WARNING: 'Owned By ...' Items

usernameusername Posts: 1,023
edited March 2020 in General Discussions
Logged in today to see my Slither in my backpack. Odd, it used to dequip years ago but a patch went in a while back and it always had stayed equipped. Went to put it back on and 'you are not the owner!' and it disappeared. Great game. 

I will add: I was not the owner on the Slither but I have been able to equip and wear it for what the last 10 years? Lol.
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I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.


  • MordredMordred Posts: 102
    yes, something happened!
    Owned by Items, is supposed to be Blessed for that owner Only but anyone can use, something happened and now is not allowing anyone to use other than the owner, I paged a GM and he said as usual "sorry i cant do anything about"

    Please @Kyronix ; and @Mesanna ; - something that was not broken, now after the patch is!
    What can we do? GM said pretty much "sorry"

  • TimTim Posts: 839
    Just wondering where you got the quote from I couldn't find anything on the official UO Wiki?

    Regardless I actually think usable by only the owner is the way it should work.
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,023
    Tim said:
    Regardless I actually think usable by only the owner is the way it should work.
    Regardless what you think the Devs have stated numerous times over the years that's NOT how they should work.
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    what the hell cant wear my cameo either today
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    we should be able to insure it
  • Having this issue with a Soldier's Tally.  My wife's character originally used it, but then she switched templates and my Disco Archer is (was?) using it.  If nothing else, have some mechanism to 'un-own' The talisman.
  • Tim said:
    Regardless I actually think usable by only the owner is the way it should work.
    Which is great, but to make a change of this magnitude that 1) Has not be in place for years and 2) Without any prior notification is poor at best. 

     And just out of curiosity why do you think that is the way it should work?  It's not like you can't insure them if they are not blessed.  If tally's were all cursed by design, I get it, but owned-by saves a little bit on insurance costs and that's it.  I have two characters that share a cameo because I can't afford more than one, that's a real shafting for anyone who does that and for what because they had the unfortunate luck of getting a tally that was owned-by?  That seems like a deterrent rather than a cool add-on and I suspect the original intent was cool add-on.
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    Tim said:
    Regardless I actually think usable by only the owner is the way it should work.
    Which is great, but to make a change of this magnitude that 1) Has not be in place for years and 2) Without any prior notification is poor at best. 

     And just out of curiosity why do you think that is the way it should work?  It's not like you can't insure them if they are not blessed.  If tally's were all cursed by design, I get it, but owned-by saves a little bit on insurance costs and that's it.  I have two characters that share a cameo because I can't afford more than one, that's a real shafting for anyone who does that and for what because they had the unfortunate luck of getting a tally that was owned-by?  That seems like a deterrent rather than a cool add-on and I suspect the original intent was cool add-on.
    Because that is MY opinion. You may disagree but I think that only the user being able to use it a reasonable trade off. As a mater of fact I assumed it worked that way until I tried it and found out otherwise. Cursed, Brittle and all the rest don't make an item useless they just counter balance the plusses it may have. Back when it was introduced not having to pay Insurance was a big thing but since cost hasn't kept up with inflation, not so much now.

    As to what was intended when it was first introduced, that was my question. The article quoted was from a player wiki not an official UO source. Can anyone point to something UO (Broadsword or EA) said that was the way it was intended to work? Until some one can I will assume it is just a mater of a long standing bug that just got to the top of the to do list. 

    As for why no notification I would guess they like me assumed it was just minor house keeping not realizing it would really be a big thing to anyone. Sorry.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Tim said:

    As to what was intended when it was first introduced, that was my question. The article quoted was from a player wiki not an official UO source. Can anyone point to something UO (Broadsword or EA) said that was the way it was intended to work? Until some one can I will assume it is just a mater of a long standing bug that just got to the top of the to do list. 

    As for why no notification I would guess they like me assumed it was just minor house keeping not realizing it would really be a big thing to anyone. Sorry.
    I doubt the Devs knew this was going to happen or it should have been announced.  Most likely an unintended consequence of changing code.  These have been sold for over 100M.  I dont have one IMO it should be changed back or all of them reset so the owner can place them on the character they want them on.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,023
    Tim said:

    Can anyone point to something UO (Broadsword or EA) said that was the way it was intended to work? Until some one can I will assume it is just a mater of a long standing bug that just got to the top of the to do list. 

    As something that's been in the game for 20 years, and has been changed to be more friendly (not being dequipped when log in if you're not the owner), the onus would be on you to find where it would say otherwise, not the other way around my friend.
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • GabrielGabriel Posts: 2
    I used to my Cameo normally and out of nowhere no longer equip it.
    Unfair. Because there are items of high value. 
  • Tim said:
    Back when it was introduced not having to pay Insurance was a big thing but since cost hasn't kept up with inflation, not so much now.
    Not so much ever...  considering it's like 214 gold to Insure the Soldier's Talisman.  I've played this game since day one... MAYBE the first couple years 214 gold took more than a single kill to generate, but if I recall correctly talisman's were introduced around Mondain's Legacy (2005) at which point 214 gold was easily made. 

