Treasure Hunter Build

BooBoo Posts: 10
edited April 2020 in Skills and Stats
Recently returned (as in an hour ago) after about a 10 year absence.

Would like to pick up my true Hunter that I started before I left.

Skills are:
Eval Intel

Is that still a viable build?



  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    I think you need remove trap know since the treasure cheats change last year 
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    To add to Skett's answer, Telekinesis no longer sets off traps at a distance.  That is why Remove Trap is necessary.  You don't need 100; I personally plan on 60 in that skill.  You may need to put Peacemaking or Provoke on a stone, and build up some combination of Remove Trap and Meditate.  (Don't bother stoning Med.  It builds quickly on its own, and you can repeatedly buy it to 40 in New Haven.)

    Also, read about the High Seas expansion.  Among other things, it adds lots of fishing-related content.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    Not to derail this topic 
    with the new maps what level can a mid level player solo 
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    @skett, my mage with 75+ magery could handily solo level 1s.  After achieving 70 cart and 80 magery, just did my first level 2 this evening.  I needed to call in help.  The first bunch of Guardians included over 5 casters (including 2 elementals, dread spider, mage) as well as an ogre lord.  His Blade Spirits got dispelled almost immediately multiple times.  Might have been a good idea to have a poison field set up ahead of time, but I didn't think of that.

    Before I try a 2 again, I plan to have at least 90 magery and mage mastery.  Maybe they won't dispel my summons so quickly...  I've heard that the jump from 2 to 3 is even greater than it was from 1 to 2.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • BooBoo Posts: 10
    Cheers for the responses guys.

    So, it sounds like Treasure Hunters need to be more focussed on the craft these days...I think I like that.

    What builds do you guys use?
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    @Boo By coincidence I had started another treasure hunting thread just hours before yours.  See Please Critique this fisherman + treasure hunter build.  My build is similar to yours except instead of music skills he has fishing and resist magic.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    I run your skills but with remove trap instead of eval int. Using jewelry to get bard skills to 120 with 110 magery and have a 55 lmc suite. Works well up to cache maps I bring a tamer on second account to do hoard and trove.

  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Boo said:
    Cheers for the responses guys.

    So, it sounds like Treasure Hunters need to be more focussed on the craft these days...I think I like that.

    What builds do you guys use?
    Some of what your build needs to be will depend what you’re going for on treasure maps.  If you’re going for high end gear you’re better off making a tamer and doing other content... map loot, even at the highest level map just isn’t that great.  If you’re going for items in maps (pardons, scrolls, etc) and gold, it is my opinion that Malas supply maps are by far the most efficient and profitable maps.  They are easy to acquire in the Doom dark guardian room. Malas is largely free of overland spawn.  A rune library for quick access to virtually everywhere is easy to create.  And the only skill you really need is cartography and magery.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited April 2020
    I agree with Merus on each point, with a caveat for magic equipment.

    When it comes to gear, Cache, Hoard, and Trove all have the exact same quality of equipment. The harder maps just have more of the gear. 

    The kicker with t-map gear is the quality of the gear is dramatically affected by the quality of the chest (and by Luck). You can get Boss level gear from Gold t-chests (Cache, Hoard, Trove), but it is pretty rare.

    With 100 Cartography you'll mostly get a Gold Cache chest, which means you'll mostly get a chance at a high roll, but you'll only get 12 of those chances (12 pieces of gear in a Cache.) Your chance at that roll is increased by Luck. (Yes it is. It's measurable and you yourself can measure it by tracking every piece you get from t-chests over 1000's of chests!) However, because the whole calculation is still only a chance, you will most likely have to do many chests before you see anything "good" (Or you may get a great piece on the first chest - RNG!)

    With the same 100 Cartography, you'll only have about a 1 in 10 chance at a Gold Hoard chest and a sorry 1 in 20 chance at a Gold Trove chest. This means your chance at a high roll is significantly decreased in Hoard/Trove compared with Cache. But you get many more rolls (18 in a Hoard, 36 in a Trove).

