Treasures of Deceit

@Kyronix - Will there be a list of bug fixes published (from Treasures of Orcish Kin) so we know what to specifically test on Treasures of Deceit?? 

Even though the items will be shard bound, I've been bored since the Orcish Kin event wrapped up so I'll probably hop over to LS or Sakura to check out the new soft launch.



  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    The majority of the changes were on the back end to allow us to setup the events more quickly from shard to shard.

    Forward facing, Artifact Traders are now healers so they can rez.

    We look forward to additional feedback, thanks!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Come to LS.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    Those who haven't yet tried these events should bear in mind this item in the publish notes:
    Dynamic Treasures creatures have a chance to spawn as Paragon.
    Paragon orc brutes on Origin were no picnic, paragon lich lords in Deceit are something to be aware of.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    edited August 2020
    Paragon Lich Lords / Ossein Rams / Poison Elements / Silver Serpents... things can get hairy very quickly!

    @Pawain - decided to check out LS! Hope to see you down there
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    They should be active in gen chat. I'll be on around 5pm central. Say hi to Allen in chat. If I see you before then I'll probably call you a NOOB. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    edited August 2020
    @Kyronix - Since Orc dungeon didn't really have walls I didn't notice this but it seems like in Deceit the paragons (seems like just them so far) will target you through walls which isn't how mobs aggro these days. Example: I was on level 3 killing mobs near the lava and a lich paragon spawned 2 rooms over and he aggro'ed me and opened both doors to get to me. Should it work like this??

    Another question - should all paragons be able to drop paragon chest? I've seen things like a lich drop paragon chest (and orc on Origin) which spawn in Ilsh and would be a viable paragon but what about things that don't spawn in Ilsh like an Ossein Ram or Spectral Armor (and maybe Silver Serp)?? Would those also drop paragon chests or are they not programmed to drop chests since they aren't the typical Ilsh paragon (I've killed a bunch of paragons & talked to others about it...nobody has seen a chest on these yet. Orc Brutes also never dropped a chest for me out of probably 100+ kills)?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    The EM event mobs can drop a chest. I got a Pyre chest from a dragon looking boss.  They would drop them if the base creatures chest.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • RockStaRRockStaR Posts: 168
    The certificate does nothing. The neck piece with only 100 luck and no mods. And a spellbook with repond Slayer and 20 sdi right after spellbook invasion was brought back. There's room for good rewards. I get this is just to see how it turns out as a test run still though.
  • Making this stuff shard bound is so ignorant. Its not game breaking stuff. Its fine for people to move event items all around to get rich but people that like to collect odd ball name/colored armor get screwed and cant ever move their collection.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Deceit works well if you travel in a small group, 3 is plenty.  The para Rams and poison eles are a pain sometimes if solo.  The low Mobs are easy enough for new players. Seems like the drops are very random.  I've killed 5 time consuming paras in a row and not got a drop. 

    I like it because I happen to collect the armor.  But many are already saying its boring.  

    I also don't like the shard bound drops and rewards.

    I assume the paragon Mobs were brought in to discourage afk farming.

    @Kyronix ; For events like this, we need a Boss.  Many are asking why there is no end Boss.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    I like the idea of bosses, but not one-hit-kill type. Its like spending 3 min to get the rez and just 1 second to die - as what I experienced in TC earlier.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    @Kyronix @Bleak ; Twice today in Tram Deceit. My undertakers staff did not work.  I was on same floor as body and it couldn't find body.  Second time I was literally standing next to body that was in bone form covered up by mob bodies.  Was past the 3 min fel timer which should not apply in Tram anyway,
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Pawain said:
    Deceit works well if you travel in a small group, 3 is plenty.  The para Rams and poison eles are a pain sometimes if solo.  The low Mobs are easy enough for new players. Seems like the drops are very random.  I've killed 5 time consuming paras in a row and not got a drop. 

    I like it because I happen to collect the armor.  But many are already saying its boring.  

    I also don't like the shard bound drops and rewards.

    I assume the paragon Mobs were brought in to discourage afk farming.

    @ Kyronix  For events like this, we need a Boss.  Many are asking why there is no end Boss.
    @Pawain - You are correct about the paragons being there to prevent afk farming (he mentioned this in the Orcish Kin thread when I asked if they meant to have no ability to leech life).

    I don't find the drops really that random though as they follow the typical ToT points system; you kill X mobs to reach Y points to get a drop. It resets and you then rinse and repeat. One thing to note though is there are diminishing returns so killing 30 skeletons and ghouls (only) might work on your first drop but the next drop might take 40 (making up the numbers) if you are just killing those. 

