The Trinsic National Handwriting Test

MargeMarge Posts: 722
       This Thursday the 23rd of January Governor Phoenix of Trinsic welcomes all to come celebrate National Handwriting Day by taking a handwriting test. The test will be held at 8:30pm EST at the Keg and Anchor Tavern. (If you need directions, I'm sure NANOC knows the way.) If you think your handwriting is too messy to pass the test, I'm pretty sure it will look better after a few drinks.
      If you do not wish to take the test, you are still welcome to come and enjoy the company. Hope to see you all Thursday.

Secretary Marge
now the "inboluntarie wurker sekratarie" for all


  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
            Lady Phoenix, Governor of Trinsic, would like to thank all that came out tonight for the handwriting contest. All participants were given a book with 12 clues. The players had to find where in all of Sosaria those words were written.
            GOBLINZ WINZ!! (The things I say to stop Sweetz from peeing in my bed!) Technically, the little endless streamers tied.
    First Place with 8 points was Zoogi and Golden Goose.
    Second Place with 6 points was Sweetpeez and James
    Third Place was Greenleaf

    Honorable Mentions:
    Crazy Diamond with 3 points
    NANOC with 1 point
    Grobschmider with 1 point for spelling his name right (we think at least ....)

    Secretary Marge
    now the "inboluntarie wurker sekratarie" for all

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