    One last thing. If you're looking for a specific style of gear (Elven leaf for example), you'll generate far more from running appropriate t-maps then really from anything else, giving you more chances at getting a piece you'd use.

    Good luck Boo!
  • BooBoo Posts: 10
    Merus said:

    And the only skill you really need is cartography and magery.
    Is a melee Treasure Hunter feasible then or would the spawn be too tough?

    I agree with Merus on each point, with a caveat for magic equipment.

    When it comes to gear, Cache, Hoard, and Trove all have the exact same quality of equipment. The harder maps just have more of the gear. 

    The kicker with t-map gear is the quality of the gear is dramatically affected by the quality of the chest (and by Luck). You can get Boss level gear from Gold t-chests (Cache, Hoard, Trove), but it is pretty rare.

    With 100 Cartography you'll mostly get a Gold Cache chest, which means you'll mostly get a chance at a high roll, but you'll only get 12 of those chances (12 pieces of gear in a Cache.) Your chance at that roll is increased by Luck. (Yes it is. It's measurable and you yourself can measure it by tracking every piece you get from t-chests over 1000's of chests!) However, because the whole calculation is still only a chance, you will most likely have to do many chests before you see anything "good" (Or you may get a great piece on the first chest - RNG!)

    With the same 100 Cartography, you'll only have about a 1 in 10 chance at a Gold Hoard chest and a sorry 1 in 20 chance at a Gold Trove chest. This means your chance at a high roll is significantly decreased in Hoard/Trove compared with Cache. But you get many more rolls (18 in a Hoard, 36 in a Trove).

    One last thing. If you're looking for a specific style of gear (Elven leaf for example), you'll generate far more from running appropriate t-maps then really from anything else, giving you more chances at getting a piece you'd use.

    Good luck Boo!
    Thanks for that, that does clear a lot of things up.  There's a lot changed since I last played...I don't elven gear was a thing!

    With all the changes I'm not sure what I'm looking for to be honest.  Think I just need to jump in and work it out.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916

    My tmaper has the following

    120 magery
    120 eval int
    100 meditation
    100 inscription
    100 cartography
    100 remove trap
    80 focus

    I can solo up through trove. But after digging up hoard and trove chests I swap cartography with 100 lockpicking since you need 100 lockpicking in order to unlock those chests.

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited April 2020
    Boo said:
    Is a melee Treasure Hunter feasible then or would the spawn be too tough?

    Thanks for that, that does clear a lot of things up.  There's a lot changed since I last played...I don't elven gear was a thing!

    With all the changes I'm not sure what I'm looking for to be honest.  Think I just need to jump in and work it out.
    A basic melee build should be able to solo Stash, Supply, Cache? I think Cache is the breaking point as there is a substantial critter strength increase with Hoard/Trove. Maybe someone who runs a melee build can chime in...

    Elven gear was just an example. Some players like to have matching sets of armor, i.e. all Bone or all Elven, or all the same style of Gargish Stone, etc. It's pretty easy to rack up lots of the same type of gear by running the same type of map (facet, prof) repeatedly.

    My template is actually derived from @TimSt:

    105 Cartography (With LMG)
    100 Remove Trap
    100 Lockpicking
    110 Magery (Hoping for 120 eventually)
    100 Eval
    100 Inscription

    Magery III Primer and appropriate Slayer spellbooks. 

    Could swap out Inscription for Med, but I also use the Inscription for BoD's. My t-hunter runs with an old near-max Luck suit. Eventually, I'd like to rebuild that suit and get some Med, Magery, and Eval all on the gear. Or build a combat suit and switch from Luck suit to Combat suit after the chest has been dug up.

    Boo, as a technicality you could use Master Skeleton Keys on the Hoard/Trove and not need 100 Lockpicking, but getting enough MSK to do all your Hoard/Trove is unrealistic. (Just thought I'd point out the MSK since you haven't played in awhile.)

