no names

hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
edited June 2020 in General Discussions
you should consider bringing back no names, they allowed more template diversity,
all around not just in pvp... But it would be awesome if that's possible, I know it probably isn't and this will probably get closed so im done wasting my time writing it hopefully someone else will
  1. Would you like them to revamp the loot?26 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. I don't care


  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    I have no idea what this is about.   WTF is no names?

    Cheers MissE

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  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,294
    edited June 2020
    MissE said:
    I have no idea what this is about.   WTF is no names?
    Loot that doesn't have an artifact name. it'll be "a Leather cap"  instead of "An Arcane Leather Cap of Defense" and have all the different properties.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    So the op wants items with less add-ons while everybody is screaming for more add-ons and more high end items per drop.  I see a lot of no name items on a lot of the lower spawn but if I am killing a boss or high end MOB I expect high end items.  I an surprised at a lot of the loot from the invasion because it is all over the place put no LEET items yet.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    The OP means no name stuff with 12 to 15 mods instead of 8....
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    Pawain said:
    The OP means no name stuff with 12 to 15 mods instead of 8....
    I'd be for even no names with 8 Mods. 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    So he wants the same mods on it but without the name on it, why?
  • LorielLoriel Posts: 6
    So he wants the same mods on it but without the name on it, why?
    I would imagine its because the name determines what mods it has on it so no name would be without the naming parameters tying it to a particular set of mods and combinations. I think he is implying you would get greater variety of gear.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    @Loriel I think you have it backwards with the naming.  MODs are placed on the item and then depending on the #,type and intensity then the piece may or may not get a name.  I sure would hate to have all my crafted items get a name and then the system apply mods to that name and not what I picked to have apply.
  • TheoTheo Posts: 224
    edited June 2020
    Loriel is correct. They created naming packages whereby a particular named item will get a package of mods.  Like wizardry adds Lrc lmc int mana etc.  The idea was twofold - first make items more useful so that it has all casting or all fighting mods instead of the warrior jewel with lrc.  Second was that if the system were somewhat consistent then you could find a similar item to replace or mimic someone’s build. It the old days before this a 3/1 ring with lrc and lmc was near impossible to duplicate.  Now it’s easier.  The problem and complaint here is due to these naming packages you have limited combinations.  And some of the packages don’t fit templates.  Like warriors are almost all sampires so you need str dex ssi dci Hci di lmc. Those are two diff packages. Hard to find that combo. When things didnt drop with package names it was true random and you could find high end loot with any variety of mods.  There still are no name items that drop but only on low end loot. Everything middle of road to high end is package named.  

    If they would just fix a few of the package names this wouldn’t be an issue.  I don’t think I favor going to no name. Way more pure junk loot. 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    ,TY @Theo
  • MelchiahMelchiah Posts: 43
    I'm guessing this has something to do with the earlier threads about loot nerfs and closing accounts? Can't say I'm overly fussed about switching up 8 mod items for 10+ items just to fit more skills on your template, unless it's for PvP, and there's probably better things to work on instead.
    Power creep through items is a dangerous precedent, but then again, it's been going on since AoS...
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited June 2020
    Maybe solve all the bugs first, still lots of them flying around... but I did vote to revamp the loot too.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • KronalKronal Posts: 84
    Melchiah said:

    Power creep through items is a dangerous precedent, but then again, it's been going on since AoS...

    That ship sailed a very long time ago. 
  • I agree with the original poster on this one.
    Armor and weapon drops from loot should be completely random and i feel it was a mistake to tie them to named properties.  It's just to limiting.  Especially since they reduced the total property weight to only allow for 8 mods.

    Named properties should have only been for crafted items when reforging for particular named properties.


  • MalokMalok Posts: 48
    In favor of slowly removing all the crazy modded pieces and make the only high end mods come as rare artifact drops. At what point does it stop? next a single piece of armor will have more mods than a current set does now. I spoke to a few old time players that left to private servers because of that very one thing. 
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Am I the only one who remembers that one of the biggest complaints before the loot re-vamp was that it was next to impossible to get a piece where the mods went together in any way at all?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    Am I the only one who remembers that one of the biggest complaints before the loot re-vamp was that it was next to impossible to get a piece where the mods went together in any way at all?

    Nope.  Now they want mixed up pieces like we had before.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    Am I the only one who remembers that one of the biggest complaints before the loot re-vamp was that it was next to impossible to get a piece where the mods went together in any way at all?

    We have no issue with named legendaries dropping, but we feel some % of them should spawn without names for more variety than the 7-8 main types we currently get

    When they shut down the few monsters in the game that dropped decent loot, they should of looked at their loot table and applied it to every single boss in the game, just with more items. That sweet spot had the perfect blend of clean jewels, named and no name legendaries. 
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Torn on this. I do like the idea of having the no name arties come back (at random based on luck) but I feel like by doing this we essentially put the final nail in the coffin of crafting. Crafting armor has already taken a beating (not imbuing) over the years; the top end runic kits are garbage these days and pointless to get. If anything I'd like to see them do some kind of revival of high end runics by allowing them to craft no name legendary type stuff (1 charge). That way crafters actually have a reason to fill high end bods and actually select high end runics and people looking for no name type pieces would be able to get their fill too.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    I'll take all your worthless Barbed kits Kevin.  Thanks
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.

  • these are no names still only 7 mods but you arent going to get a haste item with dci dmg hit point regen and mana regen 
  • crafting is good but to compete at the highest level you'd want items such as the last item archers are really squishy adding hit point regen to that is very helpful i dont even care if they capped it at 8 mods like the rest of the armor 8 mods is fine by me some of my best no names only have eight mods you get into the 13 mod items and you get a lot of random junk like this
  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    hunter11 said:
    crafting is good but to compete at the highest level you'd want items such as the last item archers are really squishy adding hit point regen to that is very helpful i dont even care if they capped it at 8 mods like the rest of the armor 8 mods is fine by me some of my best no names only have eight mods you get into the 13 mod items and you get a lot of random junk like this
    resist are also 1 mod so there are 17 mods
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    Resists don't count as mods.
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    hunter11 said:

    these are no names still only 7 mods but you arent going to get a haste item with dci dmg hit point regen and mana regen 
    There are 12 modifications on that piece
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    KHAN said:
    Resists don't count as mods.
    Those are not normal resists so they must be modified no matter what you say
  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    edited September 2020

    Perhaps this pic explains better, as you can see they are mods
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Aragorn said:

    Perhaps this pic explains better, as you can see they are mods
    Thank you
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    When you loot jewels there is a 8 cap mod you cannot get 10 mod items weather it be resist night site or anything else same with armor you will not get armor over idk what it is now 8 mods? they do no count the resist as mods thanks... however no names do need to be brought back its the only way to keep archers viable with all of the nerfs they've taken unless you want to run less than 210 stam because you'd have to wear the slither/crimson combo and wouldnt be able to reach the 210 for max ssi with a comp bow... taking out no names was a huge mistake and clearly its cost the game a lot of pvpers and people who farmed them to sell.. agree or disagree doesn't matter the proof is in the lack of pvpers now and many quitting 
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    it has also driven prices through the rough for any items that are old no names talking about multiple plat per item depending on mods 
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