Vendors, Unused Skills, Revamp Items, and Random request...

@Mesanna @Kyronix

Hope everyone is having a swell day! As like most I am at home during these weird times we are going through and so that has given me time to think of ideas that would be positive changes to the game we all love.

1.  The player vendors are awesome and love that we have them available, however is there a way that we can increase the limit of a single item over the 175mil mark to 500mil and the gold cap a vendor can hold over that 2 plat mark to 5 plat?   This would help the gold sink even more and also I've had numerous occasions where I couldn't buy an item from a vendor because it was gold capped. [Should be simple fix]

2.  Unused skills, thank you for addressing some of them in the game with the last T Map update.  But how can we get more of them involved.  Skills that I don't see on templates or used very often are; Forensic Eval, Item ID, Camping, Taste ID, Herding.  I'd love to see some of these skills be able to get involved with the game.  Pair up Forensic Eval to be able to be on a dexxer template to increase damage or hit weak points on someone....Item ID paired with crafting that allows for a 1-5% chance of an item crafted to be prompted to change into some sort of artifact....Camping allows a resource gatherer to "spawn" a storage container at the camp to dump the resources in...Taste ID paired with Alchemy gives a Enchance Potions passive bonus...Herding paired with a tamer increases their total pet slots available so they can have more than one 5 slot pet out.  (This is just for discussion, will already have those people that don't like change, or "I've been playing this game for too long to change my templates" ...well sometimes change is a good thing, look at the world we live it, it changes every day and guess what, you adapt.)

3.  There are items in the game that were amazing and game changers in their time... now they are trash points and aren't even that big amount of points at that.  Some of these are like the Paragon artifacts, SOME of the doom arties (love the new ones / recipes and etc are AWESOME!), Stygian Abyss artifacts, though I know it has to be turned on but the ToT major artifacts.  I would love to see some of these revamped to be able to be played with and not just thrown to the side.  Or just new recipes available that allow these items to be "eaten" in that recipe to make that new item.

Also another thing,  I am having a blast with the "turning on events from the past" monthly.. that was a great idea!  What other ones can we turn on :) ... I wouldn't mind the 2008/2009 halloween event, those were awesome! 

Event vendors such as the Fellowship vendor or Khaldun vendor.  Even though the events are over with, why not leave these vendors in a location for people to turn in the items that they farmed up during those events?   I get that it adds rarity /value to the items that could've been purchased but with no more of the "currency" being able to be farmed, They should still be up and available for people to see what could have been and spend any that are still available.

Thanks everyone for the read and hope that this may turn on some "light bulbs" on for some as we are approaching that 25 year mark.

Thanks again!!!


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,628
    Garetjax said:
    @ Mesanna @ Kyronix

    2.  Unused skills, thank you for addressing some of them in the game with the last T Map update.  But how can we get more of them involved.  Skills that I don't see on templates or used very often are; Forensic Eval, Item ID, Camping, Taste ID, Herding.  I'd love to see some of these skills be able to get involved with the game.  Pair up Forensic Eval to be able to be on a dexxer template to increase damage or hit weak points on someone....Item ID paired with crafting that allows for a 1-5% chance of an item crafted to be prompted to change into some sort of artifact....Camping allows a resource gatherer to "spawn" a storage container at the camp to dump the resources in...Taste ID paired with Alchemy gives a Enchance Potions passive bonus...Herding paired with a tamer increases their total pet slots available so they can have more than one 5 slot pet out.  (This is just for discussion, will already have those people that don't like change, or "I've been playing this game for too long to change my templates" ...well sometimes change is a good thing, look at the world we live it, it changes every day and guess what, you adapt.)

    Please do not add uses for these skills, Please delete them!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    How about some new content?  Its been like, what, 6 months? The turning on old stuff was nice but lasted or is lasting to long. We are months into the year and have seen very little of anything. Yeah, yeah...covid. Devs are working from home. But come on, give us something! 

    As the world reopens and folks go back to work, people are now leaving again. You had the golden ticket with all the stay at home orders and people coming back. Was great to see old friends and make new, but they see the same ol' mistakes, lack of new content, bugs that have been around forever and the famous last word, "Soon". They are giving up again..

    You literally had the golden ticket and tossed it away.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    how about a recipe that lets us put stats on our parrots...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,491
    1. Player vendors - higher prices are the reason for the introduction of auction safes and commission vendors. The gold cap would be less of a problem if the vendor owner moved the gold to his bank instead of leaving it to pile up on the vendor.
    2. Unused skills - it is wrong to assume that these skills are all unused. I, and several others I know, have a stealth herder. I use her to winkle out hard to get to creatures to where my tamer can more easily tame them. Fire damage crimson/platinum drakes, ossein ram, blood fox etc. A herder has many uses, especially one with hiding and stealth. I also have a character with forensic eval, used in achieving Honesty virtue. I would rather not see reasons to have to try to shoehorn some of these skills into already cramped templates, They are already in useful templates of my own devising. 
  • GaretjaxGaretjax Posts: 37
    1. Player vendors - higher prices are the reason for the introduction of auction safes and commission vendors. The gold cap would be less of a problem if the vendor owner moved the gold to his bank instead of leaving it to pile up on the vendor.
    2. Unused skills - it is wrong to assume that these skills are all unused. I, and several others I know, have a stealth herder. I use her to winkle out hard to get to creatures to where my tamer can more easily tame them. Fire damage crimson/platinum drakes, ossein ram, blood fox etc. A herder has many uses, especially one with hiding and stealth. I also have a character with forensic eval, used in achieving Honesty virtue. I would rather not see reasons to have to try to shoehorn some of these skills into already cramped templates, They are already in useful templates of my own devising. 
    1.  I understand that but people go on vacation and etc.  The Higher prices suggestion was actually geared more to the "container" type EM items that we can not sell on the auction safes but are also worth more than the 175mil cap on vendors.