    So, as Tim said, you'll want 100 Lockpicking for Hoard/Trove.

    Have fun!

    P.S. Since you haven't played in awhile, you may not have seen these pages. Lot's of t-hunting info...
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    Boo said:

    Is a melee Treasure Hunter feasible then or would the spawn be too tough?

    I don't know about melee, but if I tried it, I'd be sure to have high parry.  I have seen a very effective archer t-hunter, though.  She helped me with a level 2, but she said she was on her way to solo a level 5.  I asked her how hard that was to solo, and she said that it will take a while, but she can do it.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • BooBoo Posts: 10
    Just while I get myself settled I hope you don't mind if I ask more questions.

    How good are tinker pets such as the Vollum?  I have a GM tinker already.  
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    I think you can have 2 same time not sure how string they are 
  • TheoTheo Posts: 224
    edited April 2020
    For me I enjoy my thunter built on Magery and Taming. 

    Animal Lore 120
    Animal Taming 115 and rising...
    Cartography 100
    Lockpicking 100
    Magery 110
    Remove Trap 85

    Rest currently in Med with a little Veterinary.  I actually have 85 tame with 30 worth on jewels and plan to eventually work it all the way to 120 but at 115 with jewels I can manage at the moment. 

    I tamed a blue beetle and leveled up to a 4 slot.  I stopped before 5 slot so I can still ride an Ethy to lure spawn away and navigate the monsters.   I dug up a Shadow Ele and maxed out the Beetle skills first especially wrestle and resist. 

    The beetle can handle the spawn in most facets solo until you get to things like AW's.  Then I have to drag them away and fight 1 v1 but the Beetle can take down AW's and Greater Dragons with just mage healing.  

    The beauty of the beetle is at max str it can handle all the loot in its pack so I sort the chest right into its pack as I go and bring everything back to either unravel or trash for turn in points.  

    I generally ride the bettle to the spot, pop the chest - run away and invis then lure the top level monsters one by one. Hop off beetle, ride ethy and heal via magery.  Can handle all level maps on all facets this way. 

  • can you tell me how to find the chest?  i just kinda  go on a map of the land an look for what looks like my map i decode.   is there a better way?  thank you in advance
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Davies' Locker - A House Addon that can store up to 500 treasure maps and/or SOS bottles, based on a real-life glass top table containing a three-dimensional map of Britannia, created by Alan Davies.  Look for a public one that allows you to put the decoded map in it to see the grid coors.
    shonnie53 said:
    can you tell me how to find the chest?  i just kinda  go on a map of the land an look for what looks like my map i decode.   is there a better way?  thank you in advance
    hope that helps
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • shinyshiny Posts: 4
    any public Davies' Locker on Europa?
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    shiny said:
    any public Davies' Locker on Europa?
    Yes, at RAA guild shop. Give a shout out in general chat for a rune or a gate to there, it's rare that there isn't someone around able to help with that.
  • shinyshiny Posts: 4
    Okies, thanks a lot!
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    My basic mage can easily handle stash through cache chests.  He does not have lockpicking so he does not do trove.  He has 110 Margery and Eval Int, 100 Med, Resist, Wrestling and Cartography, and 90.1 remove trap.  He has not used any stat scrolls.
    100 cartography allows him to find chests up to 4 squares away.  This is a huge advantage when looking for chests.  About 70% of the time he finds the chest while standing at the initial spot.  At 90.1 remove trap there is no additional spawn while the trap is removed (90 might be all you need.)
    The spawn from stash chests is easy to handle, slayer books help a lot with supply chests and slayer books and summons work well on cache.  Recommend doing the inscription quest in New Haven to get the Hallowed spellbook (an undead slayer) and buying the rest of the books,  The basic run of the mill slayers are all you need.
    Best tactic for handling the spawn is to run away quickly when the spawn appears and then work your way back and take the monsters on one at a Time.  Sometimes you can set summons traps. For example, set up a fire elemental to guard you a moderate distance from the spawn and then go back in and get a monster to follow you back to the fire elemental.
    By the way my recommendation for learning remove trap is to buy the skill up as far as you can, then practice on town chests where ever you can find them until you get up to around 55 (you do not need to attempt to open them.) Then let the skill build naturally as you open stash chests.  As your skill increases the number of explosions that occur when you use the remove trap skill will decrease and you will be generating income while you learn the skill.
    Note the wrestling skill was part of my mages original build. I don’t think it adds much here.  Inscription might be a much better choice.
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    edited August 2020
    With the new level maps you do not need Lock picking on the level 1-3, cast magic unlock will unlock those chest.

