Would you alter your tamer build to add Herding if ...

Okay, I know a few of you tamers may already have the Herding skill.  You've already made your decision and are just here because of the click-baity title.  For the rest of the tamer community, what if the Herding skill offered specific benefits for taming?  For non-tamers, it would continue to operate the same, but tamers with Herding there would be:
  1. extra stable slot at 60 Herding, 2 extra at GM Herding.  This would also apply to non-tamers, although they are unlikely to have enough pets for this to matter.
  2. Pets rez with more health, etc.  Each 1 point of Herding above 80 adds 3% of pets total stats.  So at GM Herding, pets rez with just over 60% of max health, stamina, and mana.
  3. extra follower slot (6 total) if Herding, Taming, Lore, and Vet all at least GM
  4. also at GM Herding, Vet, Lore, and Taming, all your pets gain movement speed of a mount while not in battle.  Pets that were previously fast gain no speed bonus.  Since you can have a mount now plus your 5-slot pet, it can keep up with you.  This buff only applies to bonded pets.
  5. ability to tame any herdable creature, even at champion spawns.  For potential pets with taming requirements greater than 100 taming and lore, GM Herding would also be necessary.
Note that "GM" here specifically means at least 100 actual skill.

Have you imagined other ways for Herding to be made a more mainstream-useful skill?

Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674
    Please no.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TheoTheo Posts: 224
    I imagine them removing herding so we don't get all those useless blues and pinks as drops.  While they are at it - remove camping too.  No need to revive these old skills.  

    While they are at it - give us a chance at taming gains while we vet our pets or heal them just like we get lore gains when we attempt taming.    Thank you. 

  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    I have a gm camper / cook just need a tent so I can use all my bbq recipes 
  • Tamers are already capable of reaching a max of 42 Stable Slots. An extra two really won't matter.
    The Compassion Virtue does that. At Knight of Compassion, you can rez a pet with 80% of it's health, capping out at 400 Health.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Imo, Herding should have been a pre-requisite to Taming. While I don't think we need more slots, Herding should absolutely make every command 100% obeyed, instead of this ridiculous thing we have now where you put your pet on a target and no matter what, it switches to something else, even at 120/120/120.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    They need to raise our total skills another 80 pts for a max of 800, then talk herding to me
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    @Drakelord I dislike the idea of raising the skill cap. As a skill-based (as opposed to level-based) MMO, our creativity is formed in the constraints on our characters.  Sure they could give everybody 800 or even 1000 total points, but then what's the point?  Everyone could be everything, with no meaningful constraints on character templates.  I realize that a template with 800 points is not as crazy as one with 1000, but I wanted to point out the slippery slope such a change would put us on.

    Back when they added power scrolls, allowing many skills to advance past 100 to 120, they also increased the sum total cap from 700 to 720.  I thought that move was genius.  It acknowledged that with higher individual caps, the total cap needed to budge.  But that's all it did, was budge, allowing buffs of the previous 7x100 templates, but adding the possibility of 6x120 templates. Or anything in between.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674
    But you want us to need another skill to be a tamer. Makes no sence.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Theo said:
    I imagine them removing herding so we don't get all those useless blues and pinks as drops.  While they are at it - remove camping too.  No need to revive these old skills.  


    Amen to this, just drop em from the skill list, and give people who already have those skills GM'd a free blank soulstone.
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    Herding is useful for moving a mob out of a dangerius area. Tame, then stone it off.

    Its also useful to move a dangerous area to one that normally wouldnt be :)
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    Pawain said:
    But you want us to need another skill to be a tamer. Makes no sence.
    I don't want you to do anything.  It was simply a question -- if Herding added benefits to a tamer, would you modify your build?  Without Herding, your tamer would continue to be just as good as it always was.  But would people trade out Resist, Spellweaving, etc. for a more useful implementation of Herding?
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674
    Just like Remove trap is optional for T hunting.  No thanks. Useless skills should be removed not added.

    A post like this started the T Hunting Revamp.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674
    Where will Herding fit?

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Why are you using Eval on a tamer ? It can't be for healing your pet as you also have Vet. Drop eval, GM Herding..good to go :P
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    Pawain said:
    Where will Herding fit?

    Well, I'm confused, and apparently ignorant. I had thought 720 was the absolute cap for the sum of one's skills, yet you show 779.  I know with skills on jewelry and spell books, you can go higher.  For example your 108 vet could be effectively 120 with 12 Veterinary on a ring.  But I did not know the true total could be so high.
    ... and what @Garth_Grey said. ;)
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674
    edited April 2020
    720 is real skill cap. That guy has + 59 on items.  Some players have near 900. But there are no herding skill increase items.

    I like to cast spells that actually do damage. I can run consume and blast low cost spells like e bolt forever on that one.   My other has 120 Mage and Eval.  Players ask me to bless their pets. Gives them 791 Strength. 777 if Eval is 100. My Buffs last longer.  My heals are the best. His spells do more damage, in some cases, than the pet can if I choose to use them.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Why are you using Eval on a tamer ? It can't be for healing your pet as you also have Vet. Drop eval, GM Herding..good to go :P

