new idoc troubles,,,Le Sigh....



  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 975
    Idocs have been killed for me, truth be known I have not liked them since I came back 2 years ago, wont discuss the reasons as we all know him.  Dasilva, you speak of the distribution system? So the loading of barrels is not random? how on earth can players know where the good stuff is?
  • DasilvaDasilva Posts: 98
    edited April 2020
    Again I dont know what exactly is going on but I do know the system is definetly unbalanced and the discord and test center where this was being discussed and where links to what they are getting is posted definetly isn't with the intentions of getting under my skin all I'm saying is right now the system definitely needs to be put on hold and further testing done
    I doubt it will happen but it is needed.
    The ppl stating that they have verified that the distribution system is unbalanced are VERY reputable and long standing members of the community I tend to believe/agree with them as my findings are the same
  • psychopsycho Posts: 311
    edited April 2020
    I think maybe Dasilva and JackflashUK are not great hunters?

    If you have any suggestions to improve the system its welcome.
    I Can add that the majority of IDOCs falling are either empty or has low amount of items, thus a pack of 20 maybe 30people split 3 chests that are half full, wont impress anyone. Many times hitting a barrel like 15-16 items drop in backpack, where most are "not attractive" items. but you cant expect EM rares, high end equipment, rares and expensive drops at every idoc.

    The system is fair as you know where the house is and at what time it drops. The system is fair as  you decide yourselves which barrel to hit, and where you want to stand breaking the outer wall. I dont belive that "someone know what barrel to hit to get good stuff", well if they do you just hit same as them and you are great hunter too.

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,152Moderator
    Some personal attacks have been removed.

    To the best of my knowledge the distribution of items in the barrels IS random. @Dasilva if you have real evidence to the contrary please send it in an email to so that the devs can investigate.
  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    Well in her defense, she was too busy to notice that someone was invising ??? I doubt she noticed she was also overweight ? Ahh idocs bring out the best in everyone don't they ?
    now tell me if im invised.....     this is after people had spread out a little , and i had dropped the 10 lifebars i had on my screen... or u know just make another snippy comment about something u know nothing about...

    Dixie, my wife is there in the photo, and I am the red guy in the bottom running somewhere. I got exactly what you got basically, less even. I got 15 items including 1 fabled fishing net. My wife got 10 items that were total junk. There was only about 10-14 barrels at this IDOC. There wasn't any great items on the ground even after it fell, I did not think there was anything of value when I first saw it fall. I yelled at my wife "See? Empty!"

    Dasilva, you are not getting anything because there are at least 97 people there in the picture that I just counted. There are more off screen already, as it is already empty in the picture. There were maybe 120-130 accounts at this IDOC. Likely someone has multiple accounts there..... but not us. Every IDOC on Atlantic has this many people lately. So nobody is getting nothing much unless they have 40 accounts, if they could find a way to stop people from logging in multiple clients, then we would now be somewhere even among all players.

    I would be very disheartened if anyone got anything more than junk from most of these. There were about 14 barrels and 120 players. Hence, most of us got 1 fabled fishing net if we were lucky. Wife got basically nothing. Her items were in total worth 0k. We made 1m at this IDOC, if that is indeed what a fabled fishing net is worth, and I was very surprised and happy about that considering there was nothing of value on the ground. There was a king's collection box that I saw on the left side, that was it.

    The fact that there are 120 accounts there is amazing, even if it is only 40 real players, and most of the "IDOCers" are bringing 10-20 accounts each. It's hard for scripters to get items, when they cannot target a list of what they want any more. For that I am supremely thankful. Thank you devs for this change, once more. I have not gotten anything lately either, but I know there are a few people out there getting a lot of items, for which I am glad. I have saw so many complete strangers selling stuff lately, or asking what is was worth, that it's amazing. As to what the secrets to looting are, please do let us know, I am definitely in group C. But I have been focused on the Tokuno thing the past 3 weeks or so anyway. Peace guys.

    If you want to tweak this any further for balance... the only option would be limiting login to 1 client at a time. Then IDOCs would finally be 100% balanced. As it is, this is the best option on the table that there could have been. And it's fun with 0 time wasted! I wish only that none of them could bring 10 accounts, because I sure do not know how they are playing 10 accounts at once anyway. That needs to be investigated. Thanks again for everything Devs. This change meant a lot to us.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679
    edited April 2020
    but but.. they know which barrels have the good stuff...   :D So they get the good stuff...  I saw it on Youtube so it must be true!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MordredMordred Posts: 102
    Hahah at @Polaris. Hahaha so now you want people to play 1 account only, because you only have 1 and you not getting anything??? Gime a break,  if people are bringing 5 or 10 accs good for them and food for UO, bc all those are paid accs, and b4 you even start with the BS of multiboxing and shit, this new system allow players to just 2x click and attack 1 barrel automatic, so you can bring as many accs as u can and 2x click 1 barrel and bring next acc and next barrel and so on and you will get "free stuff" on all of them  :)
    You want a better chance yourself?? Just like lotto tickets BUY MORE or in this case, pay for more accs, you will b happy and UO as well.   Hahaha
  • Lord_NabinLord_Nabin Posts: 203
    Nice to see so many players having a good time in game at a community activity :-) Imagine the hunt that could take place next! 

