Please stop the BT loophole.

For some time now, BT have been massively scripted due to captains not having any spawn around them.All the BT items have been dropped by 50-75% in price.
BT CC, luck 140 robes can now be acquired for around 14mill on atl.
When the shrine event stops, or the loophole will be closed, the damage impact is huge.
No one will farm in BT, due to devalued items, same goes for peerlesses where the only reward more or less is the hair dyers.
So please dear DEVS, stop this madness.



  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,725
    Where you see cheap epaulete carbs?

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • jadavjadav Posts: 25
    Pawain said:
    Where you see cheap epaulete carbs?


    I bought like 10 BT CCs, and 10 BTs luck robes for 14m-14.5m a piece,
    People are doing this, and try to resell them for 20ish
  • Sorry your vendor business has slowed due to this but on Cats we are all working together and running Blackthorn's to give the casual or weaker players a chance to get these items that are either unaffordable or literally unattainable for these players.
  • jadavjadav Posts: 25
    Here is a picture

  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,725
    edited January 2020
    A lot of players have just fought captains for the first time in Shrine Battles.

    Maybe players are taking that to Blackthorns.  They put anti afk coding in a long time ago.  
    If these are just appearing they are from players doing what Lord Bytor said.

    The items in that search are ugly anyway.  Like I said where are the Luck Epaulets for 18M?

    You noticed the price drop and bought a bunch and now you want to sell them for more so you are asking the developers to "fix" your issue?   :D
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Blackthorns is alive after years of being empty.  Those captains are still deadly and people are fighting the content.  I have never seen anyone,  nor could I imaging, anyone scripting in Bkackthorn’s Captain pods.  The chance to earn items that are useful for ones character development is a great step in the right direction.  I would go the other direction and say, “Bravo!” to the devs for making once dead content relevant and fun again.  I have been there every night this week and hope to continue until the end of the event.  Every item I earn goes on a character that has been in dire need of equipment upgrades for robes, aprons and sashes.  My hope is that this becomes a permanent drop rate.  It still takes a fair amount of time (and deaths) to walk away with 100 minax arties.  
  • jadavjadav Posts: 25
    Sorry your vendor business has slowed due to this but on Cats we are all working together and running Blackthorn's to give the casual or weaker players a chance to get these items that are either unaffordable or literally unattainable for these players.

    Actually it's the other way around, my income has never been better :)
    You're not really seeing the greater picture like most in here, including the DEVS.
  • jadavjadav Posts: 25
    Pawain said:
    A lot of players have just fought captains for the first time in Shrine Battles.

    Maybe players are taking that to Blackthorns.  They put anti afk coding in a long time ago.  
    If these are just appearing they are from players doing what Lord Bytor said.

    The items in that search are ugly anyway.  Like I said where are the Luck Epaulets for 18M?

    You noticed the price drop and bought a bunch and now you want to sell them for more so you are asking the developers to "fix" your issue?   :D

    Has been going on for weeks, not something i just saw by accident.
    I just grabbed 1 luck Epaulet on VS for 14mill on atl, with a few m&s helmet for 7 mill a pop.
    Wanna buy it ?

    I've been reselling this shit for weeks, made a tons of gold on it.
    The economic chain has been broken, and yes i have been exploiting it, but that doesn't make it right.
    And no i didn't do anything illegal, all i used was game knowledge, VS, and a vendor.
    Dont forget the man with the most gold always wins.

    imho i think a BT version of m&s glasses should cost more than the original, since its a better item, atm thats not the case.
    Same goes for the "original" CC, the BT version should cost more, else it renders peerless encounters meaningless (witch they kinda already were, due to vvv cc's etc etc)

    It's not really my issue to be fixed, because i make gold regardless, as a wise man would say i see opportunities.
    Personally i think it's an unfair change to all the people who enjoy peerlesses, and all those who did the "old" BT, spending countless hours Acquiring  those items, and now they are devaluated
    with 75%.
    I kinda explained that in my 1st post :)
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,440
    What do you mean, exactly, by the captains not having any spawn around them?  On Europa, at least, the captains are exactly as normal, yellow until you defeat the surrounding spawn.  I gave up on the idea of building my submitted minax artifact total from 70 to my desired 100 because I couldn't get near the spawn because of 3 yellow captains at the entrance. I just looked, exactly the same city is still active, so no one else on Europa has done it either.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,273
    Isn't there some new player package that gives 100 points for blackthorn? 

    Its more believable the market is flooded with store items for gold than farmed. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,725
    Urge said:
    Isn't there some new player package that gives 100 points for blackthorn? 

    Its more believable the market is flooded with store items for gold than farmed. 
    Yes The EJ pack.  And those were half price during December. So using that logic the 100 BT points value was cut in half so the BT items should also cut in half until they cycle out of the market.
    Epaulettes with luck are 20M and up.  10 bucks divided between all the things you got from the EJ pack makes 20M and lower a logical price.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • jadavjadav Posts: 25
    What do you mean, exactly, by the captains not having any spawn around them?  On Europa, at least, the captains are exactly as normal, yellow until you defeat the surrounding spawn.  I gave up on the idea of building my submitted minax artifact total from 70 to my desired 100 because I couldn't get near the spawn because of 3 yellow captains at the entrance. I just looked, exactly the same city is still active, so no one else on Europa has done it either.