    You do have a point about the paragons though that maybe Kyronix will address that but I'm not sure if we get exponentially more "Treasure of" points (towards a drop) for killing a paragon. I agree that sitting there for a few minutes killing an Ossein Ram paragon should net you more points than killing a regular one since it's much harder though.

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited August 2020
    All I can say is I am sick of getting revealed the instant I cast invis or hide.  I was trying to shake a para lich lord and every single time I cast invis it would insta reveal me, also getting revealed when I don't even have line of sight to the mobs, not just paragons.  If this sort of thing is gonna continue I think I won't.   I invest 200 points of skill to be able to do one thing, stealth to my body  Ok I don't mind getting revealed if I have been stood doing zip for 10 minutes NOT moving, or on occasion,  as I never afk farm
    but this is just stupid, I am also Elf so even worse.  If I cast invis it SHOULD invis me, If I hide and then stealth I should be able to move more than 1 tile.   I had to cast invis 14 times and was insta revealed in less than a second each time, hence why I had to do it 14 times.   I gave up working down there with any of my tamers or casters.   Waste of time and effort.  Just jumped on the sampire and did the over powered whacky for a while.  If this is code set in place to stop afk farmers then it has pretty much destroyed nearly all my templates game play as I tend to prefer mage/mystics or tamers.   If a sampire is all I can use guess it will be soon time to close my accounts.   Not overly happy if this is gonna be the state of things to come. 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    @MissE - I can't say that I've experienced the line of sight thing with anything besides paragons (I agree that should be fixed). As for the reveal thing, I haven't tried on LS with a mage but on Origin I wasn't revealed if things weren't aggro on me.

    Sounds like maybe you should take a deep breath; threatening to close your accounts because you don't like the event style seems a little extreme lol. Which shard are you on? I'm happy to help if needed (I'm on LS right now). 
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    keven2002 said:
    @ MissE - I can't say that I've experienced the line of sight thing with anything besides paragons (I agree that should be fixed). As for the reveal thing, I haven't tried on LS with a mage but on Origin I wasn't revealed if things weren't aggro on me.

    Sounds like maybe you should take a deep breath; threatening to close your accounts because you don't like the event style seems a little extreme lol. Which shard are you on? I'm happy to help if needed (I'm on LS right now). 
    I would cast invis and be insta revealed, running around a corner and hiding to break off also resulted in insta reveal even tho the mob was on the other side of the wall, the hide would go off but instantly I was getting "you have been revealed" message and become visible again. 

    However, It isn't just this dungeon thing, they did the same thing in blackthorns to kill afk farmers, my point was if it is a coded thing to kill afk farmers and they are gonna continue to go down that road then yeah, makes playing a pita and I for one am not into being constantly revealed when I use legitimate skills or use legitimate spells.  If stuff becomes such a grind to play I won't play.  Not a threat to close my accounts over one event, but if they are gonna negate skills to kill cheaters then I don't see much point in playing.  There are too many cheaters in this game and every time they do something to 'fix' cheaters it ends up aiding them and making the gameplay for the rest of us just extra grind.

    Look at what they have done to idocs over the cheaters yet again the cheaters are still running rampant with their house placing etc.  To kill the cheater in the guardian room in doom they nerfed the room for everyone, instead of dealing with the cheater, to stop the scripters on resources they nerfed static resource nodes which in effect aided the scripters to the detriment of the average player, to stop afk farming in blackthorns they made it nearly impossible to hide and stealth in there or to invis, same with this it seems, could be just plain bad luck but I think 14 invises on a gm mage is a bit excessive.    Over the years every effort made to stop the cheaters has actually assisted them to the detriment of everyone else. 

    I am asking if the same code they introduced to blackthorns is implemented here and if so is this gonna become the norm. 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • JuliaJulia Posts: 10
    @Kyronix I moved a character over to Lake Superior to test out Treasures of Deceit. A couple of things that I think others have mentioned that I also wanted to report having troubles with:

    1. Paragon creatures are able to Target me regardless of how many walls are between us. I have played for about 4 hours total and this has occurred almost every time I have been on the same screen as a paragon.

    2. Once targeted, I am no longer able to stay hidden from a paragon. If they ever get me targeted, then anytime I attempt to hide or make myself invisible, I instantly reveal again. This too has happened to me repeatedly with Paragons, and for a template that requires hiding and stealth this basically shuts my playstyle down.

