can we have a date for the end of the invasion



  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Arnold7 said:
    For developing players like myself, I have been playing Ultima Online for about a year and a half, I would like to see the Invasions continue.  When the invasions started I had hoped to get some spell books but I discovered early on that my character had little or no chance of getting a book.  The more experienced players leading the charge into the cities often cleaned out the mage generals before I had a chance to even find one.  Some of these players now appear now to have lost interest I don't see them participating anymore.  For me, that means I have a chance to get spell books.  With fewer players participating,  moderately advanced players like myself now have a chance to get spell books and I am now averaging about 1 book per invasion (that's about one or two books a night when I have the time).
    I enjoy doing the invasions because they give me a chance to work with and get to know other players.  I really appreciate this.  I really enjoy working with one or two other players to bring down a general.  I am also learning a lot more about my character and how to play it.  So for developing players like myself,  I would ask that the invasions continue for awhile.

    That is what I was trying to say when I added my voice that I also think the Town Invasions should be let continue, at least, until sometimes in September when brand new content, I understand, will be released to Ultima Online....

    Besides the reasons that you and other players have been pointing out in support of letting the Town Invasion keep going, it is not to be downplayed the importance that these spawns are for new and returning players who need to train up their characters or their pets.

    The variety of the spawn is a great setting for training various templates and pets up and thus, can help new and returning players to actually stick playing Ultima Online as their characters and pets progress.

    Frankly, I do not see the point of why to stop them when their continuing can be so beneficial for Ultima Online.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    popps said:
    That is what I was trying to say when I added my voice that I also think the Town Invasions should be let continue, at least, until sometimes in September when brand new content, I understand, will be released to Ultima Online....

    New content?  Just more pumpkins. and artisan trees.  Maybe I missed something?

  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    I am tired of pumpkins. And there is a bug with pumpkins on EC, after placing sometimes you see it sometimes it disappears in the house.

    I am also tired of bugs.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    popps said:
    That is what I was trying to say when I added my voice that I also think the Town Invasions should be let continue, at least, until sometimes in September when brand new content, I understand, will be released to Ultima Online....

    New content?  Just more pumpkins. and artisan trees.  Maybe I missed something?

    We've updated our classic holiday events with new rewards because, as it so happens, they are quite popular and players often request new rewards for them, so we oblige that.

    The other half of the publish is devoted to how we implement content.  The dynamic tools form the basis of that.  As an example, your average Treasures event probably takes me around a 5 days to fully implement, not counting any design work that has to be done to figure out what is going in the Treasures event.  Again, not counting the design work that same implementation now takes about an hour.  So ya, it's not as headline grabbing as I'd like but it's a huge step in providing more events with customized rewards without the traditional backend that bogs down our dev cycle.
  • Lord_NabinLord_Nabin Posts: 203
    *hits like button*

    Wait wrong forum. Would some one flip the switch for this please 
    Lord Nabin
    High Council Sage
    Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

    ICQ 248-636-691
    Discord Lord Nabin#5433
  • EyeEye Posts: 91
    Arnold7 said:
    I am now averaging about 1 book per invasion (that's about one or two books a night when I have the time
    I haven't gotten a single book!
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Kind of glad these have ended but sort of wish they had continued.  I enjoyed the actual two to six hours of game play, but the poorly thought out reward system allowing a small number of players to loot almost all of the spell books in the first fifteen minutes of the invasion really frustrated me.  Really hope never to see this kind of reward system again.
    It also seems strange to me that this games owners would allow these spell books to be sold by those third party vendors we are not suppose to buy from.  But as I search the web I see the books for sale on at least several sites.  I don't see many books on my shard's vendor search. So for players on my shard that didn't get many or any books their only source of the books they need are those third party vendors.
    I would hope that in the future the reward systems be designed to benefit all players and not just the few.  Would also hope that in the future Ultima Online find a way to make these books available to all players either through a anniversary token or some sort of quest.
    Sorry Eye that you did not get any books.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Arnold7 said:
    Kind of glad these have ended but sort of wish they had continued.  I enjoyed the actual two to six hours of game play, but the poorly thought out reward system allowing a small number of players to loot almost all of the spell books in the first fifteen minutes of the invasion really frustrated me.  Really hope never to see this kind of reward system again.
    It also seems strange to me that this games owners would allow these spell books to be sold by those third party vendors we are not suppose to buy from.  But as I search the web I see the books for sale on at least several sites.  I don't see many books on my shard's vendor search. So for players on my shard that didn't get many or any books their only source of the books they need are those third party vendors.
    I would hope that in the future the reward systems be designed to benefit all players and not just the few.  Would also hope that in the future Ultima Online find a way to make these books available to all players either through a anniversary token or some sort of quest.
    Sorry Eye that you did not get any books.

    I would hope that in the future the reward systems be designed to benefit all players and not just the few. 
    I totally agree.

    I find the criteria to award the drops to the highest damagers absurd, since it gives more stuff to those who already have plenty....

    I mean, if they can do the most damage, it likely is because they have scrolled up characters and using expensive, high end gear and weapons or fully scrolled up pets...

    They have it all and the game gives them more rather then instead favouring new and returning players who actually more need those drops ?

    Makes no sense to me.

    I hope that the Developers, @Bleak , @Kyronix , will rethink the way that drops are awarded and will find a new mechanics which will not most always favour those who already have it all because, at least to my thinking, this mechanics does not help Ultima Online gain player base as then, new and returning players would always be at a gross disadvantage towards getting drops as compared to older, more established players....

    Also, another thing which needs to be addressed is items being farmed on low population Shards to then go to Atlantic to be sold there....

    This causes a shortage of items on all low population shards where it becomes very hard, if not impossible, to find anything up for sale since most everything farmed there ends up on Atlantic....

    I would like to see a whole lot Shard Bound items as drops....

    I am not saying that any and all items that drop should be Shard Bound, just saying that there should be a random chance for the same one item drop to spawn as Shard Bound or not and this, which Shard Bound having a higher chance.... say, like 70% Shard Bound vs. 30% Shard Transferable if not even 80% vs. 20%.

    This, because since items farmed on Lower Population Shards all end up on Atlantic, even with a low chance to spawn, like 20% or 30% chance as "Transferrable Items", if one takes into account all other Shards, the amount of items that could still be taken to Atlantic would be still massive and, thus, Atlantic would not suffer any shortage.

    Yet, the rest of the Shard Bound items spawned would ensure that "Local" players on those Low Population Shards, would be able to find items up for sale on their Shard when they need to....

    @Bleak , @Kyronix , any chance that we might see something along these lines be implemented please ?

    Thanks !
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Worked for me. I got over 150 books this time. I have plenty of 44 thru 47 books to give to new or returning players. I lost 8 48 thru 49 books because I put them in a different chest and forgot to lock it down...  I don't collect the slayer books so I gave away a bunch of those.

    Also have bane bows to last for years.

    I got plenty of cloth from cloaks.

    The system worked fine if you understand the mechanics.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • JeddakJeddak Posts: 10
    sorry to say the invasions are gone (at least in Lake Superior). Main reason I resubbed as I like content that shows up in non dungeon areas. They've announced the orc dungeon event (without noting it's location). Must be a common knowledge thing if you been playing over the last few years. I was gone for 20. Yes, I'm old.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    If I was a gamblin' man... I'd guess that the "orc dungeon event" might be in... well... the orc dungeon maybe?? 
    @Jeddak - All kidding aside, you can easily get to the orc dungeon by using a corrupt dungeon crystal which many people have locked down in public houses. Just say "dungeon orc" and you will be teleported. Happy hunting.
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