    If you goto captain area in BT dungeon (u need 1 fellowship coin to enter (one time investment))
    You locate the captains, and there is no spawn. It's also in the patch notes, in a cryptic form.

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,440
    edited January 2020
    Yes, I worked it out thanks, I was on the wrong facet. I have previously done all my blackthorn dungeon hunting in Fel, where it wasn't camped.
    Fel captains are still yellow with surrounding spawn.
  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    It's not about the spawn, it's about the drop rate. It used to be 2 minax artifacts per captain. 
  • GraceGrace Posts: 148
    I had not done this spawn in years since I could only get a drop if the sampire that was tanking would be kind enough to give me one of his for healing him. Otherwise I only got the single drop from the lighthouse after helping kill all the spawn and the captains.

    Did one captain by myself early this morning and only got one drop? No one else was there. Not complaining at all, but if you solo it maybe you only get one?

    Later on I went back and there was a handful of people and sometimes I got one drop, sometimes two or three.

    There are still many deaths involved indeed! But now it is not impossible, just good ole exciting fun and challenging!

    This is a great change and I hope it stays for awhile!

    Feels great to earn your prize instead of having to buy it!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,725
    Yes many players have only tried Captains and died instantly over and over.  Now they know they can take some friends and have some fun.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,054
    edited January 2020
    Removed. Thought better of posting.
  • usernameusername Posts: 789
    Great news! Now that the items are worthless maybe we can turn back on the minor spawn for us people that can't afford artifacts nor kill captains? 
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over 4 years and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • Soloed a few Captains earlier with my Macer/Paladin (Dragoon), and only got 1 Minax Artifact per Captain. Used to be a guaranteed 2.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,440
    I did 5 captains and got 6 drops with my paladin archer, so there is a slight element of randomness to it - but with no need to clear spawn to turn them red, surely while drops per captain might be less, the ratio of drops:time taken will be roughly the same?
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 409
    edited January 2020
    the issue has little to do with the spawn.

    before a captain held 1-3 artifacts.  total.
    now you get 1-3 for each character attacking.

    so before someone botting 10 accounts would still get max 3 items per captain.
    now that same captain produces up to 30 items from that same single kill.

    play 100 characters, up to 300 items per kill.

    so none of the bot farmers bothered using many account to farm before the change.  price was already driven to basically nothing by afking the lesser spawn. 

    the price is down simply because the number of items produced by captains was increased massively.  basically, the captains werent worth bot farming before.  now they are.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 148
    And now the BOTS won't bother so much if we, as regular players playing one account at a time, can earn our own drops and not have to buy from them.

    Sounds good!  
  • VioletViolet Posts: 393
    Maybe just maybe it's not all bots. 

    Maybe just maybe it's actual players, people who have never done blackthorns captains prior getting groups together and going down there nightly to get items. 

    Maybe the prices will drop to the point it's not to the botters benefit to even bother. 

     As the price tanks, it just means it's more accessible to more people and people can actually earn their own now as opposed to buying them.  The artifacts, when grouped, did not distribute evenly among group members before and not many specs/people could solo them.

    Maybe this was an intentional change by the devs and working as intended.

    Grouping being encouraged instead of discouraged.  You cannot continue to punish average players because of bots.

    People get upset when their income streams are disrupted, I say any change that helps level the playing field between players is a good change.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,725
    I like to see resellers suffer because players are getting their own items.  >:)
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • jadavjadav Posts: 25
    Pawain said:
    I like to see resellers suffer because players are getting their own items.  >:)

    What do you have against traders ?
    Traders are the players who makes sure you get good coin for the item(s) you hunt.
  • Blackthorn’s has become my guild’s favorite place to hunt for the last few weeks.  We fight together, we join forces with others from the shard, and we have fun!  This has been one of the best changes to the game in a while. Trust me, the Captains are still deadly.  We routine have to resurrect folks.

    I love that we can earn useful gear rather than wait for the RNG of a peerless to drop that crimson cincture in your back.  BT doesn’t have versions all of the latest artifacts, but it is great that it is reinvigorated.  I hope the Minax artifact drop rate remains like this forever.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,007
    Pawain said:
    I like to see resellers suffer because players are getting their own items.  >:)
    I am ALL in favour of prices dropping down, and a whole lot too....

    And why do I think so ?

    Because this helps out New and Returning players who can then AFFORD to purchase the items that they need to be competitive....

    The more the Developers' changes to Ultima Online bring prices of items down, THE BETTER to my opinion.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,440
    Are there really bots that do captains? I know they did the lower spawn, till there were measures put in place to stop them, that's why I used to hunt in Fel. But I've never seen any at the captains. Are they real, or are the a figment of the imagination of conspiracy theorists?
  • GraceGrace Posts: 148
    edited January 2020
    I have seen people multiclient down there. Once I figure out which ones are doing that their health bars and pets get dropped from me. That way I can concentrate on healing single players.

    Have also seen people sic their pet on a captain and hide then go get a sandwich or something and expect people to heal the pet.

    They get figured out quick but it really burns me when people do these things.

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