Double Giant beetle bug/exploit

ApillionApillion Posts: 3
When logging in for the first time and not mounted on giant beetle if I don't move the beetle and get mounted on it the game creates a 2nd beetle one that I am mounted on and one that I can control as per normal and my pet slots are still only 1/5 when I dismount 1 of the two finishes and beetle returns to normal.

I am using Enhanced client


  • Here is an image
     The bag that I have circled in red is the beetle's bag.
    and as you can see 1/5 pet slots used.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    There are situations where the pet duplicates itself.

    Only 1 is real. And you can easily lose the pet if you play around with that. 

    When it happens go to the stable and get off the pet you are riding and stable the pet.

    Happens to any mount.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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