    2.  I said most templates do not use these skills.  And your message applies to the last part of my statement as well, people don't like change.  Yeah they are made for you but why only have 1% of the active population use the skills when it could be 20-30% even.  I am not saying everyone has to use them, but it would be nice to say "You know what, I really do need to make one of those"
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,628
    Garetjax said:
     "You know what, I really do need to make one of those"

    Then make a Camping Taster.  Enjoy fine wines and cheeses and hot dogs. Leave the rest of us out of your fantasy.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    LMAO  TY
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    Every time some one suggests the do away with an unused skill I have to wonder why? 
    Is there some down side to there being too many skills on the list?

    Or is this like when the wife says we have to clean the junk out of that attic space no body has been into for ten years. And after cleaning nobody will be into it for another ten years. (what's the Emoji for ripping your hair out?)
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,628
    Tim said:
    Every time some one suggests the do away with an unused skill I have to wonder why? 
    Is there some down side to there being too many skills on the list?

    The downside is someone asks for them to be used so we have to modify our templates to adjust for one new skill doing the same thing another did.  Example: T hunting was changed to use Remove trap because of a thread like this one.

    Remove them because ppl keep complaining they are not used.  I would rather ask the complaining stop, but that wont happen.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    It's only a down side if the developers listen. Unless the complainer has a coherent plan for its use and why it would be a good thing they're likely just smiling a nodding. 

    PS over all I like the new T hunting just wish Remove trap did more then just shorten the spawn time.
  • GaretjaxGaretjax Posts: 37
    Pawain said:
    Tim said:
    Every time some one suggests the do away with an unused skill I have to wonder why? 
    Is there some down side to there being too many skills on the list?

    The downside is someone asks for them to be used so we have to modify our templates to adjust for one new skill doing the same thing another did.  Example: T hunting was changed to use Remove trap because of a thread like this one.

    Remove them because ppl keep complaining they are not used.  I would rather ask the complaining stop, but that wont happen.
    You are wanting the complaining to stop, yet you are complaining too lol! .... Not everyone is as resistant to change like you are there boss..... kinda sad actually.  Let the game evolve...
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    Garetjax said:
    Item ID paired with crafting that allows for a 1-5% chance of an item crafted to be prompted to change into some sort of artifact....Camping allows a resource gatherer to "spawn" a storage container at the camp to dump the resources in...Taste ID paired with Alchemy gives a Enchance Potions passive bonus.
    I'm in favor of any change that makes a crafter's skill more viable as opposed to everything being item/drop based. Especially any change that would level the playing field for resource gatherers in the face of ship resources. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,628
    edited May 2020
    How bout they just implement those changes without needing a new skill?

    Change does not always have to include jumping thru hoops and doing a maze.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    I get that view but if by making an old skill newly viable to the rest of the game they introduce a system where none existed before and/or deepen a system that wasn't previously effective.

    Adding the tabard to the game simply through a new craftable item wouldn't have been nearly as much fun as getting a group together and engaging with the shrines (a system that had limited use previously.)
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    The problem is that we have been stuck with 720 skill point for over 22 years.  Pre PSs a 7xGM was perty bad and PSs came about so we went to a 6xLegendary and had to lose a skill.  Imbuing and other things have helped but they should have upped the skill points to 840 with pub 16 and when they put more requirements on an already tight build then they need to up the base skill points again.  MOBs do not have skill point limits so why do players? I can have a Cu with 120 Wrest/Tact/Resist/Anat/Healing/Parry/Med/Focus That is 8 120s and it has detect Hidden and it can have 120 Chiv or 100 poison, we are talking 1080 just in 120s  GDs have 9 spots and some of those can be overcapped from the system so they are over 1080 points and lets not talk about what MOBs can have in Stats  To heck with balance within the playerbase how about we balance the playerbase with the MOBs.  I want 9xlegendary chars
  • GaretjaxGaretjax Posts: 37
    Also since I am on topic of changes....Lets change the fertile dirt number/ vendor respawn rate in Ter Mur...i mean it is a reg for mystics but starting at 20 and the vendor maybe restocking within an hour is a blessing, then you get it to where i can restock higher numbers and then someone else comes in or it despawns super fast because you can't figure out a "timer" on it 

  • RockRock Posts: 567
    I do not believe Herding should be included in a category of "useless skills". Like Begging, it is already, at minimum, a role-play skill.    In fact, one of my characters has both Begging and Herding.  That is not to say Herding could not be used to enhance Animal Taming, so long as it is done in a way that does not degradate what tamers can already do.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • GaretjaxGaretjax Posts: 37
    while true begging is pretty useless, whenever they messed with it back whenever and add the "acquired by begging" on some things that was cool and then the Halloween events.  But yeah, maybe should be something every holiday, but you always have those characters that just farm with bots in Luna on those NPC's too.

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