    The first hour where I continuously tried to stay hidden was frustrating for sure. I also noticed that in that first hour I did not receive a single drop as I kept trying to hide or make myself invisible. Once I gave up on that then I started getting drops. I believe this is just a holdover from using the original ToT code and it may be working as intended. If so then players who do use stealth and hiding ( like every one of my pvm Toons on Siege perilous) are doubly penalized if you consider this with the Paragon issue.

    Aside from those points, I enjoyed being able to do turn ins for the first and second level of a dungeon that typically is just a pass-through to get to the champion spawn. It also provided more interaction with players who are otherwise probably would not have encountered so that is good too. Thanks for reading this.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Something I learned playing in Ilshenar, and only remembered when I'd died a few times in Deceit. Don't run past paragons, teleport instead. My pet and I have managed to kill a few paragon lich lords, poison eles and rams since I remembered this little trick.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    The stealth users on LS were complaining about Insta reveal. They are also unhappy because that is their favorite template.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    @Petra_Fyde yes I know not to run past paragons.  Never do, but once you are tagged by one it is gonna chase you so the only thing to do is invis or get out of  line of sight and then invis or hide, this now won't work as even out of line of sight you cannot get off an invis or hide that isn't insta revealed. Because you can't get off that invis or hide you cannot break target at all so will be pursued til death.  I figure everyone, bar brand new players, knows that you never run past paragons as the second you do they will tag you. @Pawain glad to know it isn't just me then.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    MissE said:
    All I can say is I am sick of getting revealed the instant I cast invis or hide.  I was trying to shake a para lich lord and every single time I cast invis it would insta reveal me, also getting revealed when I don't even have line of sight to the mobs, not just paragons.  If this sort of thing is gonna continue I think I won't.   I invest 200 points of skill to be able to do one thing, stealth to my body  Ok I don't mind getting revealed if I have been stood doing zip for 10 minutes NOT moving, or on occasion,  as I never afk farm
    but this is just stupid, I am also Elf so even worse.  If I cast invis it SHOULD invis me, If I hide and then stealth I should be able to move more than 1 tile.   I had to cast invis 14 times and was insta revealed in less than a second each time, hence why I had to do it 14 times.   I gave up working down there with any of my tamers or casters.   Waste of time and effort.  Just jumped on the sampire and did the over powered whacky for a while.  If this is code set in place to stop afk farmers then it has pretty much destroyed nearly all my templates game play as I tend to prefer mage/mystics or tamers.   If a sampire is all I can use guess it will be soon time to close my accounts.   Not overly happy if this is gonna be the state of things to come. 
    All I can say is I am sick of getting revealed the instant I cast invis or hide.
    Mind you, even having invested a whole bunch of skill points into Hiding and Stealth does not help... one gets revealed quite right away....

    It really is totally annoying..... this revealing stuff should get toned down, especially when a player has invested many skill points into STAYING hidden....

    I mean, what is the point of investing skill points in skills which then do not work for the purpose that they were meant to work for ? I mean Hiding and Stealthing....

    @Kyronix ?

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Well, WoD does little damage to Paragons.  No Life Leech from them.  Have to adjust to the  Gasp*** NEW CONTENT. Give feedback and things may change.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Pawain said:
    Well, WoD does little damage to Paragons.  No Life Leech from them.  Have to adjust to the  Gasp*** NEW CONTENT. Give feedback and things may change.
    The paragons also don't have any different gold than the normal mobs. Para's were supposed to have at least 2 if not 3 times the loot of a regular mob.  Haven't had a chest of the 'new' types ie ram and skel armor, just the older ones lichlords, poison eles, could just be the bad luck rng be interested to know if they drop chests.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • twizagtwizag Posts: 55
    Very creative artifacts from the merchant - I don't even know which one to choose)
  • There are paragon chests for sure. What I am most concerned about is that Deceit is such a buggy old dungeon! Line of sight is not working properly , esp in the lich lord room.Everything is out of sight , if you target the floor or a monster or cast heal on something , its all out of sight no matter how close you are. I was there with the guild last night luckily so we could keep an eye at eachother , but we all had problems with this. I have a vague memory it always has been this way.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    @Julia - I believe there is a guardrail in place (really for tamers) that your points (or chance of getting a drop) is reduced when hidden... so tamers couldn't just park and hide while pet kills everything. 

