Is this a real Help-Request reply?

This is the reply i got from filling out a help request form.  Please tell me if this is real:

"Thank you for contacting Ultima Online Support.

This email only is an automatic reply to your email submission to Broadsword Support.

If your email is about a Billing or Technical Support issue, you should expect a response from the Team within 72 hours.
Please be sure to have any e-mail spam filters properly configured to allow the address: (so that further responses are not blocked).

To help expedite service, please reply to this email at your convenience with as much as possible of the last known information that is currently saved on the desired account(s) to the best of your recollection, using the below template.

***Passwords are never verified and should never be shared with anyone for the protection of your accounts.***

Please fill in your answers into the below template.


Account name(s): 
Secret Word: 
(Hints can be mother's maiden name, father's middle name, child's middle name, pet's name, place of birth, or favorite author)

Emails used: 
Full name: 
Date of birth (month/day/year): 
Phone number: 
City, state, and country of residency: 

Last 4 digits of credit card AND type: 
Full name on card: 
Key code(s) redeemed: 
Account creation date (MMDDYY): 
Account close date / last logged in, if active please specify:   
Character names AND shard: 
Any other helpful information:     

IMPORTANT:  Be aware that Sovereign Coin Codes purchased from EA Origin Store that have been redeemed are bound to the EA Account they were redeemed on and are only usable by the accounts linked with that EA Account; Sovereign Coin currency may not be transferred.

IMPORTANT:  If you are having a problem in-game, you must use the HELP interface in-game for assistance.
In-Game Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You will ONLY receive a response from this e-mail address for billing or technical related issues.

Best regards,

Ultima Online Support
Broadsword Online Games"

Is this Real?


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    What was the wording of your help request?
    Did you click help when buying from the store?   Then I dont think they need all that info.
    Did you ask about recovering an account?  Then they need that info.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Pawain said:
    What was the wording of your help request?
    Did you click help when buying from the store?   Then I dont think they need all that info.
    Did you ask about recovering an account?  Then they need that info.
    My help request was about trying to get my account recovered.  It's an old account from back in 2002.  It is still and has been active & I need to update my billing information on it.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    It is what they need to recover it.

    That email is official:
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Add my discord AR#0313   or ICQ 647752375
    I will help you!
  • MalokMalok Posts: 48
    i got an email for my help ticket also never got a reply...
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