Returning player needs some help

I just returned to the game after being away for a long long time.  I bought the newest expansion for the game and I am getting wrecked there ha.  Where is a good place for me to farm for some gear to replace my outdated gear.  Any help would be great.  Thanks! 


  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    Welcome back! What shard are you playing?
  • NightimeNightime Posts: 14
    Thank you!  Chesapeake.  It’s where we played back in the day.  I understand it’s not as populated as before.  I’m having a blast but I’m just a little under geared now   
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Find a group. Do the community hunts on that shard. Can probably loot corpses in the Dojo right now.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • NightimeNightime Posts: 14
    Yeah having a tough time finding folks so far.  Didn’t know if there was a place I can farm solo that’s decent or not.   I do need to look harder for a group.  
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    Welcome back to the game! There are a ton of people on Chesapeake who'd be glad to help you out. Shoot me a message here or on Discord Matte#9416.
  • NightimeNightime Posts: 14
    Thank you!
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    If your suit is that outdated, your temp probably is as well. Be more specific about your template and skill levels and we can possibly help you fine tune your playing experience. 

  • NightimeNightime Posts: 14
    Well my main was a abc archer back then.  I’ve kinda been playing with switching him to a swords sampire build.  I also have a mage and tamer that Needs attention also.  I have done research on them all but you know there are a million different things on the internet about different builds on different servers.  All my gear was from the early 2000s.   I have upgraded some but just finding a fun solo build Is my goal atm.  Having   Also been looking for folks to do group things with but I haven’t had the best luck so far.  Across my characters I have multiple skills that are 100 and over and I have soulstones I  can move things around so I’m flexible on how I can work out a build.   Thanks for your advise!  
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    They increased the swing speed on composite bows. It's very expensive to reach max swing now making archers a second rate template in my opinion.

    Others will make a case you don't need max swing but i'm extremely outspoken that the best bow in the game requires a lot of gold to utilize to it's full potential while any melee weapon can be reach that same speed without spending much gold at all.

    That being said, any melee samp is better. You can reach full swing speed with an imbued suit that most crafters will make for free. A hatchet samp is very inexpensive to make at max swing speed and can farm high level mobs to low level bosses easily. 

    I'm also outspoken on my feelings about tamers. I highly prefer a discord tamer to a straight mage tamer. Your suit can be very low quality and still perform well because your pet is doing all the work. Spell damage increase items can reach extreme prices. An instrument will cost you the gold you find in one corpse. 
  • NightimeNightime Posts: 14
    So u think keep heading the sampire route or consider working my taming..  The tamer does appeal to me.  I’m probably least comfortable with that build  especially on the knowledge of which critters to tame.  So what is your taming build you recommend as far as the full skills? And what’s is a good pet to tame for me to start doing low end farming?   Thank you! 
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    edited April 2020
    Nobody can tell you what to play. It's all on what you like. I highly dislike watching new or returning players come back to a template with a major handicap like requiring hundreds of millions of gold to achieve max swing with the most effective bow. It takes 211 stamina with 60 swing speed increase to reach max swing with a composite bow. It's impossible to reach that goal in a reasonable time frame with a returning player. 

    I don't play a samp much so there are more qualified players that can tune your samp build. 

    Tamers i can do.
    My exact discord tamer template:
    110 mage
    120 tame
    120 lore
    100 vet
    120 music
    120 discord
    30 med

    Cu Sidhe is an overall good go to pet. Keep in mind there are a few things pets can't fight and some things it takes far longer to kill. For the most part they're fantastic though. Most pets can be trained to 5 slots. Powerscrolls can be added to pets. Stats increased. Magics can be added. There's a ton to learn and read up on.

