How to make money now

monkgamermonkgamer Posts: 100
edited January 2020 in General Discussions
i am unsure how to make the millions i need to buy power scrolls and gear.

Its a pretty daunting task, considering some cost like 50 mil.

I really can't stand this system, where only certain people get to continue to advance their characters, its one of the changes that made me leave Uo in the first place. Actually, I am very suprised that Broadsword  hasn't changed a lot of the dumb ideas that were implemented before that clearly destroyed the game.

But, whatever, I am here now and will play the how the system is, so please offer some ideas.

I hit up rotting corpses and devourer of souls but I wasn't really making a lot of gold that way.



  • FreelsyFreelsy Posts: 70
    Play on Siege Perilous... where the economy has not been massively inflated. The best 120s only sell for 5-10mill.
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    What shard do you play? Many people will help with scrolls, you just have to ask around! As for gold, do you do the EM events? Lots of folks pay silly amounts for the drops. Good luck and welcome back!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Play on Test Center and you can have everything.  Since thats what you think UO is about.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • monkgamermonkgamer Posts: 100
    Hi there, thanks for the answers.

    Siege Perilous,, I hate the upkeep there and 5 to 10 mil is still hard to come by I do not even know how to make that much. I have 650k now to my name which was all I made before doign swoop for a few months when I played last. poor swoop is nerfed now so not sure what to do.

    I play on Legends. I just started playing again after a lot of years, so I never did an EM, it looks liek i missed legends last one jan 25th, but i will certainly do the next! looks fun too!

  • monkgamermonkgamer Posts: 100
    Pawain said:
    Play on Test Center and you can have everything.  Since thats what you think UO is about.

    Uh, UO is abotu whatever one wants it to be about. I didn't know wanting the skills and gear to play end game content was bad? 

    At any rate, i won't argue about this, I argued plenty about UO back in the day and its not worth fighting over. i just want to have fun and do the things I was never able to do before.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    monkgamer said:
    Pawain said:
    Play on Test Center and you can have everything.  Since thats what you think UO is about.

    Uh, UO is abotu whatever one wants it to be about. I didn't know wanting the skills and gear to play end game content was bad? 

    At any rate, i won't argue about this, I argued plenty about UO back in the day and its not worth fighting over. i just want to have fun and do the things I was never able to do before.

    We take Players that are fresh returners to Peerless hunts and everything we do. 

    Help kill 1 Corgul or Scalis with a group and wait till the corpse goes public and you are guaranteed a Mage suit with all 70s rsist,100 LRC, 40LMC, and 20+ mana regen.  Some pieces may be Antique or Cursed.  Kill 2 more with a group and you can replace those.
    I would say he roof also but you have to loot fast.

    You can do more things with a mage tamer than you could with any toon when we wore minor arti Crap.

    More Play less whine.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • monkgamermonkgamer Posts: 100
    That sounds fun. I am on Legends, not sure if there are any groups like yours.

    Also I do not think I am whining, I merely just asking how i can make a lot of gold lol
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    The question is the problem.  You sound greedy.

    If you asked how you can have a lot of fun, you get better answers.

    A 100 skill Mage Tamer will do fine with a basic disposable 100 skill pet.  You can start a fresh toon on any shard and increase the mage skills first.  Look at the Shard Forums Weekly Events are posted there.

    LS does Community Events 3 nights a week. We do yell out in chat events nightly that go along with the current game events.  Right now we are doing Shrine Battles.  We run 3 battles at one shrine to get Tabards for any skill player who wants one.

    There are enough who have Shard Shields to move your items around as needed.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • jadavjadav Posts: 25
    Start to trade, VS/gen chat is you're friend, and you don't need any power scrolls or pets to do it.
  • monkgamermonkgamer Posts: 100
    I won't be baited, sorry. making gold is part of the game.

    Can anyone let me know which areas are best to make the millions of gold need to earn myself what I need for my characters?

    Thank you

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Gold is for buying Deco. The things you need for characters are found by playing or crafting.

    Bye Bye  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • monkgamermonkgamer Posts: 100
    jadav said:
    Start to trade, VS/gen chat is you're friend, and you don't need any power scrolls or pets to do it.

    Hi Jadav,

    What do you mean by trade?
  • monkgamermonkgamer Posts: 100
    edited January 2020
    Pawain said:
    Gold is for buying Deco. The things you need for characters are found by playing or crafting.

    Bye Bye  

    Well, maybe I want deco and a castle? I have no issues with you or your opinions I'm just not sure what to say to someone like you lol

    In the long run, yea getting those drops by playing is cool, and I do see your point in that regard. I just see the cost of many things very high and that means odds to get them are very high and I been down that road before farming for items and NEVER getting the drop.

    I'd like to do a mixture of both, get some drops, buy other things like power scrolls cause I hate champ spawns, I never get anything I need.

  • jadavjadav Posts: 25
    monkgamer said:
    jadav said:
    Start to trade, VS/gen chat is you're friend, and you don't need any power scrolls or pets to do it.