    Lord Nabin
    High Council Sage
    Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

    ICQ 248-636-691
    Discord Lord Nabin#5433
  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    edited April 2020
    Mordred said:
    Hahah at @ Polaris. Hahaha so now you want people to play 1 account only, because you only have 1 and you not getting anything??? Gime a break,  if people are bringing 5 or 10 accs good for them and food for UO, bc all those are paid accs, and b4 you even start with the BS of multiboxing and shit, this new system allow players to just 2x click and attack 1 barrel automatic, so you can bring as many accs as u can and 2x click 1 barrel and bring next acc and next barrel and so on and you will get "free stuff" on all of them  :)
    You want a better chance yourself?? Just like lotto tickets BUY MORE or in this case, pay for more accs, you will b happy and UO as well.   Hahaha
    I am extremely satisfied and glad with the IDOC changes. Greatest 2 months of Ultima Online's history ever...... Personally, I just like to stick it to the six players that cannot be named, or have 50 different names, but everyone knows their mains. I wish they would have banned them, that was my ultimate goal in Ultima, it still is. Those guys chased tens of thousands of people away from this game..... but go ahead, keep cheering for "them."

    I don't know who you are laughing at anyway, I have been to maybe 2 IDOCs since the change. I don't care about IDOCs...... I just know what is good for Ultima, and whatever that is, it is not good for pocket books. We actually play the game.... not live for IDOCs. Enjoy the changes!  :) :)
  • DasilvaDasilva Posts: 98
    for the record since i see it keep popping up EJ accounts cannot loot items at an idoc and have not been able to since before I came back to game at least not right away so if someone is multiclienting (NOT illegal) they are PAID accounts
  • LorielLoriel Posts: 6
    I was a returning player 4 years ago and found every thing that I needed way way out of my price range. I was sitting on a few k and everything was millions and millions. The ONLY way I could get anything starting from this position was putting in hard work at IDOCs and it was hard work and it did take some skill to sort out what was good and valuable and what was not. I did most of them on Europa spending many nights sleepless to the detriment of my mental health but I did reap the rewards. Now the system is such that there is no skill in doing them and all the effort of finding out fall times is gone. They honestly couldn't find a way to just ban people who are cheating or find a way to detect cheating ? The life and soul of the IDOC is gone now with no reliable way to get good items by using SKILL. They might as well just get rid of them altogether as they are practically pointless now, deleting all the good stuff before they even get put into the barrels. The devs just don't seem to care about the economy whatsoever and are just happy to take stuff out of the game rather than reward hard work, effort and skill. If they want to fix the economy they should hire an economist to help stimulate the game, not just use gold sinks and deleting items. Anyway that's another point but you see what I'm getting at, the game is dying a slow death at this rate.
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    I don't know if this is true, but... What system is it that when it packs up your belongings it puts them in containers in accordance to their location in your home? It seems to be that system and then the barrels are placed in those same locations with the items in them from those locations.
  • psychopsycho Posts: 311
    edited April 2020
    Anyone is free to attack the barrel they choose themselves, but not every house has epix items. My biggest fear is the loss of items in game such as serverbirths, unique items due to the fact that people dont recognize them. Theres a lot more people doing IDOCs now (which is good) its understandable since its the "newest" content to the game, but also more people to split the rewards on. thus most people end up with few or no valuable items.  But dont blame the system, its working alright.
    For us Europeans we encounter an issue, 90percent of the houses fall at night, even on the local shard Europa it falls at night why?
    A few suggestions to improve the system:
    • Split the IDOC falltime over more hours, fair to all timezones not only U.S.
    • Allow only characters with atleast 80 skill points in magery/tactics or 400total skill points to enter the IDOC Barrel area (thus fixing the problem people have multiple new chars to loot) Not fair to new players you say? Look IDOCs have never been a "new player content", espesially not in felucca. New players should be out hunting, training skills, exploring. Then when grow strong enough the IDOC hunting is high level content of the game.
    • Review the deletion list, there are already few items in most IDOCs, deleting everything doesnt make it any better, vet rewards are the easiest, highest impact to remove off the list.
    • Update the NPC cryer to 24/7 tell about fallin houses. As it is now if you run upto the NPC he will at some points during the day have 0 houses falling, then 8 hours later he suddenly have 30houses falling.
    also remeber, Many of the ones complaining about the new system are the ones with 5 packhorses and "ridicously fast" at grabbing stuff in the previous system. Of course they go from getting 90% of the items down to splitting among all participants makes them complain.

  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    "ate the NPC cryer to 24/7 tell about fallin houses. As it is now if you run upto the NPC he will at some points during the day have 0 houses falling, then 8 hours later he suddenly have 30houses falling."

    And according to some peeps, he also has a habit of giving out coords that don't have a house anywhere near them falling.

  • Lord_NabinLord_Nabin Posts: 203
    I think it would be interesting to be able to "bribe" the NPC crier and get a rune to the location. I would imagine that could be a pretty good gold sink. 
    Lord Nabin
    High Council Sage
    Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

    ICQ 248-636-691
    Discord Lord Nabin#5433
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