content (not graphical, not systems) and that seemed relatively easy to do (which new graphics and new systems do not seem easy, at least not to me).
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2020
    Dynamic ever changing High Seas/Sea Market/Trade Quest...quests....instead of making cities periodically struggle due to low funds, or Dread Pirate Ships causing shortages, the devs let us build the coffers up to billions removing much needed (imo) citizen interactions. I could write an entire essay on how this should have been implemented but anyone who's played the game knows everything that could have been added, but wasn't....
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 518Moderator
    I hope this conversation does not become another pointless interface argument.
  • LacrimaLacrima Posts: 20
    I don't think share personal opinions about interface/client graphic is pointless; sharing informations helps people to improve their point of view about an argument in my opinion.
    If you mean that there are a lot of posts like this that go to a dead end about the argument, it's a different thing and I ask your pardon to have write several posts about this. 
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 518Moderator
    Sharing opinions is fine and encouraged. Hyperbole and angst are not.

  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    Rorschach said:
    I hope this conversation does not become another pointless interface argument.
    Pls help to delete my last post, I was getting bored. Thanks.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    edited August 2020
    It is distressing to see how quickly and how thoroughly a thread started with the aim of suggesting permanent content that seemed to be on the easier side to implement can be derailed into far broader concerns.

    Oh well.  I tried.
    Agreed it suddenly changed to graphic discussion, which should be in the other thread regarding client and macro.

    Back to this topic, I think its easier to understand if we ask, which of the previous content should we reactivate and keep it permanent.

    The criteria is that it should be easy, so it cannot be completely new as that won't be easy. The new tools are also not related because they are meant for one-off events.

    Reposting part of what I shared as relevant to OP topic is

    Katakotl (I missed whirlwind the lizard, and doing the puzzle).
    Treasures of Khaldun
    Blackthorn Dungeon

    I feel limited to 
    Eodon and Shadowguard
    Dark Father
    High Seas

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,730
    Seth said:
    It is distressing to see how quickly and how thoroughly a thread started with the aim of suggesting permanent content that seemed to be on the easier side to implement can be derailed into far broader concerns.

    Oh well.  I tried.

    Katakotl (I missed whirlwind the lizard, and doing the puzzle).
    Treasures of Khaldun
    Blackthorn Dungeon

    you can still activate Katakotl City.
    you do that to tame the platinum and crimson drakes that deal Energy damage.
    And you can still go in Khaldun to do the spawn.
    You can still get the costumes, when Khal Ankur dies.
    The only thing that was shut off was the drops & the turn in guys were removed.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    Seth said:
    It is distressing to see how quickly and how thoroughly a thread started with the aim of suggesting permanent content that seemed to be on the easier side to implement can be derailed into far broader concerns.

    Oh well.  I tried.

    Katakotl (I missed whirlwind the lizard, and doing the puzzle).
    Treasures of Khaldun
    Blackthorn Dungeon

    you can still activate Katakotl City.
    you do that to tame the platinum and crimson drakes that deal Energy damage.
    And you can still go in Khaldun to do the spawn.
    You can still get the costumes, when Khal Ankur dies.
    The only thing that was shut off was the drops & the turn in guys were removed.

    Then turn those back on.

    Why not turn off all the rewards and arty drops in the game and say everything is still there, so don't complaint.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Once again, the thread was designed to make suggestions for permanent content that seemed relatively to put in, and/or put back in, as the case may be. For some reason my fellow players have found it necessary to insert such topics as graphics, new player experiences, and new clients.

    It seems an odd way to attempt to get one's message heard, especially when the option to make a new thread is available to you as it was to me.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 518Moderator
    I have removed several posts that did not adhere to the topic of this post.
  • One thing that seems easy to implement that I would like to see if more color choices for boats...
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