    Hi Jadav,

    What do you mean by trade?

    You buy an item cheap, then you put the item on your vendor with a profit.

  • GraceGrace Posts: 149
    I agree with Pawain, except need gold for powerscrolls and stat scrolls if you don't want to partake in pvp. You may not get 120 scrolls for a while, but you can save up pretty quickly to get 110's and
    be just fine for most content.

    Castle? Not one in my cards likely ever and am okay with that. But if that is your goal, just remember it won't happen overnite!

    Most importantly, have fun with a character you enjoy playing. The gold will come and it won't feel like a grind if you are enjoying what you are doing to slowly, but surely, get better and better gear.

    Also stay on top of what is currently happening in the game where people are grouping up so you can do higher end content.
  • Pawain said:
    The question is the problem.  You sound greedy.
    Pawain, there's no need to insult a person just returning to the game after 12 years. Asking how to make gold now is a legitimate question. As is now, with 650k Gold, he basically has just enough to cover insurance.
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    Pawain, end it. You are being a ass. You must have history with this guy. I thought you tried to help new folks. Lets encourage, not troll, for post counts.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited January 2020
    So telling the guy to find a group and go loot equipment is being mean.  Soon the group can do some Tram spawns or turtle spawns. They will let him take the gold.  Looting the things I mentioned will cost 0 Gold. And he will relearn how to fight and stay alive until he has confidence to go out on his own.

    Not sorry for providing a way to enjoy the game and Gold will come naturally.

    Paint me Mean and Insulting.  >:)
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • monkgamermonkgamer Posts: 100
    Thank  you fall for the continued suggestions. I am not trying to sound like I want it all right now, with no work and that I want millions just to have it as some type of score. 

    I want to experience the many things I never did because i skipped it, or wasn't around for it, or simply did not have the character to do so. When I looked into tamers and sampires, the cost of powerscrolls etc blew my mind, and the cost of sampire suits etc. 

    I know I can get them myself and that is what Pawain is saying, group up and those things will come...of course, he wasn't to clear about that nor communicated it very tactically lol

    I do want a nice chunk of change as well to cover insurance, and everyday costs and to get a house because i know the bank is not enough storage, and to do this it still takes I was curious how I could grind out gold to do that and get powerscrolls.

    I will definately take the advice here, group hunt, do EM events, etc, as these are solid recommendations to get to the millions I need in the bank. I will also start with cheaper powerscrolls like 110 115.

    I had thought that the enemies were beafed up and I need 120 skill in taming and sampire etc to compete, which is why I panicked when I saw the prices lol

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited January 2020
    For a pet:
    You do not need high scrolls to start.  Others will give you 105s or 110s after you play a while and show you interested in returning.  Tame a Cu and that will work fine for you with or without scrolls.

    You need to find a group to play with if that interests you.  Your time of day matters and your shard matters.  Take your time and find a shard to settle on.

    Then you can play and have fun while building your skills and techniques so you can get those 120s for your toon.  Then Gold will follow.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • monkgamermonkgamer Posts: 100
    Thanks for the clarification Pawain, that makes a lot of sense. 
  • PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 645
    edited January 2020
    Pawain said:
    So telling the guy to find a group and go loot equipment is being mean.  Soon the group can do some Tram spawns or turtle spawns. They will let him take the gold.  Looting the things I mentioned will cost 0 Gold. And he will relearn how to fight and stay alive until he has confidence to go out on his own.

    Hence why i mentioned to him in another thread that the guild i'm in on Atlantic, UWF, frequently does a wide variety of PvM content as a group, which is content that he's expressing interest in. On lesser populated shards, it can be very difficult to regularly find a group for PvM content. Tomorrow i'll be running Blackthorn's Captains as the Guild Hunt (i'll provide the Fellowship Coin for members to enter there). Past three weeks, the hunts i've hosted were Lady Mel x6, Corgul followed by Dragon Turtle, and Khal Ankur.

    We basically do virtually all PvM content. Peerlesses, Champs (Tram based), Corgul, Osiredon (Scalis), Charybdis, Exodus, Shadowlords, Zipactriotl, Slasher of Veils, Void Pool, Blackthorn's Captains, etc.
    We'll do the Shadowguard Roof as an impromptu hunt, rather than an official one, due to how difficult some of the rooms get with too many people. I've seen 20+ guildies show up for the Osiredon hunt frequently, that many people would be a nightmare to do Fountain with.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited January 2020
    Not on LS did 3 Dreads now we at Mel:
    This was Community Hunt. 

    Next ill try to get another Tabard.  Im deleting toons and making new ones to get more.

    None of this will get you gold.  Just fun.
    temp.bmp 378.5K
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • monkgamermonkgamer Posts: 100
    I'll probably use a character i have with low skills on atlantic to make my tamer, but not quite sure yet. it seems grouping will be important to be able to experience a lot of the stuff. Legends, I am not so sure has guilds that do this, at least not the time i play
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Grouping up with @PlayerSkillFTW on Atlantic will get your playing skills back. Then you may find a shard you like once you know what players are doing now.