    I never said you weren't entitled to believe what YOU want, I was just curious of your reasoning; additionally,  I didn't say cursed/brittle/etc was bad, I said it doesn't make sense that owned-by was intended to be a detriment as opposed to a supplement. When you can get the same item in a multi-equip version why would you want an a version that is only equippable by a single character?  That doesn't make sense, because saving 214 gold in insurance doesn't really 'balance out' the plus of having a character restriction on an item.  If the owned-by bumped the stats of an item or had some other plus to offset that, then cool, but it doesn't, once again leading me to believe to original intent, combined with the rarity surrounding owned-by talismans was for it to be a supplement and having a restriction is really not a supplement that is offset by a 214 gold savings.

    As far as your assumption we'll find out if they return it back to multi-equip.
  • Did anybody checked items with personal bless deeds? Does this also happen?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited March 2020
    Did anybody checked items with personal bless deeds? Does this also happen?
    PBD still work.  That would really suck if those became toon bound.  I have many that came from toons that were deleted.  I deleted a bunch to get more Tabards recently.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MordredMordred Posts: 102
    can we pls get an answer??? @Kyronix or @Bleak ; @Mariah
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    "Which is great, but to make a change of this magnitude that 1) Has not be in place for years and 2) Without any prior notification is poor at best. "

    That's how this team rolls LOL.
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    The answer is it is not intended atm.
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    It may be intended later lol
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    "Which is great, but to make a change of this magnitude that 1) Has not be in place for years and 2) Without any prior notification is poor at best. "

    That's how this team rolls LOL.

    My interpretation of
    We are investigating the issue.

    means the change was unintended, isn't yours?
  • MordredMordred Posts: 102
    @Mariah the reason people get all "Mad" is because We are the ones playing the game everyday and than all of sudden after a major patch few things goes wrong and broken and we come here to ask questions and something like this, that affect many of us, would be very "Nice" from the team to address the Issue on the MAIN page and say , Something went wrong with the Owned by Items and We are looking into, instead something been buried on the bug section. It is just common sense, if something been reported by the players on the Main General Channel, like this one, would be nice to hear from them instead of having people on panic mode.
  • MordredMordred Posts: 102
    so let me help a bit!

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Mordred said:
    @ Mariah the reason people get all "Mad" is because We are the ones playing the game everyday and than all of sudden after a major patch few things goes wrong and broken and we come here to ask questions and something like this, that affect many of us, would be very "Nice" from the team to address the Issue on the MAIN page and say , Something went wrong with the Owned by Items and We are looking into, instead something been buried on the bug section. It is just common sense, if something been reported by the players on the Main General Channel, like this one, would be nice to hear from them instead of having people on panic mode.
    PANIC MODE with all the shit going on in the world you are going to use this to go into PANIC MODE, some people really do need to get a real life if this is what it takes to send you over the top.  I and many others play this game for fun and to relax and have real lives that are a whole lot more stressful than this game.  Just maybe the Devs and Mods have the same things that almost all of us have going on in the REAL world and they are doing their best to keep this going so we have a distraction.  Give it a rest people. 
  • MordredMordred Posts: 102
    @Bilbo. Give a rest???
    I could write down a novel answer to you.
    Give a rest? With the stay at home situation, most of people are home, most people playing, most of us asked the Devs to delay this major patch, to test everything, no, everything was rushed, quite few things broke, and maybe you dont realize, but a lot of people have those cameos and slithers and others that they probably bought for a lot of gold and now they cant use, i am only complaining for the Lack of communication, Mariah said that the Devs look at the posts and most the time dont answer, i just think that for some issues like this They Should Address, not everybody go to bug forum , not everybody come to this forum or the other, that is my point..... Give a Rest......pftttttt.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    Perhaps you would find it helpful to us the same link I do?
    I use this link to avoid missing information:

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @Mordred LMAO Get a clue GROW UP 
  • Pawain said:

    Did anybody checked items with personal bless deeds? Does this also happen?
    PBD still work.  That would really suck if those became toon bound.  I have many that came from toons that were deleted.  I deleted a bunch to get more Tabards recently.

    I found it on my own way. I took a luck suit from another char. He has one part blessed with pdb. After resurrection I found the sandals with the pdb in the corpse or better after double click the corpse , they I wear them again.
    Damned mobile editor....
  • MordredMordred Posts: 102
    Misk Posts: 22Dev
    This was an unintended result from allowing talisman to be equipped on Mannequins.  It has since been resolved.

    @Kyronix and @Misk 
    NOT been resolved
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    To clarify this has not been pushed to the shards yet.  Please keep an eye on UO.com for deployment.
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