    In regards to stealthers... I understand that template for if there are hidden boxes like in Khuldan and that's what you are looking to do but my understanding right now is that there is not. So for those saying the drops for them are slow and they are wasting 200 points; I'd argue those are wasted regardless because that's not the right template for this event. It would be like me bringing my crafter or a character with snooping/stealing and complaining about wasting points... at the end of the day there are certain builds that are more efficient so either figure them out or don't be mad about your experience in that one part of the game (go where that template is more viable). 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited August 2020
    MissE said:
    Pawain said:
    Well, WoD does little damage to Paragons.  No Life Leech from them.  Have to adjust to the  Gasp*** NEW CONTENT. Give feedback and things may change.
    The paragons also don't have any different gold than the normal mobs. Para's were supposed to have at least 2 if not 3 times the loot of a regular mob.  Haven't had a chest of the 'new' types ie ram and skel armor, just the older ones lichlords, poison eles, could just be the bad luck rng be interested to know if they drop chests.

    Ya, I was going to mention the paragons should also give more fame since some take a while to kill.  But, they keep the base fame.  The gold and items seem to match EM mobs. Also would be nice if we could Lore the mobs.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    edited August 2020
    MissE said:
    Pawain said:
    Well, WoD does little damage to Paragons.  No Life Leech from them.  Have to adjust to the  Gasp*** NEW CONTENT. Give feedback and things may change.
    The paragons also don't have any different gold than the normal mobs. Para's were supposed to have at least 2 if not 3 times the loot of a regular mob.  Haven't had a chest of the 'new' types ie ram and skel armor, just the older ones lichlords, poison eles, could just be the bad luck rng be interested to know if they drop chests.

    Ossein ram and spectral armor do not have maps in their loot table ( ) therefore they will not drop paragon chests.

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Pawain said:
    MissE said:
    Pawain said:
    Well, WoD does little damage to Paragons.  No Life Leech from them.  Have to adjust to the  Gasp*** NEW CONTENT. Give feedback and things may change.
    The paragons also don't have any different gold than the normal mobs. Para's were supposed to have at least 2 if not 3 times the loot of a regular mob.  Haven't had a chest of the 'new' types ie ram and skel armor, just the older ones lichlords, poison eles, could just be the bad luck rng be interested to know if they drop chests.

    Ya, I was going to mention the paragons should also give more fame since some take a while to kill.  But, they keep the base fame.  The gold and items seem to match EM mobs. Also would be nice if we could Lore the mobs.

    The paragons are NOT giving any extra loot.  Killed Ossein Ram para a normal ram has around 260-310gps loot so does the para, same for the poison ele para, no extra anything other than the chance of a chest.  For the time taken to kill em it is not worth the bother.  It appears these are the claytons paragons, ya know the paras you have when not having a paragon. 

    So yeah, no loot on em, no life leech on any para, it appears my sampire gets poisoned by everything in that dungeon even though I am supposed to be immune to most poisons, and as for invis and stealth that is nuked completely.  

     @keven2002 totally disagree with your comments on stealth.  For a start it is not just stealth but also invis, insta reveals on that as well.  So what you are saying is any mage/tamer/caster who uses invis is the 'wrong type of char' as well as any character with stealth.  Lets not talk about bards, my bard friend was not impressed at all.  Frankly if I invest 200 points in a skill I think it should work as intended.  I am over getting my templates nerfed due to cheaters, if you are ok with it fine, I am not.  I have stealth on nearly ALL of my characters for a reason.  My tamers have it, so does my mystic mage weavers, as well as my archers.  So basically other than my sampire, the rest are in your view the wrong type of char?  Not all stealthers are build to steal from chests in fact I have NEVER stolen from chests as that is a total waste of time.  When you devote 200 points on a template to do ONE thing then that thing should 'work' 90% of the time  not 1%.  

    @Kyronix ; The other BUG which is killing me is in the EC (don't play cc so not sure if it affects that too)  and I have not experienced this bug in years so not sure what they have done, thought it was just me but my guildy is also experiencing the same.  Every single time I have died in that dungeon I get this: 

    It makes it IMPOSSIBLE to walk out to get a rez, in between this screen I am getting complete blackouts so ALL I see is names of stuff if it is close although the screen is totally black. 

    I have not experienced this bug in years, not sure why all of a sudden every death is now like this as my settings have NOT changed.  Any idea?  Anyone else getting this?

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited August 2020
    @Kyronix ; Possible bug: In the "treasure's Of" dungeon, The skill Provocation does nothing, you provoke mobs to fight, and they ignore each other, Peacemaking & Discordance seem to work as they should.

    There also seems to be a somewhat rare chance of receiving a random magic item that's cursed appear in your pack instead of a 'Treasures Of Item".
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

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