UO On Steam a Reality?



  • MordredMordred Posts: 102
    I mean lets be honest here...
    I dont have hopes that UO will ever been on Steam!
    I would believe that Steam would go for some sort of quality control before ever put any game on their system.
    How can you expect any of this been take seriously when They cant even test properly a patch before goes live, Bugs everywhere that is never fixed or when you only have the same answer over and over, "it is on our backlog".
    When they cant even fix Vendor search and just ignore the players on their own forum about the issue.
    When they cant even give us the new account mgmt system that was promised 5 years ago?
    You dont think those small little things , places like Steam dont know about??
    For years and years and years, you have a 3rd part website that have a Vendor search 1000% better than the ingame one? . I am trying not to be negative, but on any kind of business , communication is everything, advertising is everything and we all know how is the current state of UO on that matter. When you have an Official high hanked person "here"  telling a PAID customer "Dont forget to leave your Feedback on your way out" because the customer was mad about the lack of communication? is that ok? and when we have topics like this one moved from the General Section (where everybody read) moved to a place that barely anyone comes to check?
    just my 2 cents of the day! 
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,703
    I didn’t think it would go on steam because of the anti cheat issues 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited April 2020
    Albertus Magnus: Does the biggest and boldest endeavor mean the opening from UO on the steam plattform?
    Mesanna: no
    Mesanna: no
    Mesanna: no
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,628
    Bilbo said:

    Albertus Magnus: Does the biggest and boldest endeavor mean the opening from UO on the steam plattform?
    Mesanna: no

    Why didn't she expand on that when she had the chance?  Coulda said that UO is planning to go or it is not planning to go.  Whether it is part of biggest and boldest or not.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    What you don't understand the meaning of the word NO.  UO IS NOT GOING TO STEAM.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,628
    edited April 2020
    She said the biggest and boldist is not UO going to Steam.  She did not say UO will never go to steam.

    But looking at the type of games EA sent to Steam gives me the impression that UO will not make the cut.

    And all it would mean is UO could be bought from the steam platform. There hundreds of games it would be mixed in with.  People would have to search for it.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,395Moderator
    Pawain said:
    Bilbo said:

    Albertus Magnus: Does the biggest and boldest endeavor mean the opening from UO on the steam plattform?
    Mesanna: no

    Why didn't she expand on that when she had the chance?  Coulda said that UO is planning to go or it is not planning to go.  Whether it is part of biggest and boldest or not.

    The full answer to that question was:

    Mesanna: no

    Mesanna: when everyting is planned out we will reveal

    Mesanna: until then we are keeping it under wraps

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,628
    edited April 2020
    Yes the whole answer does make it clear at all.  Since if UO is going to Steam she would not tell us anyway...

    Not talking about Steam now:

    They gave us the map, at the 20th anniv party, of Rising Tide.  Now that something new is coming for 2020 why not give us a map? 

    I feel that would keep some of the returning players we have now. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • DasilvaDasilva Posts: 98
    edited April 2020
    Newsflash the ec client basically has scripting already included in it the cc is where most of the third party programs are used but the ec script system limited to 10x this couldnt be further from the truth. You can EASILY set ec up to repeat a legit legal IN GAME macro to cycle for a hell of a lot more than 10x please do more research before spreading this kind of misinformation the reality is the enhanced client is light years ahead of the old enhanced client ppl so love 

    Oh and you want to know how to increase new player retention? Its simple bridge the gap separating a new/returning player from those players that have been here for 20 years, newsflash all of the recent changes l have seen since I came back a year ago do the exact opposite. Yes the changes hinder the old time player to an extent for example the removal of blackthornes recently BUT for the most part the new players are being discouraged from staying in a game that has such a huge generation gap.

    When I came back a year ago I played for about a month and the difference as a returning was tremendous the returning player experience for me was terrible everyone I had ever known or remembered was gone and napa was so dead I was able to place a castle the first day I came back I wandered the server for a month till I randomly met a lie guild member. That showed me there is still some life left on napa but to be honest I had 1 foot out the door.

    If your wondering about the generation gap between a new or returning players gear versus what is out there now hell most returning Ayers barely know what lrc is THIS gap is what is really hurting UO, I can sit here and point out TONS of advantages the old player has that can easily discourage a new player from staying 
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