    For the levels 4-5 maps I bring along my lock picker

    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Just an update from my previous post.  My treasure hunter’s template is now 120 magery, 110 eval plus 10 from a talisman (wizard curio?), 100 meditation, resist spells, and cartography, 90 remove trap and 95 lockpicking.  He can do stash thru trove in Trammel, fel, and Malas, and Tel Mur.  He has only done a few hoards in lshner but pretty sure he can handle anything there as well.  Mostly he uses slayers, direct damage spells on stronger monsters battling ev’s he has cast, and hit and run and invis on dragons.  The dragons take awhile.
    Just a note it will take awhile to recover the cost the 120 mage scroll. Think taking magery and eval to 110 instead of 120 would do the job.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    Arnold7 said:
    Just an update from my previous post.  My treasure hunter’s template is now 120 magery, 110 eval plus 10 from a talisman (wizard curio?), 100 meditation, resist spells, and cartography, 90 remove trap and 95 lockpicking.  He can do stash thru trove in Trammel, fel, and Malas, and Tel Mur.  He has only done a few hoards in lshner but pretty sure he can handle anything there as well.  Mostly he uses slayers, direct damage spells on stronger monsters battling ev’s he has cast, and hit and run and invis on dragons.  The dragons take awhile.
    Just a note it will take awhile to recover the cost the 120 mage scroll. Think taking magery and eval to 110 instead of 120 would do the job.
    I called this my run and rez build it works but you have to work 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • I run a mage treasure hunter that can solo level 3 and 4 maps "easy" 
    Magery 100 
    Meditation 100
    Eval int 100
    Focus 100
    Mystic 110
    Cartography 100
    Lockpicking 100
    Remove traps 40
    That's 750 point I get +30 magery from jewels 
    Summon RC and hide to single out targets, the downfall of this build is chasing down the chest summons after I hide
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    I was looking up various TH builds...
    Ultima Online Treasure Hunting Solo - Artisan's Hoard Map Trammel - YouTube

    Whaaaat? How can you possibly build an Archer / Bard / Treasure Hunter with Chivalry enough to cast EoO? AND wearing a luck suit. The mind boggles.
  • SarkonSarkon Posts: 62
    When I was doing treasure hunting, I found all I needed to kill the spawns was 120 focus and 120 mysticism (rest of the template treasure hunting stuffs, with jewelry for added magery to recall/mark when needed).  Rising colossus makes short work of the spawns.  If you have the mastery active, there is a good chance that just 1-2 colossus will be all you need.  I haven't done much since the revamp, but I was doing the deviously drawn maps in just a couple of minutes.  Since the remove trap addition, things might have changed, but I figure the jist of it remains the same.  Nowadays, I just turn in maps for cleanup points, sadly.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    Greater dragons will dispel summons quickly 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    edited August 2022
    Sargon how did you deal with the dragons in trove and hoard chests?  They dispel summons that you cast and mystics don’t have the more powerful direct damage spells that mages have.  Think you would have to stone them to death but that would take awhile. Otherwise would agree with what you said about the RC.

    See mystic treasure hunters once in awhile usually in stone form and they do take out dragons.

    Remove trap is a pain to learn by the way but it’s worth the effort if you decide to do hoard and trove chests in the future.

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