    I just transfered a Toon there to make room for another Tabard.  I wish I knew earlier, I coulda brought a suit for you.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • FreelsyFreelsy Posts: 70
    I know you don't want to make a character on Siege, but it's probably one of the easiest ways to make money on Prodo. Make a simple tamer with hide/stealth and kill monsters that drop a decent amount of gold with a high spawn rate... Off the top of my head, Thrasher comes to mind. Thrashers have low hit points, and they drop around 1.5k gold and have a near immediate respawn. You can easily kill 3 or 4 per minute, if not more. That's roughly 300k per hour. Do it for 3 hours and you've made a mil. Now transfer that off siege to prodo at 30:1 and you've made 30mil for 3 hours of work.

    Another monster that comes to mind is Miasma. Again, a very fast respawn and I believe he drops around 2200 gold per kill. Some Miasma's have a larger health pool, but on average they die in a few bites from a well trained pet. They also drop treasure maps which can sell for 50k or so gold. Again, you'll be making money quickly with this method.

    For both options you don't need a fancy suit. All you need are bags of sending and translocation powder. But with the amount of money you'll accrue, that won't be an issue. A simple bonded trained lesser hiryu or cu sidhe works just fine. Only thing you'll have to worry about is the occasional PK'er... but like I said, your suits are cheap and easy to restock. Find a few places to mix up your farming and you'll likely never be touched by a pvp'er.

    The longest part will be training a tamer. But due to Siege's unique Rate over Time skill gain system, once you hit 70 in a skill it's easy to raise. Combine with alacrities and you can max out a character in a few days.

    Good luck!
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    @Kyronix , @Bleak , @Mesanna , have you read this OP ?

    This is a MAJOR issue for new or returning players.....

    Being able to cover the gap with existing players and being able to afford the ridicolous prices of many items....

    Are you aware that Enchantress Cameos sell close if not over 200 Millions UO gold ?

    Or that 120 Tactics, Anatomy, Resisting Spells, Magery and others as well cost 20, 30, 40 and even 50 Millions UO gold ?

    Of course that, while a very limited number of new or returning players might endure and find a way to get them or the gold to buy them, MOST new or returning players get burnt out by the amount of grinding that they have to go through in order to be able to develop their Template and give it a competitive suit....

    Not to mention, the gold it can cost to scroll up pets for Tamers.....

    The issue is not just to attract a new or returning player to get interest in Ultima Online, but ALSO, and most importantly, I would imagine, to have this interest for Ultima Online be a lasting one, and not end up shortly after they download the Client because they feel overwhelmed by the difficulties in "catching up" with existing players....

    Perhaps, just perhaps, giving to Crafting a sound and REAL revamp whereas Crafting items CAN be made as strong and as powerfull as Legendaries and Artifact drops, could give to these new and returning players a better alternative to actually want to stay and keep playing Ultima Online because, at least, through Crafting they CAN catch up with existing players and make themselves what they want /need rather then have to pay exorbitant prices to get them which means countless hours of mindless grinds to get that gold.....

    While some might endure through countless hours, days, weeks of mindless grinds, many do not stand it and just quit.

    So, is my humble opinion, if we want players to actually stay with Ultima Online, we should think about offering them a gameplay that CUTS on grinding gameplay, not promotes it....

    That is at least my opinion of it.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    @popps.  I have played this game without a break since October 2000. My characters own precisely ZERO cameos.  I don't need them. New players don't need them. Going on about how much you think new players need to 'compete' will only put them off.

    UO is NOT a competition. You don't need to compete, you only need to be able to enjoy your playing experience. 

    I would like to suggest that @monkgamer also train up a treasure hunter. Gold is quite plentiful, even in low level chests, maps are easily obtainable through the hag's quest and eventually the player will be able to get his own 110 power scrolls from Felucca cache chests if he does the quest from the hag in Fel. Also most of my characters' suits are a mixture of crafted, imbued items and pieces looted from treasure chests.  UO doesn't NEED to cost uber prices. I have never had more than 200 million over my entire group of characters and I never expect to reach the dizzy heights of having a 'platinum'. 

    I don't 'grind' anything in UO.  UO is not a RACE either. I do no activity for more than an hour, then I break off and do something different. If that means it takes me longer to reach my goal, what does it matter? It's my leisure time, I have no need to hurry. 

    Relax. Chill. Enjoy the game for what it is. Which is neither a race nor a competition.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Every single one of us started with an agenda and 1k gold. When powerscrolls were first introduced people had to earn them with unscrolled characters. It can and has been done. 

    The game isn't designed for new and returning players to jump straight to end game content. It takes time. 
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216

    UO is NOT a competition. You don't need to compete, you only need to be able to enjoy your playing experience. 



    And it is so sad that so many people don't get this Basic Truth.
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