One of the first upcoming changes we would like to discuss is about IDOC houses.
We have heard a great deal of feedback regarding IDOCs and would like to share the following changes that will be coming in Publish 108,
We have heard a great deal of feedback regarding IDOCs and would like to share the following changes that will be coming in Publish 108,
• The current decay state of the house will no longer be displayed on the house sign.
• The house owner will receive a message when stepping onto the steps of the house as to the current decay status of the house.
(The House is Going IDOC, because 90% the time the player is NOT playing or the account is Inactive, so How the heck the owner will get a message when he step on the steps? , also, Current system, when the house start staging, the co owner list and friend list is erased, so How can you help save someones house?
(The House is Going IDOC, because 90% the time the player is NOT playing or the account is Inactive, so How the heck the owner will get a message when he step on the steps? , also, Current system, when the house start staging, the co owner list and friend list is erased, so How can you help save someones house?

This discussion has been closed.
90% of All the Idocs are because the Owner of the account is NOT active, therefore his house will go Idoc after 90 days, so How is that the The house owner will receive a message when stepping onto the steps of the house as to the current decay status of the house. when his account is not even active? and how the co-owners are friends of the house will let him know that his house is staging? if the list get cleared too??
this would be the best thing , but I dont think they have that option available! to account mgmt system is a mess as it is!!
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
as far as the changes, really dont affect me at all, and DO trust me on that, The changes will only make alot of people not going to Idocs anymore!.
@Lynk you are confusing me with the idocguyperson, all my accounts are paid!
I can care less for the changes TBH.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
5 years ago. "Hey Devs, people script at idocs, help us!"
Devs: "You got it! Idocs will only fall at 5, 10 or 15h mark now. So regular players have to spend all day at an idoc to have a chance, whereas scripters can show up at exact moment it falls. Genius!"
Today: "Hey Devs, we've been telling you for 5 years the 5/10/15 system sucks. It only helps scripters. (Oh, and lots of other things about idocs suck too and need addressed…).”
Devs: "You got it! House signs will no more show decay. (That way those scripters automatically scouring the land 24/7 looking for fallen houses will be able to loot them all, while regular players no longer get to participate).
Players seeing the signs is important. A lot of players still pay for accounts but don't play often, losing a house and it's valued contents can be so demoralizing that those players never return.
Also, if you don't think disabling the signs evens the playing field, you are wrong. Professional idocers will just use more botted ej accounts to scour the land.
I've estimated that an army of 24 botted ej accounts can check on every house on a shard every 8 minutes if they can not read the IDOC status from the house sign.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.