    Pawain said:
    I like to cast spells that actually do damage. I can run consume and blast low cost spells like e bolt forever on that one.   My other has 120 Mage and Eval.  Players ask me to bless their pets. Gives them 791 Strength. 777 if Eval is 100. My Buffs last longer.  My heals are the best. His spells do more damage, in some cases, than the pet can if I choose to use them.
    My patented Death Ray Tamer/Mage © build uses Eval. 120 Taming/120 Lore/120 Vet/120 Magery/120 Eval/120 Med (you could instead put on GM SS and 20 Necro+Jewels for Wraith Form). Use a 120 Disco+CB Triton to seriously debuff the victim's Energy Resist, and channel Death Ray on them for huge damage.
    Last night during a Blackthorn's Captains guild run, i was doing up to 1,010 damage Death Ray ticks on a 0 resists Bone Daemon with a Demon Slayer Spellbook. Against Captains that have Resists, i can get 350+ Death Ray ticks during Conductive Blast (which is active a lot). Want to see what a Dragon Slayer spellbook Death Ray would do to a 0 resist Hydra there. I've done up to 604 damage Death Ray ticks to GDs in Destard with a Dragon Slayer spellbook. 500+ damage Death Ray ticks on Navrey with a Spider Slayer spellbook. This isn't even including the damage my pet itself does either.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2020
    What/where is Death Ray ? Is that your pets ability ? If so, how does you holding a slayer book increase the pets damage output ? I hate being ignorant of something in UO :(

    Nevermind, I found it. Hrm, interesting. I hope it doesn't get nerfed before I try it out.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Pawain said:
    Just like Remove trap is optional for T hunting.  No thanks. Useless skills should be removed not added.

    A post like this started the T Hunting Revamp.

    And to this day I still say that was a mistake.  For a level 4 and level 5 maps I am forced to bring in a lock picker or swap out skills myself, Meditation is needed to cast long distance healing when fighting AOE monsters, so if they brought in that extra 80 points I would adjust my skills and set off PS caps with jewerly.
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • What/where is Death Ray ? Is that your pets ability ? If so, how does you holding a slayer book increase the pets damage output ? I hate being ignorant of something in UO :(

    Nevermind, I found it. Hrm, interesting. I hope it doesn't get nerfed before I try it out.

    Magery Mastery. It synergizes extremely well with a 120 Disco+CB Triton for some heavy damage. Death Ray can be situational though, since almost any damage taken during it will interrupt the channel. Basically anything that'll interrupt an active Meditation, will interrupt Death Ray. Death Ray sucks down Mana pretty hard too.

    Almost forgot that my Death Ray Tamer/Mage © is Human. Was going to turn him Elf, until i remembered Wraith Form only requires 20 Necro to stay in, and he gets that from JoAT. Used a Wraith Form scroll to go into Form, and he has 8% Mana Drain in it, enough to sustain Death Ray indefinitely with 300+ damage ticks against targets that have buttloads of Mana.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674
    Drakelord said:
    Pawain said:
    Just like Remove trap is optional for T hunting.  No thanks. Useless skills should be removed not added.

    A post like this started the T Hunting Revamp.

    And to this day I still say that was a mistake.  For a level 4 and level 5 maps I am forced to bring in a lock picker or swap out skills myself, Meditation is needed to cast long distance healing when fighting AOE monsters, so if they brought in that extra 80 points I would adjust my skills and set off PS caps with jewerly.
    Can another player pick the lock on a chest that you dig up?  A returning player asked for help with remove trap but I could not do it. It said the chest did not belong to me.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    So maybe I’m mistaken but you need LP Cart RT one one character then have others full powerhouse to fight of mobs does the low level fighter get looting rights or is only top damage that gets the high end loot ? 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674
    edited April 2020
    The loot is in the chest.  If they are in a party they all get access to the stuff out when its complete.  Each party member adds 1 to 3 items but stops increasing at around 4 members.  Its not like other Mobs when a group fights and the corpse has a lot more items when you have a lot of players.

    If there is no party the player who dug it up gets everything in the chest. The others can not see inside.

    The Guardians that spawn when you Remove Trap do not have items.  The standard guardians have their normal loot.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    Got it ty 
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Pawain said:
    Can another player pick the lock on a chest that you dig up?  A returning player asked for help with remove trap but I could not do it. It said the chest did not belong to me.
    I have been able to bring in another player to pick the lock, however only the person that dug up the map can remove trap.  I try to avoid doing the 4th and 5th level maps now as it is a pain to get a LP player sometimes.
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674
    Good to Know.  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    What/where is Death Ray ? Is that your pets ability ? If so, how does you holding a slayer book increase the pets damage output ? I hate being ignorant of something in UO :(

    Nevermind, I found it. Hrm, interesting. I hope it doesn't get nerfed before I try it out.

    Magery Mastery. It synergizes extremely well with a 120 Disco+CB Triton for some heavy damage. Death Ray can be situational though, since almost any damage taken during it will interrupt the channel. Basically anything that'll interrupt an active Meditation, will interrupt Death Ray. Death Ray sucks down Mana pretty hard too.

    Almost forgot that my Death Ray Tamer/Mage © is Human. Was going to turn him Elf, until i remembered Wraith Form only requires 20 Necro to stay in, and he gets that from JoAT. Used a Wraith Form scroll to go into Form, and he has 8% Mana Drain in it, enough to sustain Death Ray indefinitely with 300+ damage ticks against targets that have buttloads of Mana.
    Yeah I gave it a shot and holy crap..it's been fun so far. I never stay full mana though and that's with a pretty good MR suit and 120 Med..I'll try to squeeze in 120 Focus too and see.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Yeah I gave it a shot and holy crap..it's been fun so far. I never stay full mana though and that's with a pretty good MR suit and 120 Med..I'll try to squeeze in 120 Focus too and see.

    Yeah, even with 40% LMC, Death Ray sucks down 21 Mana every 3 secs. It's impossible to sustain it indefinitely without Wraith Form on a high Mana target. So it does have some downtime unless you have access to Wraith Form (even then, against low Mana targets you'll still be needing to use Ethereal Burst/Meditation every now and then). Navrey for instance doesn't have enough Mana to sustain Death Ray throughout the entire fight (got some 604 Death Ray ticks on her the other day), neither do many of the melee Blackthorn's Captains.
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