    You REALLY need to find a group to mentor you. It's disheartening to see players get frustrated and leave because they feel unsuccessful. Finding what you like with the mentoring to tweak that template and you'll have endless fun. 
  • NightimeNightime Posts: 14
    Thank you for your help.  Yes a group is what I’m needing to find.   I have tried to come back a few times in the past but exactly like you said I got frustrated because so much has changed and I didn’t know where to start!   This isn’t going to happen this time.   I’m having more fun than I’ve had in years in a game.   But your right.  I need to find some folks.   Thank you again.  I am really interested in the tamer so I have a lot of reading to do on that.  
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    Urge said:
    Nobody can tell you what to play. It's all on what you like. I highly dislike watching new or returning players come back to a template with a major handicap like requiring hundreds of millions of gold to achieve max swing with the most effective bow. It takes 211 stamina with 60 swing speed increase to reach max swing with a composite bow. It's impossible to reach that goal in a reasonable time frame with a returning player. 

    I don't play a samp much so there are more qualified players that can tune your samp build. 

    Tamers i can do.
    My exact discord tamer template:
    110 mage
    120 tame
    120 lore
    100 vet
    120 music
    120 discord
    30 med

    Cu Sidhe is an overall good go to pet. Keep in mind there are a few things pets can't fight and some things it takes far longer to kill. For the most part they're fantastic though. Most pets can be trained to 5 slots. Powerscrolls can be added to pets. Stats increased. Magics can be added. There's a ton to learn and read up on.

    You REALLY need to find a group to mentor you. It's disheartening to see players get frustrated and leave because they feel unsuccessful. Finding what you like with the mentoring to tweak that template and you'll have endless fun. 
    Actually it's 210 Stamina with 55 SSI. It can be a "little" tough to get it done, but it's not "overly" hard to do. I love my archers. I also love my different tamer templetes as well! @Nightime play what you want. I will also say, you have several years of reading/exploration to catch up on with taming. But it is well worth it. With either templete, it's all about what you want to fight. 
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • NightimeNightime Posts: 14
    I see I have some studying to do on the tamers. Ha 
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    Go to events. There is one tomorrow i believe.
    Heal people and take damage to get looting rights,

    And when a crimson dragon dies(you will know by all the flames and lag), dry loot the body. Good gear on them, even the cursed stuff can be good if temporary.
  • NightimeNightime Posts: 14
    Will do that!   Thank you 
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Thanks for the clarification @KHAN I had it in my head 211/60 was the standard. 

    I find good usable stamina gear rare in loot drops and impossible for a fresh returning player from the early 00's to buy from players. To me that leaves them at a handicap. 

    Of course after he gets better at gold making suiting won't be that big an issue. 

    Yes play what you like! We can only offer suggestions and opinions. 
  • NightimeNightime Posts: 14
    Have been messing with my tamer and all my pets are from back in the day and when I start the new training I gain so so little    I played last night killing dragons and I only gained 2% of my experience bar on my pet.   Is that just the normal rate or do I need to retrain some new pets?   I’m still learning this system.   It’s all different now. Ha. Thanks again 
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Nightime said:
    Have been messing with my tamer and all my pets are from back in the day and when I start the new training I gain so so little    I played last night killing dragons and I only gained 2% of my experience bar on my pet.   Is that just the normal rate or do I need to retrain some new pets?   I’m still learning this system.   It’s all different now. Ha. Thanks again 
    There are some special things about old pets that can make them very valuable... you definitely wouldn't want to mess them up trying to understand the taming updates.

    As @Urge said, get yourself a Cu... really any Cu will do.  Practice with it.  Level it up to 5 as an AI/Chivaly build.  There are lots of guides to this.

    You don't need to add scrolls for your first go round, just get all the resists, damage increases, regens, and stats in the right places.  Once you get a good feel for how it works, you can spend some time getting a color you like with the better intensity Cold/Energy resists and train that one up with some power scrolls.

    I am also an advocate of the disco-tamer and the template he suggested is almost identical to mine.
  • NightimeNightime Posts: 14
    All my pets are old.  Dragon cu rune beetle nightmare..... so they can be valuable huh?   they all seem kinda weak to me.  Ha.  I will go get a new cu and see how that goes.  Thank you 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited May 2020
    Nightmares have some value. White wyrms more. Bane dragons very high. Dread mare very high.
    Build a cu or lesser guru to begin. Chesapeake may have some tamers that will help you.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • NightimeNightime Posts: 14
    Thank you!
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